Favorite Visually-beautiful films


We've gone on holiday by mistake
Hero-The amazing shots with thousands of extras. The Chinese government happily loans film makers the army.

Like every Micheal Mann film especially Last of the Mohicans. Shooting LA beautifully at night in Heat and Collateral.

Fellowship of the Ring-Shire, Rivendell, Moria, Lothlorian and all the sweeping shots of the Fellowship travelling through Middle Earth to the theme tune.


Rob Roy and Braveheart-the beautiful Scottish highlands shot in Ireland lol.


Hero-The amazing shots with thousands of extras. The Chinese government happily loans film makers the army.
Nice choice, wonderful use of colour in in the film.

If you want to achieve greatness, stop asking for permission
Obviously a mediocre film...but I loved the Baroque-inspired visuals:


"If we choose, we can live in a world of comforting illusion."
- Christopher Nolan

^ Yeah, film was rubbish for the most part, but as usual with the director, some of the visuals are stunning, mostly with the Gods in Immortals.

I don't know how many of you have seen Cairo Time but that movie was visually stunning. I've been to Cairo and it doesn't really look half as good as the movie made it out to be. The cinematography was just amazing.
Luc Montpellier, best known for winning Best Cinematagropher from Canada's Society Of Cinematagrophers for movie Emotional Arithmetic (2007 ), just took all the right shots from all the right angles and created a visually stunning film.

Sin City
Lord of the rings

Oh just floating about in my head... nah, I right clicked on one of the photos. And have now added it to my dvds to buy list, looks my kind of thing.

Watchmen and The Matrix films come to mind.
''If the rule you followed brought you to this, of what use was the rule?''

Finished here. It's been fun.
The Fall(2006)-this film is so beautiful. Incredible awe-inspiring visuals. Underrated Masterpiece

Blade Runner-beautiful, the final cut version is the best looking however

Dark City-se7en+matrix+blade runner=dark city.

Pan's Labyrinth-beautiful looking film as well. Incredibly well shot.

Sin City- I love this film's comic book/noir art style and visuals. This movie looks absolutely stunning.

And when I'm all alone I feel I don't wanna hide
Days of Heaven
Dersu Uzala
The New World
The Assassination of Jesse James
Eyes Wide Shut
Fanny and Alexander
The Night of the Hunter
Picnic at Hanging Rock
The Return
Blade Runner

... And that's just a few off the top of my head!

Well, I would say that I give extreme precedence of visuals. I think they may be one of the most important parts of the film, together with the score.

All Miyazaki's films are visually stunning for instance. Kurosawa's films as well. Tarkovsky's also, Kubrick's films since 1968 also. Only Ozu's films may not be that impressive visually among my top 5 directors.