The MoFo Voice Thread


I want Vicky to read something depressing. Maybe T.S. Eliot's The Wasteland. If not, she can what till Sunday and read the football results to me if she likes.
The Wasteland isn't going to work. It's not all in English.

So here's Edgar Allan Poe's Alone instead. I don't think I've ever read this poem before and I'm not thrilled with it, but oh well.

Poems, seriously? You guys are so pretentious!! Someone sing Black Betty or something.
you just want us to say "Camo, Camo, Camo".

You sound great . The rest of these guys sound like they're trying to sell me insurance or something.
who sounds great?

lol I had German in high school 30 years ago.. I have a small recording I just did of me speaking it..

its not bad but its not good

Also as Vicky is so desperate for me to post a message I have an offer for her. If she can convince Funny Face to do one than perhaps I will as well.
(And I have been trying to get Funny Face to post one.)

Me reading the beginning of "Photograph," by Andrea Gibson: