Donald Trump for President?


BTW, I think the charge is probably bogus, or at least, there likely isn't strong evidence for it.

But it's an old (and obvious) argumentative tactic to quietly ignore substantiated allegations, then get all ginned up over the flimsy ones. It's not far from a straw man: avoid the fights you can't win, make a big deal out of the ones you can.

So, you'll pop in to express outrage about unsubstantiated allegations, but you can't be bothered to address the empirically documented ones?

I'd list all the demonstrably bogus claims and conspiracies Trump has floated, but at this point I think it's obvious any unanswerable contradiction is going to be met with crickets.
If the board has gone down its because of posters like Nostro who wont talk openly or intelligently like a man. Instead he tries to create drama with an already volatile subject.

i don't think hillary should be doing these things either, but i think we can agree that this is nowhere near the level of the vitriol trump throws at the media. the daily mail situation just sounds like she wanted to prioritize US publications, which seems fair, and it sounds like it was supposed to be temporary from the start. that rope thing looks bad but it doesn't strike me as that big of a deal if she just would rather interact with normal civilians instead of the journalists. as far as i know this isn't a regular thing at her events. doesn't trump keep journalists in a pen off to the side at his rallies? in addition to telling his supporters to never trust a thing the media says about him, which is one of the most dangerous lasting effects his campaign might have.
I would say that 7 out of 10 new news stories I hear that I am googling that story from an opposing news source. It is almost always the only way that I can give myself a complete view that will allow me some perspective. If I don't do that then inevitably I end up with the very narrow view that that source wants me to have on the issue. This is because they know if we see the whole picture there are going to be some very grey areas they want us to ignore. Trump and I are certainly coming at this subject from different angles. However, not only would I not say the message of distrusting everything the media says is dangerous, I would actually say it is imperative if we are ever going to pull ourselves out of the dogmatic partisan mud pit that we are in right now.

I would say that 7 out of 10 new news stories I hear that I am googling that story from an opposing news source. It is almost always the only way that I can give myself a complete view that will allow me some perspective. If I don't do that then inevitably I end up with the very narrow view that that source wants me to have on the issue. This is because they know if we see the whole picture there are going to be some very grey areas they want us to ignore. Trump and I are certainly coming at this subject from different angles. However, not only would I not say the message of distrusting everything the media says is dangerous, I would actually say it is imperative if we are ever going to pull ourselves out of the dogmatic partisan mud pit that we are in right now.
Agreed. Closest most neutral news source on America is probably the BBC.

Not everything he has said or done is idiocy, but hes dismantled whatever point he couldve made with pompous execution, how hes gone about it.

I shudder to think as a President "how he'll go about it", because if anyone thinks he will change if he wins...... well, people thought hed get more polished by now too. He will not change, he is too lacking, and unwilling to learn.

Picture Sarah Palin as a hotel mogul - the end. Truly! She is even more qualified than Trump! Sarah Palin!!

This might be my last post about why Trump would be a horrible president, before we get to the elections. To me, Trump is dangerous, not for his political views, and not for his chronic lying, but because I believe he suffers from a serious mental/personality disorder and is not mentally fit to be president.

I'd rather a career politician like Hillary with all of her baggage win, than someone who truly needs to be seeing a psychiatrist.

I have many conservative political views (some liberal ones too)...but even if Trump claims to support some issues I care about, the man himself is not competent enough to lead a nation.

This last week confirmed what I said throughout the election regarding Yoda's double standard and bias

Yoda has not imposed himself on Hillary supporters in this final week and challenged them for backing the candidate who actually has a chance of being indicted on federal charges.

Definitely happy I didn't play his game and write research papers for him that he'd have just picked apart anyways. What a waste of time that would have been!

1. Hillary's flaws in no way, shape, or form, explain Trump's lies. There is literally no relationship between them. Me being a hypocrite would have no relationship to it either. Therefore, this is a deflection, not an answer.

2. There is no double standard, for reasons I've explained many times. You've just bizarrely refused to acknowledge any of them. And what's worse, some of the supposed evidence for it is actually the result of your own stonewalling.

3. I'm amazed you can complain that I'm "trying to make you look bad" while simultaneously responding to every question by calling me a hypocrite. It is manifestly you that wants to make people who disagree look bad. In fact, when confronted with things you can't answer, it seems to be your only response.

The proof reveals itself through your tone, you chose to challenge one set of supporters and let the others slide

That is literally false: I argued about Hillary's emails. It just didn't go on that long. Wanna know why? Because the other person admitted she was deceptive, and very little came to light after that. That's it.

On the other hand, Trump keeps saying and doing awful things, and more awful things are revealed about his past. And you refuse to concede (or even acknowledge) any of it. Therefore, as I said, your own stonewalling is part of the reason we spend more time talking about him. You think I'd post 30 times about Libya if you weren't blatantly dodging it?

Also, what of this? This is kinda the important part:

Hillary's flaws in no way, shape, or form, explain Trump's lies. There is literally no relationship between them. Me being a hypocrite would have no relationship to it either. Therefore, this is a deflection, not an answer.

Yoda, you only want Trump to lose because you hope your little fantasy of a Marco Rubio presidency happens in 2020.

That's all you really care about.

I think the name smearing on Yoda should stop immediately. Either prove hes a bully or they be made to shut up about it forever. Theyre just popping in trying to troll him, they havent introduced anything substantial to talk about ever, and this has been going on for almost a year. If someone other than Yoda needs to say it, then I am.

So this is why the Mavs haven't won a game this year. The management has other priorities!
They havent won a game?! dayum

The opposite point (to that of Mark Cuban) could be made, which the Trump campaign has made many times: that Trump is so rich that MORE money really doesn't mean much to him. He's already got more than he'll ever need or want. Therefore, he can't be bought. Someone would have to offer him something that money can't buy in order to influence him.

Now, I don't know if that's true, and I know some people are addicted to money; where the more they have, the more they want and like a drug addict, they'll do increasingly unethical, dishonest or criminal things to attain it.

But just saying that (if Trump is satisfied with already being filthy rich and is not addicted to acquiring more money at ANY cost) then the argument that he can be bribed or bought off with money is a weak one.

Just three quick and innocent questions of an interested mind:

Who here lives in a battleground state? Who did you vote for? Who is going to win your state according to the anecdotal evidence you've witnessed?
Cobpyth's Movie Log ~ 2019

Just three quick and innocent questions of an interested mind:

Who here lives in a battleground state? Who did you vote for? Who is going to win your state according to the anecdotal evidence you've witnessed?
I live in Florida, Clinton, pretty sure Trump will get it

I was hearing a few days ago Clinton was going to win Florida. It was on a pretty liberal minded site though. so it wouldn't surprise me if it is innaccurate.

I was hearing a few days ago Clinton was going to win Florida. It was on a pretty liberal minded site though. so it wouldn't surprise me if it is innaccurate.
Yeah yall think Im bad about Trump, Im nothing compared to how my stepmom is against Obama. Oy! She bout loses her mind talking about him. Most people Im in contact with in Florida are republican, no matter what. Rednecks usually bend towards the republicans.