Sin City


I saw Sin City the day it came out and it is definitely the best movie I have ever seen.This movie all-in-all is very good.

Originally Posted by MysticalMoose
Jessica Alba makes me happy
A friend of mine who does alot of work as an "Extra" in movies and t.v. also did a scene in the upcoming Fantastic Four movie with Alba that was shot on a fake brooklynn bridge here in North Vancouver. And from what he said, she isn't very fan friendly. Not even with the camera and lighting crew. He and other's would say hi to her and be completely ignored while walking right past them. Just hearing this, to me, makes her unattractive.

Actually, he said one of the nicest actors he ever met was Vin Diesel when he worked on Riddick. And on the t.v. show smallville, Kirsten Kruek was extremely friendly and Michael Roenbaum (Lex Luthor) is a very funny guy and liked to get involved with the extras by always cracking jokes.

A couple more actors he viewed as snobs but i don't want to gossip too much you know.

I am having a nervous breakdance
Did anyone not like this movie? This borders to Beatle Mania!
The novelist does not long to see the lion eat grass. He realizes that one and the same God created the wolf and the lamb, then smiled, "seeing that his work was good".


They had temporarily escaped the factories, the warehouses, the slaughterhouses, the car washes - they'd be back in captivity the next day but
now they were out - they were wild with freedom. They weren't thinking about the slavery of poverty. Or the slavery of welfare and food stamps. The rest of us would be all right until the poor learned how to make atom bombs in their basements.

Originally Posted by Piddzilla
Did anyone not like this movie? This borders to Beatle Mania!
4 of my friends went the other night and hated it because of the violence. But what did they expect. So if your not prepared for that then the chances are you'll come away disappointed.

I am having a nervous breakdance
Originally Posted by Escape
4 of my friends went the other night and hated it because of the violence. But what did they expect. So if your not prepared for that then the chances are you'll come away disappointed.
I'll have to wait until August until I'll get the chance to see it. Do women like it as much as men, you think? Not that I'm a woman (I think) but it looks like a film that guys love and women are not equally as excited about. What do you girls and boys who've seen it say about this?

Watched it last night. Thought it was totally amazing. After watching the trailer i was like "hmmmm. might be alright". After watching the film im like "whooooa, major cool film". I look forward to a second viewing.

Lets put a smile on that block
How did you see it as well Sarge? You live in the UK too don't you? It's not out at cinema's until June over here.
Pumpkins scream in the DEAD of night!

Errrrrm, i'll let you work it out.

In Soviet America, you sue MPAA!
Tis a shame, Sin City deserves much better viewing conditions... :-\
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Lets put a smile on that block
tut tut Sarge. If someone offered me a film like Sin City to watch first time on pirate, a totally visual movie experience i would definalty wait until i'd seen at the cinema a few times. However if it was a film like Cinderella Story or some crap like that, i wouldn't care watching it on the naughty.

I understand that my opinion is not going to make me terribly popular on this thread, what with everyone raving about this movie, and that's understandable. Also, I don't wish to stir up a can of worms... but here's my honest opinion... this movie made me sick! It is the most nauseating pile of crap I have ever seen!

My apologies to Robert Rodriguez--I enjoyed the segments of "Desperado" I have seen... but "Sin City" was the most disgusting, repulsive, ugly movie I have ever seen! I don't think I will ever understand the point behind that gratuitous display of baser human instincts. It might qualify as high art or noir in some circles--but my response is more visceral--it made me sick to my stomach!

BTW, I think this movie is an insult to film noir, a genre that I do sometimes enjoy. There was no suspense, no plot to speak of--nothing but a mindless succession of pointless violence and debauchery. Again--what was the point of this crap?

Originally Posted by Piddzilla
I'll have to wait until August until I'll get the chance to see it. Do women like it as much as men, you think? Not that I'm a woman (I think) but it looks like a film that guys love and women are not equally as excited about. What do you girls and boys who've seen it say about this?
Yeah, it would be interesting to see what the genders think about this film. But I'm pretty sure the guys will be far ahead of the gals when it comes to rating it.

Originally Posted by Escape
Yeah, it would be interesting to see what the genders think about this film. But I'm pretty sure the guys will be far ahead of the gals when it comes to rating it.
Two of my co-workers who are both very much female have seen and love Sin City, one of them already going to see it three times in the first five days it was on movie screens.
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

Originally Posted by Sinny McGuffins
Huh? Where did you see it?
Yeah, download, quality was good, wanted to wait but it was there and i couldn't say no.

OH MY THIS MOVIE ROCKS!!!! saw it opening day
Remember, remember, the 5th of November
I'm afraid I must bid you adieu.
He woke up one night with a terrible fright
And found he was eating his shoe.

I still can't see the appeal of this movie! What is it about it that you like so much?

In my book, you would have to be psycho to enjoy something as sickening as this movie--no offense to anyone intended. (Just my personal opinion).

Originally Posted by darkhorse
I still can't see the appeal of this movie! What is it about it that you like so much?

In my book, you would have to be psycho to enjoy something as sickening as this movie--no offense to anyone intended. (Just my personal opinion).

In my book, you would have to be a small-minded dolt to take the over-the-top violence in a stylized project like this literally or seriously and to raise some sort of moral indignation. No offense to anyone intended, that's just my personal opinion.

By the by, I seriously don't get the appeal of chocolate ice cream. Could somebody who likes it try to talk me into what's so all-fire great about it? I'm sure it's not just a matter of taste, but something that I could be taught to appreciate if I understood what is supposedly so special about it...even though I think it's icky.

Originally Posted by Holden Pike

In my book, you would have to be a small-minded dolt to take the over-the-top violence in a stylized project like this literally or seriously and to raise some sort of moral indignation. No offense to anyone intended, that's just my personal opinion.

By the by, I seriously don't get the appeal of chocolate ice cream. Could somebody who likes it try to talk me into what's so all-fire great about it? I'm sure it's not just a matter of taste, but something that I could be taught to appreciate if I understood what is supposedly so special about it...even though I think it's icky.
I'm not taking a moralistic stance here--I am talking about taste... or, should I say, the lack thereof...

Again... like I said... my personal opinion and no offense intended!