Best sites to stream HD Movies


Can anyone refer me with best sites to stream HD movies for free in 2023.

Tubi's the other free one, I think.

Legal ones are the only recs you're gonna get, though, as public discussion of illegal movie downloading is prohibited here.

The trick is not minding
Pluto perhaps? My brother streams it but I haven’t seen much to know for sure how often they edit their films.
(I have noticed some editing here and there).

Well, there are lots of platforms where you can stream HD movies, some of them which are most popular and used are Disney+ and Amazon Prime Video.
I hope you are clear now.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Paramount+ isn't the best HD streaming that's for sure. I just resigned up for it as the price was right $5.95. But they have commercials in their shows, lots of commercial breaks! Ugh, I can watch Tubi, Pluto and others free and get commercials. I'm canceling my subscription to Paramount+ after only 3 days.