Doctor Who


Geez it's just a television series... we are still getting 8 whole new episodes with a much better new companion, and an anniversary edition(also filmed in 3D for those who want it). What more do they want...

Quotes by people under that article that sums it up:

who ever is the idiot that complained needs to take a serious look in the mirror and get a grip

Sounds like this "unnamed fan" needs to get a life

Obviously there is something wrong with me because my girlfriend is a major Dr Who fan and has somehow converted me. I never saw the fuss in it when this series was rebooted a few years ago. I don't think I even watched an episode. I just assumed Dr Who was for geeky Star Trek fans and little kiddies, and while that may still be true, I am definitely not embarrassed to say that I really enjoy the show.

I'm shocked at how frightening some of the episodes are. There's scarier moments in a Doctor Who episode than there are in all of the Saw films put together.

The creativity is boderline insane, too. Sometimes there feels like there is almost TOO much stuff going on, but it somehow works, no matter how convoluted it gets. Meh, maybe i've just turned into a telly nut, but I am looking forward to the next series. That new companion looks like she could do with a very good seeing too. Amy was alright, pretty face, but she needed more meat on her bones.

Doctor Who 'lost episode' to be animated for DVD release

A 'lost' Doctor Who episode will be animated for release on DVD.

The Tenth Planet, starring first Doctor William Hartnell, will be reconstructed using Thetamation processes, revealed.

The episode has been missing from the BBC Archives from the mid-1970s. Other 'lost episodes' The Reign of Terror 4 and 5 have previously been constructed using the same technology.

Fans can look forward to seeing the introduction of the Cybermen in the episode, as well as Hartnell's departure.

Dan Hall, commissioning editor of the Doctor Who DVD range, told the Gallifrey One convention: "It's a real thrill to be bringing such an iconic Doctor Who episode back to life. Without the events established in The Tenth Planet episode 4, there would be no Doctor Who as we know it!"

The Tenth Planet is currently scheduled for release in late 2013.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

Anniversary sounds promising. I never got to watch the David Tennent era, but I like this Matt Smith geezer as Doctor Who. He's got good energy.

Exterminate all rational thought.
Tom Baker and Peter Davidson are the Doctors of my youth so I have a really hard time watching any of the others. I really am not too keen on the newer generations.

I remember being a kid and my folks taking me to Blackpool. We went to some Doctor Who thing, which was a Tardis, which when you went into you went downstairs under the sidewalk and there was an entire set of the inside of the Tardis. It was full of Cybermen(who have always been my favorite) that scared me to death and I cried. A lot. I wonder if that is still there.

The People's Republic of Clogher
I've got vague memories of seeing a Doctor Who exhibition on holiday when I was a kid and we went to Blackpool on our holidays so it might have been the same one as you. It didn't compare to Louis Tussaud's world famous *cough* was museum though.

I think it's closed down now but there was a Doctor Who museum in Llangollen (spellcheck says 'collagen' ) where someone had bought up a load of the old BBC props, costumes and sets. I used to drive past it a couple of times a year on my way to the Holyhead ferry and thought how weird it was for this quaint little Welsh market town to have supposedly the world's biggest Doctor Who attraction.

Popped in once. Wasn't great.
"Critics are like eunuchs in a harem; they know how the Tatty 100 is done, they've seen it done every day, but they're unable to do it themselves." - Brendan Behan

Sigh... two episodes in and both have been average episodes, a weak second half series so far for me. Please improve because the new companion is fabulous.

I am the Watcher in the Night
The second half of this season was average on a good day but the finale did well to set up what is hopefully an epic 50th anniversary, add to that the best plot in a while and we finally had a winning episode.

I really enjoyed the 2 seasons with Amy and Rory and just don't understand why people complained about them as companions, they were some of the best written characters in the entire show's history! Add to that the whole River Song saga, again fans seemed to moan non-stop but I found her interesting and the whole arc delivered us some of the best Who had to offer. But all the complaints the fan made have led us to average season with a severely under written companion and some terrible story conclusions (speaking a giant, planet devouring "God" into defeat...really??).

I miss the days of multi-episode stories, funny and interesting companions and solid story resolution. I hope Moffat ups his game for the 50th anniversary.

In and amongst all the failures there is a massive bright spot, Matt Smith has really come into his own as the Doctor and delivers the same emotional roller coaster that Tennant had the ability to do.

Precious tritium is what makes this project go.
\ the finale did well to set up what is hopefully an epic 50th anniversary\
It did have a cliffhanger bigger and more gasp worthy than when Sylvester McCoy was literally hanging off a cliff as a cliffhanger.

He. He. He.
Oxfords not brogues.

Precious tritium is what makes this project go.
Matt Smith has just been announced to leave Doctor Who after the Christmas Special this year.

It feels like inly yesterday when I heard that David Tennant was leaving and cried during each special he had that lead to his departure, however, [b]Smith[/B's Doctor never made the astounding connection that Tennant's did with me. Not to say he's a bad Doctor, it's just that David Tennant's Doctor was far too big of an act to follow.

But who shall replace Matt Smith? I'm campaigning for Scott Bakula! Well, I always thought Noah Wyle would make a perfect Doctor...

Thursday Next's Avatar
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
I like Matt Smith as the Doctor, but the plots haven't really grabbed me in the most recent couple of series, and I found River Song annoying. I'll be interested to see who they have lined up next.

I'm campaigning for Scott Bakula! Well, I always thought Noah Wyle would make a perfect Doctor...
No thanks, no Americans. As much as it's 'acting', I want a British actor always taking the lead in Doctor Who. It's an iconic British role and I'd like it to stay that way as it has always been in Doctor Who.

It's disappointing as I thought Matt Smith was the best so far in the revamp series but I'm looking forwards to seeing who they cast.

I don't know much about him but the name Ben Daniels has been going around as a rumour for a long time.

It's time for an older Doctor in my eyes, maybe late 30s/40s age range.

As usual in the media the whole are they going to make him a 'Black Doctor' or a 'Woman Doctor' this time around has been brought up.

Thursday Next's Avatar
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
If Henry Cavill can play Superman, theoretically we could have an American Doctor. I agree about it being time for an older Doctor.

I think they're going to struggle to find any British actors who want to do it who haven't been in it already...

Young Skywalker. Missed you, I have...
I am marathoning through. Finished season 1 yesterday. I am on episode 4 of season 2. I liked the original doctor better, he had a better voice.
You are no Vader. You are just a child in a mask.

No thanks, no Americans. As much as it's 'acting', I want a British actor always taking the lead in Doctor Who. It's an iconic British role and I'd like it to stay that way as it has always been in Doctor Who.

It's disappointing as I thought Matt Smith was the best so far in the revamp series but I'm looking forwards to seeing who they cast.

I don't know much about him but the name Ben Daniels has been going around as a rumour for a long time.

It's time for an older Doctor in my eyes, maybe late 30s/40s age range.

As usual in the media the whole are they going to make him a 'Black Doctor' or a 'Woman Doctor' this time around has been brought up.
Yes and yes.

Personally... I miss The 4th Doctor. Still have a whole lotta love for The Baker.
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