How to Ask For Help


If you're in this forum, it's probably because you're trying to remember a movie's title and want some help. Great; that's what this forum's for. But please observe a few simple rules in doing so:

  1. First, create a new thread, rather than replying to the existing one. And make sure you're actually putting your new thread in this forum: Movie Questions.

  2. Choose a descriptive title. Titles like "what movie is this?" or "help!!!" don't tell people anything about what you're looking for.

  3. Anything you can remember may be helpful. General time frame, the language the film was in, etc. It's also helpful to estimate just how certain you are about each detail; there are lots of instances where the correct movie ends up being quite different from what was described.

  4. People are trying to be helpful, so please be polite and remember to thank them for their efforts.

  5. Please do not rule films out unless you're sure they're not correct. Looking at some stills, or even a trailer, might not be enough. It's not unusual for someone to shoot down a guess, only to realize later it was correct.

  6. Remember to hit the "Answered" link near the top of the page once your question has been answered!

  7. When in doubt, the movie you're thinking of is probably Frailty. Seriously, we've gotten that one like half a dozen times.
If you observe these rules, your odds of getting are question answered improve. Best of luck!

this boys life was released in 1993 starring leonardo di caprio he looks about 12 years old in the movie but in 1993 he was 19 years ols. can anyone explain how this 19 year olsd looks 12.

Registered User
Will try to stick to the rules

will.15's Avatar
Semper Fooey
He had a baby face and he was skinny.
It reminds me of a toilet paper on the trees
- Paula

I'm trying to stick to the rules. I need help with solving a puzzle caches which contain pictures of movies. I'd thought I post it on this forum but I discovered you can only create a new post after having replied at least for 25 times

I'm trying to stick to the rules. I need help with solving a puzzle caches which contain pictures of movies. I'd thought I post it on this forum but I discovered you can only create a new post after having replied at least for 25 times
Not quite; you can create new threads immediately, you just can't post links. However, if you just need to link to some images, add the URLs with the http:// and people can copy them in and/or myself or one of the mods will edit them into actual links afterwards.

That said, I hope you're not solving a puzzle whose rules disallow outside help. We get that sometimes.

Cool, I'll adapt my post, I thought I was being polite by including the images It's geocaching puzzle, since the owner told me to look further after having requested high res pictures. I do not feel any guilt to post it on this forum

im searchin for one movie like 5 days now and still cant find it can you help ....and if you can idk where to write the thing i know about this movie so can i write here or where?


WHOOPS. I see that I totally misunderstood what you meant by using descriptive note titles. Kindly disregard that portion of my note with my sincere apology. The rest stands
as is.


As I said on my first and only note thus far (asking for a movie title), I want to firstly thank you for the ease, speed and rapidity of your registration process and the technically superlative nature of your forum, along with its great utility for movie lovers. I really appreciate being permitted to post here. I didn’t read your rules here beforehand, which I should have. I certainly very much appreciate your requesting politeness and gratitude and did abide by that without having read it. Your final rule is amusing as intended. One rule that I did unwittingly violate was number two:

“Choose a descriptive title. Titles like ‘what movie is this?’ or ‘help!!!’ don't tell people anything about what you're looking for.”

I must confess I don’t understand your thought processes here. My description was: “Need title of movie set in Canada concerning racism in school.” I would think giving an idea of what a sought after movie is about might pique readers’ interest. Others seem to agree by their note titles. Anyway, courtesy of Movie Max, I not only received my answer in rapid time but even the movie itself!

Regarding your rule number three: “Anything you can remember may be helpful. Prominent actors…”, I think that before people ask for help from others and their time one should try helping one’s self first. In my case, I couldn’t recall the names of any of the actors in the movie I was searching for. Had I remembered that it starred Lindsay Wagner and/or Randy Quaid, then I could have found it myself by searching their filmographies at various sites. People shouldn’t be lazy at the expense of others’ time.

Once again, thank you for the opportunity to post here. I watched the movie again and found it thoroughly enjoyable and educational as to how malleable young minds can be and how they can so easily be corrupted by unscrupulous adults. I’ve been trying to repay the favor by reading thus far unanswered requests similar to my own, but haven’t been able to be helpful as yet. I shall keep trying with future notes.

Best regards and with appreciation,


Trouble with a capital "T"
...“Choose a descriptive title. Titles like ‘what movie is this?’ or ‘help!!!’ don't tell people anything about what you're looking for.”

I must confess I don’t understand your thought processes here. My description was: “Need title of movie set in Canada concerning racism in school.”..
Don, first Welcome to MoFo! I hope you stick around, there's a lot of fun & challenging actives we do here, and we learn a lot about movies from each other. Also we need new members!

Unless I'm missing something, Yoda's guidelines for asking for movie help was written over 4 years ago, so your title for your thread “Need title of movie set in Canada concerning racism in school.” would seem to follow his guide lines.

Anyway stick around! This is a cool place.

Citizen Rules,

You’re absolutely right. I completely misinterpreted what Yoda had written, reading it with too much haste to turn it around 180 degrees. I later put a note to the effect at my note's beginning, but unfortunately not before our administrator had replied to it while quoting it in its original form, in which I assume Yoda graciously ignored my error. I also extended my apology for it.

Secondly, thank you for your kind welcome. I shall indeed stick around: which is my pleasure to be sure!

Best regards,


First, thanks for the kind words. Glad you found the movie you were looking for, as well.

Sounds like most of that's cleared up already, re: titles, though part of your initial question makes it sound like you thought it was addressed to you, specifically. This is just a general purpose announcement meant to catch people's eyes, not addressed to anyone in particular.

Concerning actors: yeah, you'd think remembering that would mean the person would have already found it on their own. But I'm consistently surprised how often someone asks for help finding a movie with a particular actor, apparently not bothering to just look up their filmography and go through it. Sometimes the solution is found by literally just taking part of their description and Googling it, too. So while your assumption is totally reasonable, sometimes the person asking hasn't even made a token effort at finding the answer on their own.

These guidelines are pretty old now, though, so I'll go glance at them and see if they could use some tweaking.

Little Devil's Avatar
MC for the Great Underground Circus
When in doubt, the movie you're thinking of is probably Frailty. Seriously, we've gotten that one like half a dozen times.
this one made me laugh aloud
You're more advanced than a cockroach, have you ever tried explaining yourself to one of them?

When in doubt, the movie you're thinking of is probably Frailty. Seriously, we've gotten that one like half a dozen times.
this one made me laugh aloud
I lold about that in Shoutbox a couple days ago. I couldn't believe it!