Obama Most Pro-Abortion President in History


The only thing more tired than posting these and refusing to engage? People coming into this thread and keeping it alive to complain about how it's still alive.

There are all sorts of things I'd like to keep talking about--my conversations with Miss Vicky and wintertriangles are still sitting there, with either my side or theirs lacking a response. But I've refrained from continuing partly out of sheer business, but also because I know it'll keep this thread going.

I'll believe that people want this thread to go away when they start ignoring it. Otherwise, I'm tempted to say they like the opportunity to complain that it affords.
I'm not complaining. I'm just pointing at Mesmer in his cage and laughing at his ridiculous behavior. This thread isn't being taken seriously by anyone save for you and maybe Mes.
#31 on SC's Top 100 Mofos list!!

Maybe Mesmerized is actually a liberal who tries to convince people to join the left wing too by posting overly extreme conservative articles and messages to disgust people.
Cobpyth's Movie Log ~ 2019

Ghouls, vampires, werewolves... let's party.
"Pro-Abortion College Students Even Vandalize Signs for a Pro-Life Atheist Speaker

"Along with pro-choice sentiments usually comes vitriol from those who harp on the legality of abortion and sometimes do it by denying pro-lifers things like First Amendment rights. This is especially true on college campuses.
Recently, at the University of Georgia, pro-choice miscreants did just that.

"Vandals attempted to block a pro-life club from advertising an event featuring Kelsey Hazzard, the president of the national organization Secular Pro-Life. Hazzard is an anti-abortion activist known for presenting nonspiritual arguments against abortion.

"The name of the scheduled event: “Pro-Life Without God.”


It's things like radical liberalism and militant atheism that have practically destroyed this country. But Communism never lasts. It will, in time, destroy itself by its own self-serving appetite.

That was completely off-topic and, frankly, tasteless. I'm instituting a week long ban and closing this thread. Hopefully the few people who made an attempt to have a serious conversation in this thread will be open to continuing it elsewhere.