Vote on the next countdown (Feb. 2023)


What should the next countdown be?
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57 votes. You may not vote on this poll

The criteria are up to the host, IE: the person doing the work. That's how it's always been. We might be able to infer what's likely but technically we won't know until we have a host, and that person makes their decision. There wouldn't necessarily be two options because whether to distinguish them in the first place is, of course, part of the decision.

If someone feels strongly that it should be one way (or that it should not be another), well, all the more reason to volunteer.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Then wouldn't their be two options between noir and neo noir?
That would be ideal and would make the most people happy. Any other way like: (nothing but 40s-50s noir or everything noir included) and one group or the other will be pissed. Only Yoda could make the duel ballots happen so he would need to confirm that's a possibility?

Aside from Holden who is a bit persnickety about this stuff was their anyone else?
Me for one. There was all sorts of different opinions on how to do a noir & musicals too countdown.

Trouble with a capital "T"
The criteria are up to the host, IE: the person doing the work. That's how it's always been. We might be able to infer what's likely but technically we won't know until we have a host, and that person makes their decision.

If someone feels strongly that it should be one way (or that it should not be another), well, all the more reason to volunteer.
You snuck in while I was replying to Siddon. Can you tell us if noir wins and if the host wants a duel ballot for one countdown, can you do that for us? I know it's more work for you.

You snuck in will I was replying to Siddon. Can you tell us if noir wins and if the host wants a duel ballot for one countdown can that be done? I know it's more work for you.
I'm honestly not sure, but that's a discussion we'll have to have if Noir wins (and if the person who volunteers/is accepted to do it wants this).

Personally I think genre lists have an uphill climb with participation levels already, and all the ones here are going to have it rougher than the broader ones even without sub-dividing them, so even if the work were just magically done, it'd still be a real question whether we'd want to.

The trick is not minding
I’m with Siddon on this, we shouldn’t separate noir and neo-noir but I also agree with Yoda that it’s too early to worry about that, while the poll is still up.
I suspect things will come together once a genre has been selected, and a host may decide to step forward and then we can discuss, hopefully with civility, what can and can’t be included.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Like I said before, I think if Noir were to win anything the voter deems eligible should be eligible. It worked for the comedy countdown and it would work here.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Like I said before, I think if Noir were to win anything the voter deems eligible should be eligible. It worked for the comedy countdown and it would work here.
Ugh. So Lord of the Rings is noir? Godfather and Goodfellas is noir? You know people would be shoehorning in all their favorite crime or action movies just because they could. Anything goes might work for romance but not noir. I'm starting to think I should host a noir countdown

Ugh. So Lord of the Rings is noir? Godfather and Goodfellas is noir? You know people would be shoehorning in all their favorite crime or action movies just because they could. Anything goes might work for romance but not noir. I'm starting to think I should host a noir countdown
You would make a great noir host. You should do it if noir wins.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Ugh. So Lord of the Rings is noir? Godfather and Goodfellas is noir? You know people would be shoehorning in all their favorite crime or action movies just because they could. Anything goes might work for romance but not noir. I'm starting to think I should host a noir countdown
Meh, that stuff wouldn't place. You're overthinking it.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Meh, that stuff wouldn't place. You're overthinking it.
Well yeah Lord of the Rings was an over the top example, but Godfather, Goodfellas and most of Tarantino's films I could see people calling them noir, I really could. It's because people who aren't into noir think noir means dark crime films. That's why I thought if we did noir we should use the noir or neo noir tag as a guideline on the IMDB page (up to the host of course) I'm just saying it solves a lot of problems and makes for better results.

I voted for Noir but after checking Letterboxd, War should also be fine.

Well yeah Lord of the Rings was an over the top example, but Godfather, Goodfellas and most of Tarantino's films I could see people calling them noir, I really could. It's because people who aren't into noir think noir means dark crime films. That's why I thought if we did noir we should use the noir or neo noir tag as a guideline on the IMDB page (up to the host of course) I'm just saying it solves a lot of problems and makes for better results.
We can cross that bridge if/when Noir wins. In the Preliminary thread, we can get into all kinds of arguments about how inclusion/exclusion.
Check out my podcast: The Movie Loot!

Trouble with a capital "T"
We can cross that bridge if/when Noir wins. In the Preliminary thread, we can get into all kinds of arguments about how inclusion/exclusion.
I don't think anyone was arguing. Just a conversation.

I don't think anyone was arguing. Just a conversation.
I know nobody was arguing. My reply was part of that conversation

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I voted for Musicals and Romance, but I'll participate in the countdown regardless of which genre wins the poll.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

I voted for War and Noir. Not a big fan of Noir but it would be interesting to see how this ones goes. Sin City better make the list lol
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I would be willing to participate in pretty much all of them I think.

But I voted for all except War. And that’s in the lead now, ugh. It’s really not a genre I like much. I always leave a war film with strange feelings… either I really liked it or disliked it. It’s rare that I’m in between. War is such a strong subject and the way it’s presented can really make or break it for me more than almost any other genre.

I do not hope it wins.

Noir- I don't know what it is.

War- no longer something i fancy. Besides it's difficult to define what is and isn't a war movie.

Musicals- if it includes movies where music is prevalent I might participate in.

Romance- my list would mostly consist of romantic comedies, but only those where romance is prominent and excluding what a lot of imdb categorize as romance where it it just feature in it without it being a prominent focus.