Rocky spin-off, "Creed"


Miss Vicky's Loyal and Willing Slave
Reports are going around that MGM are setting in motion a seventh film in the Rocky franchise, this time introducing a new character that Rocky will train. So far so Rocky V except that the kid he'll train will be Apollo Creed's grandson.

Rocky spin-off movie, "Creed", in the works

Perhaps it's just because I'm such a huge fan of the Rocky character and series, and perhaps being over-enthusiastic about it, but I actually quite like the idea. With Stallone now around the same age that Burgess Meredith was in the first Rocky film it seems a nice way to bring it all full circle. Plus the fact that it would involve Creed's grandson could be interesting given the history between Apollo and Rocky; enemies who became friends and then Rocky was in Apollo's corner when he died. And the kid they're lining up for the role, Michael B. Jordan, has impressed me previously.

On the outside looking in.
No; ROCKY BALBOA restored the dignity to the franchise and it should end there.
"Yes, citizen, there is no cause for alarm -- you may return to your harpsichord."

I love the Rocky movies, but Rocky Balboa is not one I actually like turning to. I'd rather watch Rocky V than that film. In fact, it might even be my least favorite. In fact, I think it is. I could care less about his relationship with "Little Marie" and her son - Steps, I think his name was.

THIS idea, though, sounds like a great definitive end to Rocky Balboa.

Hey, I'm on board, I love Rocky. It's something different for the franchise, and at least they waited seven years for another Rocky announcement. And with the great things I've been hearing about Fruitvale, I think it'll be in good hands. If he does decides to direct, that is!

Speaking of, I can't remember If I've watched all of the Rocky movies. For some reason I can't recall anything about Rocky IV. Maybe it's time to revisit the franchise.

On the outside looking in.
I love the Rocky movies, but Rocky Balboa is not one I actually like turning to. I'd rather watch Rocky V than that film. In fact, it might even be my least favorite. In fact, I think it is. I could care less about his relationship with "Little Marie" and her son - Steps, I think his name was.

THIS idea, though, sounds like a great definitive end to Rocky Balboa.

ROCKY V already explored Rocky taking on the trainer's role...

ROCKY V already explored Rocky taking on the trainer's role...
For some dumbass.

Rocky Balboa was about Rocky dealing with some dumbasses, too.

But Apollo Creed's grandson? You're dealing with the blood of Apollo Creed. That's WAY different. That's going back to the beginning. That's truly bringing everything full circle.

Really -- I don't get all the hate for Rocky V and all the love for Rocky Balboa. I really thought Rocky Balboa was rather boring. Boring and depressing. Rocky V, though -- it's only disappointing because it's not a typical Rocky movie with an extravagant ending in the ring. The rest of it, though -- I digged. It's actually a much better story than Rocky IV, which was very glitzy and beautiful and fun, but also a boring collection of basically music videos.

On the outside looking in.
For some dumbass.

Rocky Balboa was about Rocky dealing with some dumbasses, too.

But Apollo Creed's grandson? You're dealing with the blood of Apollo Creed. That's WAY different. That's going back to the beginning. That's truly bringing everything full circle.

Um, no; ROCKY BALBOA was about Rocky finding a reason to go on after experiencing the biggest loss of his life (his wife Adrian). The ROCKY sequels became action movies, each one becoming more and more unrealistic as the entire focus shifted to Rocky beating one more seemingly unbeatable opponent (ROCKY IV is as close to a live-action cartoon as you'll find). Conversely, ROCKY and ROCKY BALBOA - the two best films in the series - were love stories, and it didn't matter who got the decision in the ring.

On the outside looking in.
Really -- I don't get all the hate for Rocky V .

Rocky was supposed to die at the end of ROCKY V but the studio got cold feet and the film ended up as a compromise, ultimately pleasing no one. There are some nice moments (Rocky putting on the familiar black hat and leather jacket from the original movie, Burgess Meredith's flashback cameo), but the studio-mandated ending severely hampered the final product.

Rocky Balboa dealing with an older Rocky who has to live without Adrian after she's died was a very interesting and touching subject - HOWEVER - it was hardly a love story. I hated Rocky getting involved with that Little Marie character and her teenage son. I thought it was BORING AS HELL. Little Marie was a godawful replacement for Adrian. She had no chemistry with him. The sequels with Adrian alive were more of a love story to me.

I didn't think Rocky Balboa was that enjoyable. I have tried to become like everyone else and see it as "the greatest film since the first one" -- but I can't. I can't at all. It is a dull, earnest story that really acts no different than the other films -- it still ends with Rocky getting into a fight with a new opponent. I thought Rocky V was a lot better by showing Rocky and his family deal with losing all of their money and with Rocky having a health crisis. It had Adrian and touching moments with Rocky and his son - who happened to be his real life son, who is now dead.

Rocky Balboa
, on the other hand,had Adrian gone 'cause she was dead, it had his son back, but played by a new actor, and they were oh-so-cliched bitter and fighting against each other. Paulie acted like a freak. Little Marie and her son were boring as Hell and so was the Mason Dixon character. I didn't like it.

On the outside looking in.
Rocky Balboa dealing with an older Rocky who has to live without Adrian after she's died was a very interesting and touching subject - HOWEVER - it was hardly a love story. I hated Rocky getting involved with that Little Marie character and her teenage son. I thought it was BORING AS HELL. Little Marie was a godawful replacement for Adrian. She had no chemistry with him. The sequels with Adrian alive were more of a love story to me.

I didn't think Rocky Balboa was that enjoyable. I have tried to become like everyone else and see it as "the greatest film since the first one" -- but I can't. I can't at all. It is a dull, earnest story that really acts no different than the other films -- it still ends with Rocky getting into a fight with a new opponent. I thought Rocky V was a lot better by showing Rocky and his family deal with losing all of their money and with Rocky having a health crisis. It had Adrian and touching moments with Rocky and his son - who happened to be his real life son, who is now dead.

Rocky Balboa
, on the other hand,had Adrian gone 'cause she was dead, it had his son back, but played by a new actor, and they were oh-so-cliched bitter and fighting against each other. Paulie acted like a freak. Little Marie and her son were boring as Hell and so was the Mason Dixon character. I didn't like it.

ROCKY BALBOA is a love story but it isn't about Little Marie -- the film is really a valentine to Adrian. Throughout the film, we are constantly reminded that she is still very much a part of Rocky's life: from the restaurant he named after her, to the tours of the old haunts (the pet shop where Adrian worked, a return to Rocky's broken down apartment where he and Adrian first kissed , and finally and most touchingly, a visit to the ice rink where Rocky remembers their first date) each year on the anniversary of her death. This is powerful stuff that will resonate with anyone who has suffered such a huge and drastic loss. A future romance with Little Marie is hinted at, but it's tempered by the very moving gesture of Little Marie presenting Rocky with a picture of Adrian the night before the big fight with Mason Dixon; clearly she understands who Rocky's true inspiration is -- it's a short but significant scene that reminds us this series was originally about an Everyman and the people he loves as opposed to a superhuman force of nature winning one more title bout.

So yes, ROCKY BALBOA is a love story -- about Rocky and Adrian. Rocky's final words at Adrian's graveside say it best: "Yo Adrian, we did it!"

On the outside looking in.
I havent seen the newest ROCKY yet.

If you're a ROCKY fan and haven't seen it, you're missing out; ROCKY BALBOA comes closest to recapturing the spirit of the original ROCKY.

\m/ Fade To Black \m/
If you're a ROCKY fan and haven't seen it, you're missing out; ROCKY BALBOA comes closest to recapturing the spirit of the original ROCKY.

Cheers for the recommendation

ps Rocky IV is the best.
You are alone on that one.

IMO the best Rockys were 1, then 3, then 6, and then 2.
4 I enjoyed at the time (I was young and unwise!) but it was true schlock, and I was disappointed with 5.

Im interested in this Creed idea. It would be really key that they cast someone that can talk the talk like Carl Weathers did. The exchanges between Rocky, and a young Creed type has great possibilities. If writted and directed well it should deliver.

ROCKY BALBOA is a love story but it isn't about Little Marie -- the film is really a valentine to Adrian. Throughout the film, we are constantly reminded that she is still very much a part of Rocky's life: from the restaurant he named after her, to the tours of the old haunts (the pet shop where Adrian worked, a return to Rocky's broken down apartment where he and Adrian first kissed , and finally and most touchingly, a visit to the ice rink where Rocky remembers their first date) each year on the anniversary of her death. This is powerful stuff that will resonate with anyone who has suffered such a huge and drastic loss. A future romance with Little Marie is hinted at, but it's tempered by the very moving gesture of Little Marie presenting Rocky with a picture of Adrian the night before the big fight with Mason Dixon; clearly she understands who Rocky's true inspiration is -- it's a short but significant scene that reminds us this series was originally about an Everyman and the people he loves as opposed to a superhuman force of nature winning one more title bout.

So yes, ROCKY BALBOA is a love story -- about Rocky and Adrian. Rocky's final words at Adrian's graveside say it best: "Yo Adrian, we did it!"

It was boring. It put me to sleep. It may have been a "Valentine" -- but seriously, who gives a crap about Valentine's Day? You can have a romantic date anytime you'd like. I don't want a Valentine. I want a f**king good Rocky movie! Rocky Balboa was dark, dreary, damp, depressing and void (I couldn't think of another D word). Seriously, anytime I think of Rocky Balboa, I just think about how dark that movie is -- not in tone, in APPEARANCE! The film needs a f**king flashlight.