Which movie do you wish you could see again for the first time?


"Pulp Fiction" Because THAT was FUN! "Sin City" EVEN MORE FUN! and "Unbreakable"...because I believe that was M. Night's BEST and MOST underrated movie.

wish i could see "the mist" for the first time again...had one hell of an ending

We all have favorite movies we've watched countless times; but what is that one, all-time film, that is so fricking great, you wish you could erase it from your memory; just so you could stroll down to the theatre one day and discover it all over again for the first time.
West Side Story. (although it would be hard to erase a movie that I love so much from my memory.)
"It does not take a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brush fires of freedom in the minds of men." -- Samuel Adams (1722-1803)

Good question and i wish for Titanic movie to watch again for the first time.

'The Terminator' - sparked my love for film. Blew me away first time I watched it. Would love that reaction again.
Reverend Arthur Belling was to change our whole way of life, and every Sunday we'd hurry along to St Loony up the Cream Bun and Jam.

Nightmare Before Christmas

I think the movie is Titanic