Doctor Who


It was the obvious outcome and the name Melody gave it away from the off. I can't complain for the sensible resolution but the episode itself was a let down.

Standing in the Sunlight, Laughing
m'kay, I'm scared to read the second half of this thread, for fear of spoilers. Have been watching the series in two big parts and a shudder, so far: The Eccelston season through end of S2. Then a bit of a break and was horrified by Catherine Tate. Took another break and went back to it due to continued reports it's worth it. Got past the intro of Donna and LOVED Martha. LOVED "Don't Blink", holy crap what a great episode. Lots of good stuff in season three. Watched "The End of Time" Christmas special and am heart broken over the end of Tennant's tenure. Heart. Broken. How do some of you dislike him? It boggles the mind.

Getting used to the new kid. Not so keen on his being 12. :/ I do like Amy Pond a whole lot already though, great actress and a smart combination of Rose's everywoman quality and Martha's smarts. Also has the best quality from Donna: her hair. heh
Review: Cabin in the Woods 8/10

Catherine Tate played one of the best companions ever and was very popular, far from horrifying. I wish she was still the companion somehow because the girl who plays Amy Pond is absolutely wooden. It amuses me you think she is a 'great' actress, she certainly isn't.

Who cares about acting? This is Dr. Who. Plus, Gillian's so sexy, I'm almost tempted to watch it. I said, almost.

As for not liking Tennant? Well, there's the boggly eyes, the thin spindly legs, the constant gurning. Eccelston's grinning was bad enough, but at least when he didn't gurn he looked 'normal'. That, and he's not as theatrical as Tennant. If it hadn't been for Billie Piper, I wouldn't have watched a single Tennant episode. But then, I've never liked him in anything I've ever seen him in.

Decent acting is fine, but I can't stand wooden acting by a main character in a show when everyone else is fine and dandy. And I don't find her sexy in the slightest.

Standing in the Sunlight, Laughing
Catherine Tate played one of the best companions ever and was very popular, far from horrifying. I wish she was still the companion somehow because the girl who plays Amy Pond is absolutely wooden. It amuses me you think she is a 'great' actress, she certainly isn't.
Right... not an area I'd know a whit about.

Standing in the Sunlight, Laughing
Who cares about acting? This is Dr. Who. Plus, Gillian's so sexy, I'm almost tempted to watch it. I said, almost.

As for not liking Tennant? Well, there's the boggly eyes, the thin spindly legs, the constant gurning. Eccelston's grinning was bad enough, but at least when he didn't gurn he looked 'normal'. That, and he's not as theatrical as Tennant. If it hadn't been for Billie Piper, I wouldn't have watched a single Tennant episode. But then, I've never liked him in anything I've ever seen him in.
What the herk is "gurning"?

I can't say as I like him for his looks, aesthetically speaking. Late in his run, some character or another remarks, "you didn't tell me he was a looker" and I LOL'd. I think he's tremendously attractive though. He made the character much more animated, exhuberant and engaging than Eccleston (who was ok, fun to see him do something so different from his usual heavies, but what an odd casting choice). And as Dr Who, Tennant seemed to be having the absolute time of his life, and how often do you get to see someone do that? I think he's charming as the day is long. And after that. Til like around 4am, possibly.

This Matt Smith person is not charming me quite yet. I'm up to S5, Ep8 "The Hungry Earth", so I'm thinking he'll likely get his sea legs any minute now.

River Song is an interesting character. Alex Kingston is great in the role and I like that there's an intelligent, no-nonsense older woman in the mix. I think this is what they were going for with Donna, but she was more of a low-rent version. (ooh, that's going to bite me, but it's how I see it!)

Don't torture yourself, Gomez. That's my job.
OMG A DOCTOR WHO FORUM! and for once I'm completely up to date, so I have no fear of spoilers..

At the moment I'll just do this..

>twitter :::: >tumblr

"And our credo: "Sic gorgiamus allos subjectatos nunc." We gladly feast on those who would subdue us. Not just pretty words."

Standing in the Sunlight, Laughing
Just watched Vincent and the Doctor.
Still sniffling.
What a lovely piece of wish fulfillment! If there's one person who I'd love to be able to give that experience, it's him. The actor who played Vincent was fantastic - totally looked like VanGogh and a terriffic actor.

Honeykid - ah! We call that "mugging" here. Didn't really come across as that to me, so much as just animated - which helps explain our varied reactions to him.

Standing in the Sunlight, Laughing
Dr Who 2005, s6ep8 Let's Kill Hitler
Spoilers ahoy. I'm not going to spoiler every single post; this is a thread for discussing the show as it unfurls. If you haven't seen this episode, please come back when you have.

I think I'm getting used to Smith, and he's also been more animated in the last couple of episodes, which is helping. I had a hard time adjusting after Tennant left, but Smith is finally growing on me.

For instance, I loved the moment when Mels asks about the Tardis and the doctor just gapes for an instant at Rory and Amy and points at Mels with both hands. Nearly spit out my coffee.

The River Song story is fascinating me, partially because I am retarded (seriously) at timelines when they're linear, so this is above and beyond. Also because of the notion of meeting someone and immediately knowing they're going to play an important role in your life later - there's a kernel of emotional truth in that. Fun to see it externalized like this.

The best thing about her appearance in this series though, is that her storyline has woven through so many episodes. This incarnation of the series was more or less onesies/twosies til she showed up, and I'm a fan of the longer form.

So we've seen Melody Pond as a baby, as the little girl in the alley (who was 'Jefferson, Adams, Hamilton', who was the shooter at Lake Silencio (holy shiz, a Lynch reference in Dr Who??? <brainmelt>)) and as Mels and River. Still wondering about Lorna Buckets.

Spoilers > Urgh, I'm glad Mel changed, couldn't stand it if she was in the whole episode, she was awful in another programme I watch and cringed when I saw her at the beginning of the episode, what a relief when she was shot and changed to River Song, yay. < Spoilers End