Actors You Avoid At All Costs


Never like Matthew McConnaughy but he was pretty damn good in Killer Joe.
It's part of the McConnaugh-sance (Mud, Killer Joe, The Lincoln Lawyer, The Paperboy, Magic Mike, Bernie)
5-time MoFo Award winner.

Can't stand Gwyneth blows my mind that this woman actually has an Oscar on her mantle while her mother, who is one hundred times the actress she is, has never even been NOMINATED for an Oscar.

Goldie Hawn. Most of her films are light hearted trash. Only films of hers I can stand are The First Wives Club and Overboard, and the latter is mainly for the Kurt Russell factor.

Couldn't disagree more regarding Goldie Hawn...I find her completely watchable most of the time. I wish she and Kurt would make a comeback.

On the outside looking in.
Jennifer Lawrence and Emma Watson have hindered my enjoyment of some otherwise fine films (X-MEN: FIRST CLASS and MY WEEK WITH MARILYN, to name two). Did not know Lawrence when I went to see the X-MEN movie, but we're supposed to believe she's the same character played by Rebecca Romijn? That's asking a lot! As for Watson, she was far too contemporary a face to be believable in a period piece like MY WEEK WITH MARILYN.

Finished here. It's been fun.
You should check out Winters Bone. I think that will make you a fan of Lawrence, and show that she has some solid acting talent. Btw Boardwalk Empire is such an awesome show, Richard Harrow is too boss.

Tom Cruise
His acting lacks......acting.

Leonardo DiCaprio
With the exception of very few movies, he sucks.
Of all the actors to be named here, Leo??? He is the best of this generation by a long shot.

Normally i go for the plot rather than who is acting. But yeah, i do try to avoid Cage! Do not like him.

Kutcher is another i think someone mentioned earlier. But his new movie Jobs is coming up. Will go watch it, just for Steve Jobs!

I think Fraser's best performance is in Gods and Monsters, but Ian McKellen is awesome.

Fraser was quite good in GODS AND MONSTERS, but that movie belonged to McKellan and Redgrave.

I was curious as to what other Heath Ledger film you saw but, without that knowledge, I would suggest that you checkout BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN, MONSTER'S BALL, and CANDY.

Thank you for mentioning singers who try to get into acting...Beyonce tops the list for me...the woman can sing and the camera loves her but she cannot act to save her life.

On the outside looking in.
Boardwalk Empire is such an awesome show, Richard Harrow is too boss.

Yes on both counts!
"Yes, citizen, there is no cause for alarm -- you may return to your harpsichord."