Movies you are afraid of


The People's Republic of Clogher
Originally Posted by blibblobblib
The trailer and reviews of new Brit-Flic horror The Descent are scaring me. I think i might be too much of a girl to go see it.
That looks quite promising, the Dog Soldiers guy directed it.

I went caving once. Never ever again...
"Critics are like eunuchs in a harem; they know how the Tatty 100 is done, they've seen it done every day, but they're unable to do it themselves." - Brendan Behan

Lets put a smile on that block
Originally Posted by Tacitus
I went caving once. Never ever again...
Did ya nearly die?
Pumpkins scream in the DEAD of night!

The People's Republic of Clogher
Originally Posted by blibblobblib
Did ya nearly die?
Nah, I almost rusted.

It's blinkin' damp down there. (oooooh Matron! etc etc )

That's where I've been, the Marble Arch caves in Fermanagh. An Irish tourist attraction that doesn't have a bar.


Originally Posted by Tacitus
An Irish tourist attraction that doesn't have a bar.

That is terrible
Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.

The People's Republic of Clogher
Originally Posted by nebbit
That is terrible
I should have brought my hip flask - it's lightened the load on many a rubbish film in the past.

The Descent does look promising though. Trailer

Originally Posted by fundraiser
Trying not to be afraid of ring 2.My beautiful one ,the heiress.A bitter struggle for the kingdom of david and, an enigmatic love [email protected] patrick.
Be afraid. Ring 2 is a lot more disturbing. It doesn't deal with the videotape this time. Instead, evil Samara is taking over the little boy's body.

****in' A, man. I got a rash, man
Originally Posted by uconjack
It is the only movie that I have owned that I liked and then got rid of because I did not want it in the house. It is just a creepy, scary movie. Have you ever seen it?
I have indeed seen this movie and found it a very strange experience but for me it wasn't scary at all.
"You smell that? Do you smell that?... Napalm, son. Nothing else in the world smells like that. I love the smell of napalm in the morning. You know, one time we had a hill bombed, for twelve hours. When it was all over I walked up. We didn't find one of 'em, not one stinkin' dink body. The smell, you know that gasoline smell, the whole hill. Smelled like... victory. Someday this war's gonna end..."

Qui-Gon Jinn: The ability to speak does not make you intelligent.

ET?! What were you like 2 years old when you saw that? Chucky could eat his alien ass then poop him out Reeses Pieces and all!

The last time I was truly scared because a movie, was when I watched Mulholland Dr. That scene in the diner, were they go outside and see that guy. The way it's set-up and all, it's just great...

...and scary!

I'm not really afraid of any movie but the movie IT by Stephen King did scare me. Everytime i would walk down the street near a sew drain I thought he would grab me and drag me in. This is when I was younger tho now I really dont get scared easily watching movies.

There's this DVD I bought at a discount, because it looked interesting... is the name of the movie. Man, it was freaky! Creepy as hell... bizarre is more like it.

But what really scares me about that movie is that watching that garbage will turn my brain into a stinking pile of sludge! That's what's really terrifying about it!

Half man, half machine
The Exorcist comes to mind. I had to sleep with the lights on after the first time I saw it.
"Even if I set out to make a film about a fillet of sole, it would be about me." - Federico Fellini

"If it can be written, or thought, it can be filmed." - Stanley Kubrick

"Your intellect may be confused, but your emotions will never lie to you." - Roger Ebert

I thought they did a horrible job on Fear Dot Com. With what the movie was about.... they could of expanded on it so much more and made it seriously creepy.... just wait until I make my movie... Muhahahha.... people will pee themselves in the theatre... oh yesh...

I'm not afraid of movies. Way to hard for me to be, even with my vivid imagination. The last time I was 'afraid' of a movie was back when I was about 6 years old. I watched Night of the Living Dead (even though mom wouldn't let me watch scary movies) and it didn't really scare me, its just the fact that I have a fear of death, so when death started walking around, it was almost like a nightmare.

Originally Posted by StormSiren
I thought they did a horrible job on Fear Dot Com. With what the movie was about.... they could of expanded on it so much more and made it seriously creepy.... just wait until I make my movie... Muhahahha.... people will pee themselves in the theatre... oh yesh...
Fear Dot Com was one of the wierdest movies I have ever seen. What scared me about it was that I actually spent two hours watching that crap! But you're right--given the theme of the movie, they could have done a much better job with it.

You guys have lost the idea of this thread. The idea is...are there any movies that freak you out just thinking about watching them. Think Arachnaphobia if you're scared to death of spiders. saw a second or two of a movie when you were a little kid and it freaked you out so much you've never even attempted to watch it as an adult.

This is not a list thread for scary movies or movies that scared you while viewing them.