MoFo Alcoholics Anonymous


the samoan lawyer's Avatar
Unregistered User
Haven't had one drink since 8th April. Much happier and better form away from alcohol. Do miss it on a Saturday night but especially not the next morning.
Too weird to live, and too rare to die.

I just became eligible for state funded rehab. I'd have to pay £2000 of my own money which I don't have otherwise. Got to get this ***** sorted out.

I just became eligible for state funded rehab. I'd have to pay £2000 of my own money which I don't have otherwise. Got to get this ***** sorted out.
Have fun. Hope they have an open bar.

I just became eligible for state funded rehab. I'd have to pay £2000 of my own money which I don't have otherwise. Got to get this ***** sorted out.
I'll contribute to a kickstarter.

I just became eligible for state funded rehab. I'd have to pay £2000 of my own money which I don't have otherwise. Got to get this ***** sorted out.
Good luck. I hope this works out, so work your ass off, so it will. I don't like to share much about my life publicly, but I will say that it's been in my life, and I know how rough it can be for everyone involved. Don't give up.

I had drink more than i ever did this last 2 years, i have attain a point of dependance who turn out to make me sick this last 6months where i couldn't have any control beside trying to reduce, i never in my life had let this happen, i am strong enough to cut it out before i get into this nasty circle, my fiance then had tremendous psycho drama episodes and dellusion and he continnuesly would accuse me of cheating over nothing over and over, i dont think i have never seen anything like it! he ll threat people, call at night, show up at my door cussing and screaming, anyways very psychotic, i realize then that my drinking got higher and each time i ll try to go back to a decent state of alchoolism he ll bring me more and more alchool and attention, same about my weight i ll spend all day working out and he ll bring me fast food...funny how some people arent strong enough to deal with their own issue so they need to suck on someone else for their sorrow, i took charge and reverse the process, i cant let my feeling take over body and soul and drinking habbit, if someone is to weak to not even being able to make you feel good on a daily basis then they shouldnt make you feel less of the person cause he cant deal with himself, i believe in god, in karma and in good!! i think cruelty is somehting a weak person choose to do because they to afraid of living life truly and they live with fear of their own self everyday! its sad but there is tone of thoses out there! take control take charge! dont be a downer, life is to precious....

I just became eligible for state funded rehab. I'd have to pay £2000 of my own money which I don't have otherwise. Got to get this ***** sorted out.

i think you should take that has a true opportunity if you made it happen obviously you want to make the change, get resinstated, get better and pray for your own soul and believe in yourself than you can do it, if anything arise in your daily life and you feel you need to drink, remember to breath, to sing, pick caffeine, pick food if you have too, smoke, chewingum, whatever you can do, but go day by day!!! you ll be a new person after, you ll be proud of what you have done and accomplish

I had drink more than i ever did this last 2 years, i have attain a point of dependance who turn out to make me sick this last 6months where i couldn't have any control beside trying to reduce, i never in my life had let this happen, i am strong enough to cut it out before i get into this nasty circle, my fiance then had tremendous psycho drama episodes and dellusion and he continnuesly would accuse me of cheating over nothing over and over, i dont think i have never seen anything like it! he ll threat people, call at night, show up at my door cussing and screaming, anyways very psychotic, i realize then that my drinking got higher and each time i ll try to go back to a decent state of alchoolism he ll bring me more and more alchool and attention, same about my weight i ll spend all day working out and he ll bring me fast food...funny how some people arent strong enough to deal with their own issue so they need to suck on someone else for their sorrow, i took charge and reverse the process, i cant let my feeling take over body and soul and drinking habbit, if someone is to weak to not even being able to make you feel good on a daily basis then they shouldnt make you feel less of the person cause he cant deal with himself, i believe in god, in karma and in good!! i think cruelty is somehting a weak person choose to do because they to afraid of living life truly and they live with fear of their own self everyday! its sad but there is tone of thoses out there! take control take charge! dont be a downer, life is to precious....
Uh... aren't you TONGO's girlfriend?

Yeah, she was. There is a long story behind this and she needs to get some help.
oh here the serious gentleman talking!!! everyone knows, if a man say about a woman" she need some help" 1st he doesn't love her, 2nd he s probably the jerk himself!!! thats a little word

Woman you have my cell phone number. If you need to talk you can call or text or whatever. Please dont bring what youre thinking onto this site. Are you in AA? No. This thread is for recovered drinkers. Ill go to AA with you if you want, yes that means Ill stop smoking weed. You need this baby, I am not attacking you.