Best spoofs of all time?


I don't really like spoofs at all, but The Rutles is a classic.

1=Blazing Saddles
3=Naked Gun
3=Naked Gun 2 1/2

None of the rest come close.

I am a very big fan of spoof films, it is always nice to be able to laugh at your favorite movies. My favorite spoof movie would have to be the Scary Movie series, and not far behind them would be the new My Big Fat Independent Movie which rips on Indie films. I loved what they did to Pulp Fiction, Magnolia, and Memento. Just can't enough of them!!

Top Secret

Blazing Saddles


Naked Gun

Weird Al - UHF

Originally Posted by Drk_AngL
OOh My Big Fat Independent Movie is an awesome, awesome, spoof!!! I love spoofs, and this one was right up there with some of the best. I liked it better than the Scary Movie series and I think it was about time for a good spoof of indie films!
same here ...

That's why I even put MBFIM on my top list... hehehe was so funny. I really enjoy both independent movies and comedies. So, for me, it was amazing to see a movie like My Big Fat Independent Movie ..

My top, I think would be:

- My Big Fat Independent Movie
- Top Secret
- Top Gang


I will mention Spaceballs. Truely a funny little film.

Registered User
Are those posted above really spoofs?

If Gremlins is the original famous Gremlins movie I don't think it fits the bill, I haven't seen any of the other five, but I know Braindead by reputation and I'm not so sure that's a spoof either.

I used to absolutely LOVE this genre, for whatever reasons I rarely find my self enjoying the genre nowadays, it's more like I have to be in a particular mood to "feel" it.

I'm gonna go with Top Secret. I think that one was simply brilliant, so many inspired gags, it's the only spoof that I know of mocking ze germans of World War 2, which strikes me as pretty odd, I'm sure there are more which do.