Marijuana: Do you do it?


I'm also scared with the case of children because if I had children with my boyfriend, both of us have families with addictive personalities including ourselves and just because him and I made the smart choice to move on from our substance abuse, what if our children don't. Is education enough? What if it really comes down to genetically, you know?

I've never tried it but I don't want to.Actually it's not very popular in my country,too.
"Anything less than immortality is a complete waste of time."

Really? Can I ask what is?

Lol, Where do you live? Lithuania? Does your country have high crime rates?

there are certain cities which are famous for their crime rate.One stand-up comedian who lives in one of those cities joked that news contain 2 minutes of sports,1 min of weather and half and hour of crimes.
Well to be honest I think that the most often crime is driving drunk.

Lmao! Whats your drinking age there?

18.Although that doesn't make much difference because it's easy to buy alcohol not having eighteen years but I think that's in all countries.

Lol well here you gotta have someone older if you want it. I knew a couple people that could when they were younger because they looked older than 21 but I have never ever tried lol.

Lol we're swapping tips!

Just don't spark one up in visual range of me. I knocked a mate out cold when he did so in my home a few years back.
That's an option. Another one would've been telling him to put it out. Him being your 'mate', there might've been a chance he'd a done that...

I used to smoke weed. I smoke for the first time in my freshmen year. Then I stopped until my senior year. I smoked on weekends until the summer. Then I smoked everyday. I just hung out with potheads. I realize the people who I hung out with would either use me for weed or just weren't good people. And I was going broke by buying weed when I didn't really need to. I've smoked in over three months now and I don't really plan on going back to it. Plus I got in trouble in the law twice for it and had to do community service. It was really recreational only and a phase of my life that has past. Weed is just too much of a hassle if you live in a state that it isn't decriminalized in. It can ruin your life if you are not careful.

I've have done other things too. I tried E a few times. I have tripped on Shrooms and LSD a few times too. But no real hard drugs. I am glad I did those when I did them. I got that stuff out of my system. Now I am going the rest of my life clear.

I used to smoke cigs. But I quit those three months ago. I still drink every now and then though.
Going 18600 miles per second.

A system of cells interlinked
I sure am hungry.
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

I've have done other things too. I tried E a few times. I have tripped on Shrooms and LSD a few times too. But no real hard drugs. I am glad I did those when I did them. I got that stuff out of my system. Now I am going the rest of my life clear.

So what would you class as 'hard drugs' if not LSD and Ecstasy? They're two of the worst you can take.

Glad you're sorting yourself out though, you're better off without that stuff.

So what would you class as 'hard drugs' if not LSD and Ecstasy? They're two of the worst you can take.

Glad you're sorting yourself out though, you're better off without that stuff.
Trust me those aren't hard drugs compared to what is available around me. Like Coke, Special K. Or hell Meth and Heroin. I see E and LSD as harder than Weed for sure, but not hard, hard drugs.

Trust me those aren't hard drugs compared to what is available around me. Like Coke, Special K. Or hell Meth and Heroin. I see E and LSD as harder than Weed for sure, but not hard, hard drugs.
Well yes, though a mate of mine died...he killed himself. He smoked dope all the time, then he developed schizophrenia. Meth addicts do crime & herion addicts also. E's are taken for expressing oneself...LSD are taken when people don't know that the weed they're smoking is laced with acid.

^ Read above. A Florida man who violently chewed off a man's face -- police had to kill this guy to stop him -- originally they thought he was on bath salts. Now they're saying he had only used MARIJUANA.

Is this an attempt to make marijuana look really terrible?
Sounds like it was bad for this guy and the one that had his face eaten off either way very sad
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