Should a woman replace Andrew Jackson on the U.S. $20 bill?


Sorry for another post, but Twitter's having a good day with this news:

This one's pretty cool - but I doubt they'd get away with having a hand gun in the picture - especially in today's political environment.

Trouble with a capital "T"
That one of Tubman is way cool. I wouldn't be opposed to her being on a bill either... despite the fact she is not a founder father like the other people on bills.

If we're going to do her on a bill, there should a series of different people on the 20.

This would be my vote, a genius like no other.

Tesla was featured on an episode of Ancient Aliens! Based on that show, he wasn't just a time traveler, but was communicating with extra-terrestrials (that giant antenna thing he built was used to contact them) and receiving instructions from them, which is how he came up with many of his inventions!

Getting back to the argument that money should feature founding fathers - on another thread I recently mentioned how John Adams is not on any money, yet there isn't anyone who was MORE integral to American independence & early American history. (Talk about bias - most of the men on money are tall, stoic or military types - except Franklin of course. Adams was short, chubby and not very good looking, and he lacked Franklin's charisma. But his lack of attractiveness made him no less a patriot, and none can argue that there was anyone more committed to the cause.) If anyone should get a spot on a bill, it should be Adams.

Tesla was featured on an episode of Ancient Aliens! Based on that show, he wasn't just a time traveler, but was communicating with extra-terrestrials (that giant antenna thing he built was used to contact them) and receiving instructions from them, which is how he came up with many of his inventions!
I saw or i should say i read that; i'd never watch Ancient Aliens now the ridiculously hilarious factor has worn off now for me and i'd just like trash like that to get wiped from TV.

The cult surrounding Tesla is a good thing though he was clearly a brilliant man who went a bit forgotten for a while, i think some people think a bit too much of him but if he is introducing people to these subjects who would never glance at them before then it is a great thing.

Then why draw the line here?
Talk about whatever you want to i just think at this point you are out looking for arguments rather than discussions and it is getting pretty boring.

Everything is relative - every topic could be compared to something else that is "more important" or on a grander scale.

This topic is "popular" right now. Most everyone is familiar with money (to different extents, obviously).
It's a pop culture topic that involves economics, sociology, history, politics, race & gender issues and represents a subtle change to each of those areas. So yeah, it's a topic people like to discuss. There will always be more important things to discuss, but with that as a given, is there a reason we can't or shouldn't discuss less important things as well?

Besty Ross and maybe Martha Washington. It would need be someone like that. No wait Elinor Roosevelt would work too I guess. But traditionally money has presidents on it other then Ben Franklin which he was well deserving in history. For a Non President.

Id Replace Jackson with The Duke John Wayne.
I mean If The Duke Is Good Enough For Special Made Checks why cant he and other Icons Like Elvis, Johnny Cash or Frank Sinatra be on money.

Besty Ross and maybe Martha Washington. It would need be someone like that. No wait Elinor Roosevelt would work too I guess. But traditionally money has presidents on it other then Ben Franklin which he was well deserving in history. For a Non President.
Edith Wilson would make sense if you were going for a female then.

Master of My Domain
That one of Tubman is way cool. I wouldn't be opposed to her being on a bill either... despite the fact she is not a founder father like the other people on bills.

If we're going to do her on a bill, there should a series of different people on the 20.

This would be my vote, a genius like no other.

Well, I guess Ralph Fiennes is a cool guy. Not sure if he belongs on a dollar bill though.
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Talk about whatever you want to i just think at this point you are out looking for arguments rather than discussions and it is getting pretty boring.
Not really, but if we're gonna take an issue with money not representing the people who use it why not get rid of "in god we trust"?

Or better yet, let's continue to begrudge women with a pittance of recognition by putting only one on only one kind of bill. Or only one on only one kind of coin.

Seriously, that "in god we trust" thing is everywhere, though.
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