Movie Trade-off 'game'


Let's try to be broad-minded about this
k i'm changing it, it's at the top of this page!

So to keep things organized i'm just going to keep editting this post when people announce movies to watch

Swan must watch...You Can't Take It With You
Mrs. Darcy must watch...A Clockwork Orange
Godoggo must watch...The Wild Bunch
The Usual Suspect must watch...Once Upon a Time in the West
Movieman must watch...This is Spinal Tap
Rice1245 must watch...Do the Right Thing
Mark F must watch...Mr. Vampire
Iroquois must watch...Altered States
Lennon must watch...The China Syndrome
Destiny must watch...Aguirre the Wrath of God
Meatwadsprite must watch...A Bittersweet Life
Linespalsy must watch...Little Big Man
and partners in case you've forgotten

Godoggo with Iroquois
Linespalsy with Mark f
Destiny with Lennon
Me and The Usual Suspect
Spudracer and Igor_is_fugly
Meadwadsprite and Pyro_Tramp

and our group of three is movieman, swan and Mrs. Darcy

Yeah you don't necessarily have to use the lists but they're helpful.
Good, because I don't plan on filling those out. I also didn't want to use them. What I choose may be on there, from time to time, but I wasn't going to literally pick from it.

Welcome to the human race...
Now the question is when I can find the time to head out, find Altered States and watch it. May prove difficult for a number of reasons.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

Will your system be alright, when you dream of home tonight?
And Des is watching Aguirre The Wrath of God.
I used to be addicted to crystal meth, now I'm just addicted to Breaking Bad.
Originally Posted by Yoda
If I were buying a laser gun I'd definitely take the XF-3800 before I took the "Pew Pew Pew Fun Gun."

Will your system be alright, when you dream of home tonight?
Hey, it's a good movie.

Oh, I'm sure he thinks it is. He is probably happy that it was suggested to me. I'm guessing, of course, but I still say he likes that movie.

Watch me be wrong. Mark your calendars, if I am.

Well, I'll either like it, or I won't. If it's gory in any way . . . Lennon's in deep *****. It will prove he's read nothing about me on this board. Are you reading this, Lennon!?!

I'm doubting I like it, to tell you the truth. As far as Mr. Huge Shadow goes, I'm seriously doubting he's ever suggested this film to me. Not that that means anything, but he's had me check out a huge amount of films. He seems to know what I'll like. So far, anyway. I seriously don't recall this one being mentioned. We shall see.

Ok meat, i'm giving you A Bittersweet Life. If you have trouble picking one for me i can give you like a list of the 50 unwatched DVDs i got kicking around to pick from lol

A Bittersweet Life it is , and you can watch Meet the Spartans.

Or if you aren't man enough to watch that (I hope you aren't) , you can watch the Lupin III flick The Castle of Cagliostro.

This one might be a little hard to get a hold of , Netflix doesn't have it to rent - but supposedly they have it for streaming , even though every time I try to stream it - it keeps asking for the license.

Already seen it. Or at least as much of it as i could manage before giving up the will to live. I'll have a look for that, ain't got netflix anyway! Might try and download if can't find it streaming. Feel free to leave a back-up back-up

Wait I'm confused you hated Meet the Spartans or Castle of Cagliostro ? (or both?)

If you can't find Castle , I suggest to you Takeshi's Violent Cop - much easier to find.