Movie a Day by the Bay


The thing isolated becomes incomprehensible
What other Woody Allen films have you watched? Annie Hall is nowhere near his best for me
Matchpoint, Midnight in Paris and Vicky Cristina Barcelona.
It's not a lot, I know, but his style is not for me...

Crimes and Misdemeanors is Woody's best work, Neiba. Watch that film.
ok! I'll give it a try! Thanks for the rec!

Wish you had liked Annie Hall more Neiba. It is my favorite of his. You gotta be on board with the dialogue and neuroses when watching Allen because that is what he offers for sure.
Well, I have no problem with that, I really liked some crazy scenes (like the one the soul leaves Annie's body, or the spider's scene!) but the movie felt a lot like a sucession of funny moments and not like a well paced conected story!

The thing isolated becomes incomprehensible

In a Lonely Place

Nicholas Ray
94 min.

One of the nominations for the Noir HoF and a real contender for the winning!
Bogart is amazing as always and Gloria Grahame was a very nice surprise! She might not be the typical femme fatale I thought she would be considering the first 20 minutes of the movie but she turns into a really special, sensible woman without losing the strenght a femme fatale should have!
It's extremely well paced, the story is interesting and it keeps you guessing till the very last second! And the ending is one of the most beautiful I've seen in a Noir!

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
I have been thinking we should try to plan a commentary for them with Raul, since he has to see them this year. I didn't mean all at once BTW.
You realize I would have no clue of whats going on right?

Anyways, Star Wars, Alien, Blade Runner will all be first time watches this year. Yeah, I'm behind.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
You realize I would have no clue of whats going on right?

Anyways, Star Wars, Alien, Blade Runner will all be first time watches this year. Yeah, I'm behind.
I did it with Texas Chainsaw Massacre. It wasn't too bad.

Doing a Star Wars commentary might be a laugh. So long as we're talking proper Star Wars and not the prequels.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Doing a Star Wars commentary might be a laugh. So long as we're talking proper Star Wars and not the prequels.
Proper for sure. We should plan it.

January 4, 2015:

Primer (Shane Carruth, 2004) -


Primer isn’t everyone’s cup of coffee, but for me it’s the perfect blend. When talking about films that I personally connect with, Primer is one of the first films that come to my mind. It's a flawed film for sure, but that comes with the territory of being a $7,000 directorial debut by someone without any previous experience in filmmaking. In fact, with that in mind, I personally consider Shane Carruth - who directed, wrote, starred, produced, composed the score, and sound edited the film - something of a filmmaking genius. He's one of my filmmaking heroes, because he is a one man moviemaking machine.

And I feel Primer is the perfect example of genius in terms of low-budget creativity in storytelling. Using $7,000 dollars and almost no special effects, Carruth manages to tell a believable, engaging, intelligent and thought-provoking time travel film by very economical means. I've read criticisms of the film and none of them have changed my personal feelings toward it. I love it wholeheartedly and it's one of those films I can watch an endless amount of times and still love. There's just something about it. It appeals to my sensibilities in nearly every way.

Unfortunately, unless it looks like a movie you would like, don't expect a recommendation from me. I would recommend it to engineers and mathematicians and scientists more than anyone. I recommended it to my mechanical engineer cousin and he dug it. But cinephiles always seem to focus too much on it's flaws and don't just try to enjoy the experience.

And it's all about the experience of the film. I am close to understanding the film - as much as you can. Carruth purposefully leaves out some information so it's impossible to know 100% what's going on. But personally, I don't care that much to figure it out. That's a fun little game, but whenever I watch it, I just sit back and let the film take me over. I experience it's magic. It's inspires me in every way.

I wish I will one day make something as creative and intellectually stimulating. But if I never do, I can always just watch Primer.

January 5, 2015:

Mary and Max (Adam Elliot, 2009) -

Greatly unique stop-motion film. I'm a huge stop-motion fan, have been ever since my father introduced me to Harryhausen (who remains my biggest hero) when I was a kid. It's by far my favorite animation style. It's unfortunate that there aren't that many stop-motion films out there. This is one of the best of that small bunch. It's is endlessly quotable and has an incredible charm to it.

I'm probably going to check out Primer and Upstream Color this year. Many cinephiles I respect have said that Carruth is an extremely promising new cinematic force.
Cobpyth's Movie Log ~ 2019

The thing isolated becomes incomprehensible

Pickup on South Street

Samuel Fuller
80 min.

A very solid noir with a bit of Cold War paranoia that gives it a great touch, and with a beautiful soundtrack! The acting is quite good, and the hero is a very likable character! The main plot holds very well and it keeps you interested all the way through!
The romance is not very believable and the ending let me down a bit but overall is a good film!

The thing isolated becomes incomprehensible
(second of the day)

Modern Times
Charles Chaplin
87 min.

My first Chaplin movie (I even feel embarrassed saying this).
I knew he was a master in physical humour and a big name in cinema's history but I just wasn't expecting this - the man was a genious!!!
It has so many incredible details and timeless jokes and the music is used so so well, making words be completely irrelevant! Chaplin is beyond perfect and Paulette Godard was a really pleasant surprise - I almost can't remember the last time I felt so attracted to an actress on screen as with her on this!
Full of very clever social critic and unforgettable scenes (the one where he sings made me laugh so hard), this stamped a smile on my face that will last for hours!


2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Modern Times and City Lights both did nothing for me. I will have to watch my third Chaplin soon, but those are widely known as his two best, so he may not be for me.

(second of the day)

Modern Times
Charles Chaplin
87 min.

My first Chaplin movie (I even feel embarrassed saying this).
I knew he was a master in physical humour and a big name in cinema's history but I just wasn't expecting this - the man was a genious!!!
It has so many incredible details and timeless jokes and the music is used so so well, making words be completely irrelevant! Chaplin is beyond perfect and Paulette Godard was a really pleasant surprise - I almost can't remember the last time I felt so attracted to an actress on screen as with her on this!
Full of very clever social critic and unforgettable scenes (the one where he sings made me laugh so hard), this stamped a smile on my face that will last for hours!

I think you accidentally gave it a 4.... it's a