1 pesky sciuridae, 504 leaps, an unknown number of fillums


I'm surprised a lot like the Evil Dead remake - it very much missed the mark with me but maybe it's something to do with having seen the original or not? The original is just so camp and hammy it's brilliant, the thing I most took away from the remake was how crappy some of the cgi was.

I really wanted to like Mother's Day more than I did

The original Evil Dead is one of my favorites, and much of it is its atmosphere, which is almost impossible to recreate.

Mother's Day is basically crap, but it got to me.

7th March:
45. Amy (Asif Kapadia - 2015, stream)
Well made documentary that felt comprehensive enough in it's treatment of the life of someone that burned brightly but sadly all too briefly.

I liked Amy when she was younger, not that I was ever a fan of hers. That documentary is very good though and it's heartbreaking to see someone so lost. What she says to her friend when winning the Grammy is desperately sad.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

That documentary is very good though and it's heartbreaking to see someone so lost. What she says to her friend when winning the Grammy is desperately sad.
Do have to wonder if things might have turned out differently had she kept Nick as her manager, quite possibly not in the long run but maybe as he seemed to really care. Yeah, totally agree - to have said that at that point was just unbelievably sad and heartbreaking

Master of My Domain
I am another one who wants to see Amy. She's such a great artist. Oh why must all the great ones die at an early age.
Letterboxd Profile: https://letterboxd.com/GatsbyG/

8th March:
46. Cutting Moments (Douglas Buck - 1997, stream)
Many thanks to cricket for putting a link to this on YouTube in the RTLMYS thread as I too never realised it was only a short (nor that it was freely available). The effects are reasonably well done for the budget, the story a tad weak but overall whilst it's not great it's not dreadful either.

47. Blood And Chocolate (Katja von Garnier - 2007, tv)
Fantasy romance involving werewolves that feels aimed at the teen market but is infinitely superior to the execrable Twilight Saga series imo.

1 pesky sciuridae, 504 leaps, an unknown number of fillums

I thought this was a spambot when I read the thread title.

1 pesky sciuridae, 504 leaps, an unknown number of fillums

I thought this was a spambot when I read the thread title.
Not really much I can respond to that

9th March:
48. Independence Day (Roland Emmerich - 1996, tv)
Sure it's overly jingoistic, overly long and best taken purely at face value but it's still an entertaining ride and the initial arrival of the spacecraft is still amazingly good even 20 years on even if some of the other effects don't hold up quite as well.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Has it been 20 years since Independence Day was released, ughh, that makes me feel old. On the other hand it's a fun film. I love the scene with Brent Spiner.

10th March:
49. A Walk Among The Tombstones (Scott Frank - 2014, dvd)

Crime/drama that like a few Liam Neeson movies in recent years has a pretty routine and predictable role for the lead but is more entertaining than some imo as it's more procedural than action adventure.

50. A Clockwork Orange (Stanley Kubrick - 1971, dvd)
The first half gets just a little too silly in one or two places for me but the second half is brilliant imo.

13th March:
51. AVP: Alien vs Predator (Paul W.S. Anderson - 2004, dvd)
Not keen on the backstory personally but I do like the shifting temple and whilst the finale kinda disappoints proceedings up to that point are acceptable without ever being either remarkable or particularly annoying imo.

15th March:
52. American Hustle (David O. Russell - 2013, tv)
Thoroughly enjoyable crime/drama in which the primary characters are all nicely fleshed out and relatable, the cast all put in very good shifts and the direction allows a very natural flow to proceedings for the main part.

16th March:
53. The Hobbit: The Battle Of The Five Armies (Peter Jackson - 2014, dvd)
Somewhat disappointing end to the trilogy but still entertaining enough in parts.

The first 40 minutes or so were very disappointing to me with American Hustle. Suddenly, it was like someone flipped a switch and I loved the rest of it.

Master of My Domain
16th March:
53. The Hobbit: The Battle Of The Five Armies (Peter Jackson - 2014, dvd)
Somewhat disappointing end to the trilogy but still entertaining enough in parts.
Your rating for this film is way too high. What a lazy conclusion to a lazy trilogy.