What are you doing at this very moment?


Missed the top post earlier... glad part of your exams are over and good luck with the rest... I'm sure you'll do fine...

As for your grandfather... HUGE HUG... That has to be a hard decision for anyone to make... Is your grandfather ill?
Thanks i hope so!

My grandfather is very ill, he has an artificial pacemaker, which isnt a bad thing. Hes had one for 15 years, but 3 years ago he was also diagnosed with non-hogdkin cancer. Because of the pacemaker he wasnt able to undergo chemotherapy (it almost killed him) and last year they also discovered a leaking heart valve (im hope my spelling is ok). So due to all this he cant undergo a heartsurgery or chemo therapy...
I Amsterdam

And do check my "art": Deviant

My grandfather is very ill, he has an artificial pacemaker, which isnt a bad thing. Hes had one for 15 years, but 3 years ago he was also diagnosed with non-hogdkin cancer. Because of the pacemaker he wasnt able to undergo chemotherapy (it almost killed him) and last year they also discovered a leaking heart valve (im hope my spelling is ok). So due to all this he cant undergo a heartsurgery or chemo therapy...
Sorry to hear that sweetie
Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.

The People's Republic of Clogher
wow! so it's a pressure washer? does it do other things too? I've never seen one of those before.
One of the greatest inventions since the wheel!

I get my patio done once a year and it comes up like new. I bet it'd even remove tattoos if you could stand the pain.
"Critics are like eunuchs in a harem; they know how the Tatty 100 is done, they've seen it done every day, but they're unable to do it themselves." - Brendan Behan

We bought one once from Maplins while Simon was washing the car wheels it removed a big flake of paint off the door sill . Th enext time we got it out of the shed it didn't work. What a pile of crap. I want one of those Husky ones, I like cleaning stuff.

wow! so it's a pressure washer? does it do other things too? I've never seen one of those before.
Yep, it cleans siding, brick, block, stone, sidewalks, decks . . .

I bet it'd even remove tattoos if you could stand the pain.
. . . and the loss of flesh!

We bought one once from Maplins while Simon was washing the car wheels it removed a big flake of paint off the door sill . The next time we got it out of the shed it didn't work. What a pile of crap. I want one of those Husky ones, I like cleaning stuff.
Yep, you've got to be careful with those babies. I'd go with a Husky, if I were you. That one there, was the only one I wanted. Some look rather cheap. I prefer durable.

Welcome to the human race...
Came on here because I couldn't sleep - it's about 3 in the morning around these parts. Remember kids, don't drink copious amounts of Coke before bedtime!

Not to mention that I have to get up at 8...and have one busy day ahead of me....

I love life.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

I'm not old, you're just 12.
Crying my eyes out because I am so afraid of losing my cat. She won't eat or even move from the spot she's in now.
"You, me, everyone...we are all made of star stuff." - Neil Degrasse Tyson


The Adventure Starts Here!
Crying my eyes out because I am so afraid of losing my cat. She won't eat or even move from the spot she's in now.
Keep us posted, MP. How old is she? Mine was 20 years old, had been healthy all her life, and this is how she died (it took only a day, though). Considering her age, it was a fairly peaceful way for her to go, rather than increasing health issues as she aged.

It's been three years, though, and I still miss her terribly.

I'm not old, you're just 12.
She started throwing up on friday, and then she stopped eating altogether, and I think she's peed on the floor a couple of times (or she could have just thrown up water, since she doesn't eat anything) and now she just lays there quietly, which is very out of character for her, usually she's running around and jumping and climbing on things. She's gotten up once or twice, but mostly she just stays in one spot. She's only 7. Took her to the vets and they gave me hairball medication, but I doubt that this is a hairball. I can't even take her back or I won't be able to pay my rent this month. I don't know what to do.

The Adventure Starts Here!
Is there a vet clinic near you? Sometimes a local animal shelter offers basic vet services cheaper than a private vet.... It's not a hairball with those symptoms, I'd say, unless they ended quickly.

Does she have a favorite food or treat (something not too hard on the system)? Have you tried hand-feeding her something like this in a small amount? It's so hard to keep an ill cat comfy because they often prefer to be alone at such times and don't really give enough indication of what is wrong for us humans to get a clue.

A system of cells interlinked
I can't even think about my cat going away...

I love my (admittedly fat and lazy) cat.

We are pulling for her, MP!
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

Monkey, could she have ingested some type of poison? Possibly antifreeze or rat poisoning? I'm not sure about cats, but I know with dogs… if they go without eating or drinking, they will become so lethargic, they really can't eat or drink on their own and you have to give them fluids… so you might try an eyedropper with sugar water and see if that will help.

Also, I'd take her back to the vet … and make them charge the bill or just forget it since they apparently screwed up the first time… and you might wait until after they treat her to let them know that...

You never know what is enough, until you know what is more than enough.
~William Blake ~

AiSv Nv wa do hi ya do...
(Walk in Peace)

Good grief, man. Did they squeeze on her stomach any? Feel her kidneys? That doesn't sound at all like a hairball problem.

Also, is it a black cat? They have kidney problems more-so than others.

I'm not old, you're just 12.
Good grief, man. Did they squeeze on her stomach any? Feel her kidneys? That doesn't sound at all like a hairball problem.

Also, is it a black cat? They have kidney problems more-so than others.
They did. I don't really know what they were thinking. When I put her in her carrier, she was really lethargic, but when I got her there, she was very energetic, so they just sort of figured that it was something kinda minor, I guess. She's back to being lethargic right now, and she's still barfing. The good news is she hasn't peed on the floor, I have puzzled that out at least. that would be more serious than just throwing up and I don't want to contemplate that. My friend tracy says she's probably dehydrated and tired from being sick, and I'm keeping her water dish nearby so that she can drink when she needs. If she doesn't show any improvement, it's back to the vets, i guess.

Oh, and thank you to everyone who's replied to me. I've always thought this was the friendliest and most caring of any forum I've ever been on, and you lot continue to prove me right.

They did. I don't really know what they were thinking.
They were probably thinking what I was, and my vet here too. I've been through this a few times now, and the symptoms you gave, sounded like kidney failure. Which would be why they checked her belly first. What they do, is squeeze around, and they are actually feeling the kidneys, to see if they are shrinking, etc . . .

That's a more-so helpful sign, then. The only thing you can do for kidney failure, is a transplant, which is very expensive, or put them down.

If she doesn't show any improvement, it's back to the vets, i guess.
Yes, that would be best. Maybe even a different vet, if possible.

The Adventure Starts Here!
I know a pet sitter who knows how to give subcutaneous fluids to cats (with a syringe). You might want to ask your vet to either do that or show you how to do it. It can keep a pet that's not drinking from getting dehydrated.

There's no need to wait too long, either. As I said, cats are notorious for not showing just how sick they are, so waiting could be costly. Go tomorrow if she's not better. Heck, I'll PayPal you some money for the vet bill!