Rate The Last Movie You Saw


The Expendables 3 (2014)

I enjoyed The Expendables series for what it's meant to be. An 80's throwback all-star ensemble action films, with no character development, cheesy acting and dialogue, funny one-liners, and a lot of guns and explosions.

The first one was good. The second was even better, and funnier (The Expendables 2 is actually the best of the bunch). Unfortunately, the third isn't as good, fun, or funny as its predecessors.

Brimming with rififi!
13 Sins - 2/5
The best part of this film was reading the plot synopsis on Netflix. 13 Sin's premise is intriguing, but the film is repeatedly marred from start to finish. Everything in this film, down to its needless exposition, feels contrived. There are pointless twists, weak writing, poor direction, and, at best, passable acting. It's unfortunate that a film that had potential to standout just ended up being a trite mess. I will say that there were a few redeeming and entertaining moments of dark comedy here and there.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.

The Champ (1979)

This was a re-watch of a movie that I've seen many times before. The Champ is about a former boxing champ (Jon Voight) who is trying to make a comeback, his son (Ricky Schroder), and what happens when his ex-wife (Faye Dunaway) comes back into their lives. This movie is not about boxing. It's about the people and their relationships.

Jon Voight and Faye Dunaway are great, but the real star of this movie is young Ricky Schroder, who was only 8 years old when this movie was made. His performance is one of the best ever by a child actor. I love this movie, and I highly recommend it.

Warning: This is one of the saddest movies ever made. Do NOT watch this movie if you don't like to cry at movies.

Gåten Ragnarok (2013, Norway) ~ 6/10

I was expecting a bit more.. its a slow burn..... its an adventure/horror film but mildly horror.... one of the reasons I watched it.. its because I love cinema with a bit of mythology mixed in..... Ragnarok is the "end of times" in Norse Mythology.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
Remember that even the excrement can be turned into gold.
Look, I'm not judging you - after all, I'm posting here myself, but maybe, just maybe, if you spent less time here and more time watching films, maybe, and I stress, maybe your taste would be of some value. Just a thought, ya know.

The Turin Horse (2011)

I wouldn't call this a bad movie, it's just that for an average viewer like me, it's pure torture to sit through. If Ambien didn't make my wife so horny, I'd tell her to stop taking that, and put this on every night. She probably wouldn't even wake up for work. I got a good night's sleep, and was only up for about 3 or 4 hours when I put this on around noon. My wife left to go shopping, and then after about an hour, I had to pause the movie and take a nap. I slept for almost 3 friggin hours! My wife comes home after over 5 hours and is wondering why I'm watching the same movie and the chores aren't done. This movie had me thinking of Jeanne Dielman, and missing her. No moar Tarr for me.

If Ambien didn't make my wife so horny, I'd tell her to stop taking that, and put this on every night.

Sorry you didn't like it though. I didn't really think you would.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
t's just that for an average viewer like me, it's pure torture to sit through.
I think you overestimate Sunday movie watchers. For 'an average viewer' even some films from your top 10 can be hard to sit through. I'm seriously bored (pun intended) with all these people whining about movies being boring. I'm not gonna start that 'it's not boring to me' thingy, because I'm mental and I said it before: Nothing's boring for me. But film is ART and sometimes you have to push your borders and maybe then you will discover its brilliance. The Turin Horse is one of the most demanding movies ever made, though, so it doesn't come to me as a surprise you couldn't stand it.
My wife left to go shopping, and then after about an hour, I had to pause the movie and take a nap. I slept for almost 3 friggin hours!
Good, but are you describing a movie or your nap here?
My wife comes home after over 5 hours
Your wife was shopping for 5 hours?
and is wondering why I'm watching the same movie and the chores aren't done.
If it was Satantango and five hours had passed you would have 2 hours more to go, so your wife could be even more shocked. If you had a nap you would have six hours of Satantango to watch after that one hour and 3 hour nap time.
This movie had me thinking of Jeanne Dielman, and missing her.
That's a good one. xD
No moar Tarr for me.
Apparently he's not for everyone.

I'm not complaining about it being boring really; I'm just stating the obvious from my viewpoint. It's what I expected and it's what most people would feel, I think. That doesn't mean I think it's without merit to some people. I appreciate these, what for me are off the wall art films, because sometimes I find one I really like.

And yea, my wife shopping for 5 hours is very average for a Saturday afternoon. It's not the food shopping mind you, I do that.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
Now I know another thing to ask a girl on date: "How long does it take for you to do shopping?". And if the answer is more than an hour she's out.

On the other hand... She shopping means MOVIE MARATHON.

Now I know another thing to ask a girl on date: "How long does it take for you to do shopping?". And if the answer is more than an hour she's out.

On the other hand... She shopping means MOVIE MARATHON.
That's right; I always have a plan to watch something when she's shopping on Saturday afternoon, and I try to have something ready that she'll like for Saturday night.

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
I found The Turin Horse monotonous, if at times visceral. I know you watched it for the tourney in the competition with 3 Women. which got your vote. I voted for The Turin Horse though because I think the Altman is even more monotonous and annoying. Maybe if 3 Women had no dialogue, I'd think more of it.
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
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