MoFos - Identify Your Gender!


I actually have a job that requires a lot of lifting and moving moderately heavy objects (I put out stock and merchandise at a department store). I have no trouble throwing around luggage and large boxes of shoes. However, if I'm home or out somewhere and something heavy needs to be lifted, I do pull the "I'm a girl and thus weak so you do it" card if there are any guys around.

Unless the men are taking too long or cannot do it themselves (most of the guys I know are pretty weak actually). Then I tell them to step aside.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I actually have a job that requires a lot of lifting and moving moderately heavy objects (I put out stock and merchandise at a department store). I have no trouble throwing around luggage and large boxes of shoes. However, if I'm home or out somewhere and something heavy needs to be lifted, I do pull the "I'm a girl and thus weak so you do it" card if there are any guys around.

Unless the men are taking too long or cannot do it themselves (most of the guys I know are pretty weak actually). Then I tell them to step aside.
I had you pegged as a guy too Cosmic. Amazing how much our prejudices play into that. Now that I know you're a film women I will be way nicer. Just teasing you. I worked retail for a very long time after High School. Rauldc works in retail as well. You enjoy it?

"I smell sex and candy here" - Marcy Playground
Amazing how much our prejudices play into that.
I don't really consider safe assumptions in the realm of unknowns, based on avatar visuals we are presented, to be prejudices.

I worked retail for a very long time after High School. Rauldc works in retail as well. You enjoy it?
I like that this particular position does not normally involve dealing with customers, because I worked in customer-facing positions for longer than I'd like.

We go in early, before the store opens (I get up at 4am to get ready and walk to work), and we used to be off when the store opened at 10, but they've since started opening at 9:30 so we have half an hour where we might have to deal with customers. If there are a lot of projects that need to be done, we might work until 2pm, and I hate those shifts because I'd rather just get our work done instead of having to stop and deal with bitchy customers.

I also have a second job where I do product demonstrations, which is 100% customer interaction, so I like that my main job is mostly customer-free.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I like that this particular position does not normally involve dealing with customers, because I worked in customer-facing positions for longer than I'd like.

We go in early, before the store opens (I get up at 4am to get ready and walk to work), and we used to be off when the store opened at 10, but they've since started opening at 9:30 so we have half an hour where we might have to deal with customers. If there are a lot of projects that need to be done, we might work until 2pm, and I hate those shifts because I'd rather just get our work done instead of having to stop and deal with bitchy customers.

I also have a second job where I do product demonstrations, which is 100% customer interaction, so I like that my main job is mostly customer-free.
Your post made me giggle because you sound just like a long time retail employee. Dealing with customers is such a chore. Add to that the ones that are messy and the ones who steal, it quickly becomes a nightmare. I don't miss it. Healthcare, what I'm in now, still has customer service aspects but in such a different way. It is actually the enjoyable part of my job now.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I don't really consider safe assumptions in the realm of unknowns, based on avatar visuals we are presented, to be prejudices.
Maybe, but do you think anyone picks their avatar based on their personality? Seems to me everyone picks them based on characters or movies they love. Which means those assumptions shouldn't be safe at all.

"I smell sex and candy here" - Marcy Playground
Maybe, but do you think anyone picks their avatar based on their personality? Seems to me everyone picks them based on characters or movies they love. Which means those assumptions shouldn't be safe at all.
Maybe it's because I don't care if I'm responding to a male or female or Pat or cousin Itt. I know many dudes who put babes in their avatar because they dig babes. If someone thinks a dude is a babe because the avatar is a babe, I still do not see such assumptions as prejudices. What an apologetic world we live in. Soon, people will be apologizing for breathing.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Maybe it's because I don't care if I'm responding to a male or female or Pat or cousin It. I know many dudes who put babes in their avatar because they dig babes. If someone thinks a dude is a babe because the avatar is a babe, I still do not see such assumptions as prejudices. What an apologetic world we live in. Soon, people will be apologizing for breathing.
I don't think anyone will be accusing me of being the PC police anytime soon. We don't have to treat apologizing as some sort of punishment or sign of weakness either. Why can't we find a balance between the SJW and people who are dismissive of common courtesy.

I thought everyone was just having a conversation here.

"I smell sex and candy here" - Marcy Playground
I thought everyone was just having a conversation here.
We are, aren't we?

When you said "our prejudices", I just wanted to make sure I wasn't included in the "our", because I don't believe that every human mistake or misconception is a prejudice, especially one as trivial as those in this thread.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
We are, aren't we?

When you said "our prejudices", I just wanted to make sure I wasn't included in the "our", because I don't believe that every human mistake or misconception is a prejudice, especially one as trivial as those in this thread.
I think you are putting a way too negative spin on the word prejudices. I think if almost everyone here thought Cosmic was a male but she was indeed female. We all pre-judged. She doesn't seem offended. Nobody is upset, but a spade is a spade.

i thought sexy,swan and omni were 1 person.
Originally Posted by Mr Minio
I'd say these are three different personas.
I'm the hippie persona.

Originally Posted by Mr Minio
All three quite crazy, but in their own way.
If you lose more than 64000 points, you go to the little white room. You have to sit perfectly still with your back to each wall for 15 consecutive minutes. If you twitch you have to start all over. After that you have to organize cards by suit.

Originally Posted by TONGO
Dont go trying to do an Omni and make people guess then not tell.
Originally Posted by Guaporense
Omni is more manly than anybody else here. He might try to hide it but it's pretty obvious.
Manly men are vegan and adopt injured birds on the side of the road.

Originally Posted by CosmicRunaway
At shops or events people tend to think I'm just there because I'm someone's girlfriend, which is one thing I do actually find offensive.
That friggen' SUCKS.
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"I smell sex and candy here" - Marcy Playground
I think you are putting a way too negative spin on the word prejudices. I think if almost everyone here thought Cosmic was a male but she was indeed female. We all pre-judged. She doesn't seem offended. Nobody is upset, but a spade is a spade.
Before this topic popped up, I never really considered who was male or female, no concsious pre-judging effort, but I'm glad you meant positive prejudices.

It's not that it was a positive prejudice (wtf?), it's that it was an easy and common one to make and the person being pre-judged wasn't offended and actually expected to be pre-judged.

I thought this was going to be a ******** thread where people acted as if gender was a choice

Never thought just asking if someone is a man or a woman could cause so much drama.

We got too much time.

I believe, because it was a positive and not a negative prejudice, no one is offended and nobody is upset.
Prejudice isn't synonymous with prejudgment anymore, the word is overwhelmingly pejorative.