MoFo Health Thread


Great to get a diagnosis! Glad to hear it's something that can be treated. Really good news (I typed that as "really food news" at first, which I guess is just as appropriate).

Chappie doesn't like the real world
Great to get a diagnosis! Glad to hear it's something that can be treated. Really good news (I typed that as "really food news" at first, which I guess is just as appropriate).
Thanks, it is very relieving. Yes, food is very appropriate because I plan to look at the bright side of things and eat until it hurts.

That reminds me of something old-timey MoFo OG- said. Apparently when he was younger he had some blood condition that made it really hard for him to gain weight. He said that girls at his school would ask him how they could get it, and he'd always tell them it was sexually transmitted.


Glad to hear you're ok Go, sorry I didn't see your original post. Good to get a diagnosis too. Now you know why you were being irritable cos that's a symptom isn't it?

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
The word from the doc is hyperthyroidism. Easily treatable but until the meds start working I'm going to Dunkin' Donuts for a dozen donuts then Chopstix and then the most fattening Starbucks drink they have. I'm taking advantage of this why I can because when you have an over active thyroid you lose weight like crazy.

I'm glad to hear that the doctors figured it out, and that it's something that's easily treatable. I hope you're feeling better now, and that you stay well.

Chappie doesn't like the real world
Glad to hear you're ok Go, sorry I didn't see your original post. Good to get a diagnosis too. Now you know why you were being irritable cos that's a symptom isn't it?
It is a symptom. I feel like a cat that is constantly being petted the wrong way. The meds take about a week to kick in until then flare ups of extreme bitchiness will unfortunately be apart of my personality.

@gbgoodies: Thanks

I just went two days without working out and it is so hard to jump back into it, even after a short break like that... I guess it is because my workouts hold such high intensity that even the smallest of breaks effect my body. Anyways, I'm back at it now going on last week of month 1!

Registered User
I just went two days without working out and it is so hard to jump back into it, even after a short break like that... I guess it is because my workouts hold such high intensity that even the smallest of breaks effect my body. Anyways, I'm back at it now going on last week of month 1!
Glad to year you pulled yourself back into it - too easy to fall out of maintaining a good routine.

Glad to year you pulled yourself back into it - too easy to fall out of maintaining a good routine.
Thanks for the reply, it is great to have someone no matter when and where, to give you a sort of positive energy to keep going.

Since I'm only missing less than a week of month 1, I better see that as a clear goal to keep going and pushing through everyday!

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I'm watching TV and saw a commercial that grabbed my eye.

"Do you ever feel sluggish? Do you eat bad foods?" -- then they went on to say there's "Liveraid" sold at Rite Aid... For some reason, I have my doubts on those products, as they are not tested by the FDA.

Does anyone take supplements? If not, any reason? If so, what works?

doubledenim's Avatar
What’s the worst you eva done for a burger?
My sister is a nurse practitioner. She is of the belief the only result of supplements is expensive urine.

I don't give much credence to stuff that preys on insecurities or fears.

Please Quote/Tag Or I'll Miss Your Responses
Thank you!

What about foods and drinks? I've loved pomegranates my entire life, so it was a delight when I read from many sources it was the strongest antioxidant. I also love passion fruit, it's easy to eat.

doubledenim's Avatar
What’s the worst you eva done for a burger?
Eating food is the best way to meet your nutrition needs.

In light of Pom Wonderfuls advertising issues, pomegranate is considered a great source of antioxidants.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I love pomegranates...but...if you're not careful they splatter red juice which stains like it was ink. So I bought a papaya the other day, I'm going to plant the seeds and see if I can grow it.

My "diet" is weird lately... I eat like at least 80% healthy on week days, but then in the weekend, I unintentionally and usually also regrettably end up eating a lot of bad foods. :/

So I'm going with a 5-2 diet... 5 days healthy, 2 days of being a fat f*ck.

doubledenim's Avatar
What’s the worst you eva done for a burger?
71/29 is great. Outside of any holidays or celebrations, family events, I find it works really well. I don't eat carbs 3-4 hours before bed and only if I'm starving a handful of nuts. I find it is paying dividends.