For the first time I'm watching...

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LOL... Why would you get this film?
Got it for a friend. LOL! I know theyll like it, but lets see if I can even finish it. I didnt want to watch anything heavy (St Anna) its been a long week.

Fast & The Furious 4

1 hr - If a Trans-Am pulled up and Burt Reynolds got out Id hit the floor right now hysterics! Well he aint. This movie should be a drinking game - whenever any actor stops, stares, then poses for a sec you take a swig/shot. Come with a stomach pump.

Ok so trying to hijack a semi truck in a couple of pickup trucks going in reverse is nothing compared to this new act of genious. Racing at top speeds thru a mine shaft to get across the border. Theres less room for error than what Jada Pinkett had in Matrix 3. Now what? Oh Vin and the cop broke off from the crooks taking $60 million dollars. The cop gets orders to arrest him, but instead the federal agent takes him to his girlfriends house for dinner.

Allright I gotta finish this thing...

Fast & Furious 4

1 hr 15 min - It took 4 movies for me to actually get it, but Vin is this federal agents Bodie. Point Break with cars, and I shockingly have more respect for Katheryn Bigelow. I know Im cracking wise on this flick, but Paul Walker reminds me of Matthew Fox from LOST. Crap actor. Maybe even worse than.

The guy playing the fake big boss Braga reminds me of Dos Equis The Most Interesting Man in the World from the mexican beer commercial. Oh if only he was. Ugh Vins doing alot of Caruso style posing which is camp acting overload. OI! Is it possible that a car engine in this flick doesnt shine like a x-mas ornament?! Dont these people go muddin'?!

Fast & Furious 4

Final - Hm?! The main bad guy Braga's very religous. Might be good for a recurring villain with depth, but my moneys on him dying at the end in a car crash. Who wants to bet me?! LOL! Oh ffs. If this movie couldnt have thrown the book of reality further now theyre gonna take Brag back to the states. Oh thats right what was I thinking there are 2 guys in 2 fast cars against a mega heroin cartel.

ROFLMFAO! Vin and fedboy are getting shot at by Bragas minions. So Vin elbows breaks his driver side window rather than rolling it down to shoot his shotgun! With one shell two cars blow up I aint kidding. He is the lovechild of Bo Duke and Rambo. Back to the mineshaft which I guess was a proven winner to escape border patrol. The baddy that killed Michelle Rodriguez character just took out fedboy in a car duel. Never thought Id see a stormtrooper that actually hit. Realism aside finally this mineshaft duel endchase is pretty cool. Welp that guys dead as hell. Ole Vin got his revenge.

Vin helps the good guys bring Braga back to the states, and is rewarded with the maximum sentence of 25 to life. Maybe they wanted a prison section for the videogame? Oh looks like fedboys gone loco and joined with Vins gang n sis too bust Vin free from the prison transit bus. No dont end! I'm so excited I could pee! Dry humor typed is tough to master.

Please someone take a turn. I know there are some fuinny folks here. Better yet unfunny folks watching a bad flick can be hilarious. Sorry I have to admit if Holden Pike posted while he watched Catwoman I'd be LOLing.

Fast & Furious 4

It took 4 movies for me to actually get it, but Vin is this federal agents Bodie. Point Break with cars, and I shockingly have more respect for Katheryn Bigelow.
That's actually how a friend of mine got me to see the first one. I looked that it and the trailer and thought, "Nah, this isn't for me." then he saw it and told me it was Point Break with cars. Thinking back on the trailer, I could see how that could be true, so I went with it. As you say, it tells you how good a job (or how much better a director) Kathryn Bigelow is. Not only that, but how much more charisma and talent Swayze and Reeves have over these two morons.

Miracle At St Anna by Spike Lee. Remember there's dreaded Spoilers within...

25 min -Ok I like alot of Spike Lees stuff, but hardly consider him the level of director as Scorsese, Speilberg, R Scott, Coppolla, etc.... I do think his talent's deeper than alot in the business. Alot! Crooklyn is my favorite movie he's made. Yeah I know Denzel wasnt in it, but unlike alot of his films Washington was in Crooklyn was hilarious, and not overdirected. Overdirecting is Spikes weakness like many directors today.

John Turturro, and Leguizamo are in it. LOL! Thats like saying I saw Arnold in a James Cameron movie. Nice well paced beginning. 15 min in and were going back to WWII.

WTF??!! This one black soldier looks 35 years old, and has gold teeth. Derek Luke has a career ahead of him but Im smelling alot of bad acting. Oi cast your movies smarter! The german lady broadcaster demoralizer scene is funny. "Save yourself negro brothers!" LOL! The nazis didnt even regard black folks as human beings. LOL! Even the nazis want her to shut up. I believe the last thing anyone in war would want to hear in the field of combat is Elizabeth Hasselbecks voice chatterting away.

Miracle At St Anna

45 min - A white commander dropped bombs on them knowing they were there. It sucks to be white. Alot of the miscast actors were blown up in a firefight. I guess Spike knew them and wanted to throw a check their way, but ffs the guy playing the big dumb guy Train is killing me. He carries with him and rubs a 45lbs statue head for luck. Good thing it wasnt a kitchen sink eh?! After all a sink would be too cumbersome on the field of combat. Rule #1 Never cast a weak actor to play the dumb guy. It takes more craft than you'd think to pull it off, and this guy aint got it at all. He should have cast the actor that played Biggie Smalls in Notorious. These have to be the loudest field soldiers in the history of man. Out of nowhere Train will just start bellerin'.

Miracle At St Anna

1 hr 20 min - Train is killing this movie for me. The actor playing him is so weak yet has so much screen time. Dont forget to rub that statue head! f There are an assorted cast of entertaining characters, and Lee doesnt demonize the nazis. The little boy they picked up along the way is supposed to be 8 or 9, but acts the age anywhere from 2-5 believing Train is made of chocolate.

Lee wants to explore the plight of the Buffallo Soldiers during WWII, but kills his own authenticity with loose filmmaking, and storytelling surrounding the theme i.e. this aint Glory. Im at the halfway point to this flick, and am worried when the "miracle" occurs it will fall flat.

Miracle At St Anna

1 hr 35 min - Well we find out thru a flashback a southern diner would serve nazi prisoners over black soldiers. I know those nazi prisoners were in high abundance down in the south...oh wtf cmon Spike there was enough prejudice back then you hardly need to make stuff up! Uh oh theyre pissed and coming back. Theyre making him serve ice slushies at gunpoint! I bet a 7-11 clerk got the chills just watching that. Alls well...

These soldiers keep dragging this kid with them wherever they go, and did I tell you theyre behind enemy lines?! The miracle of the film must be this kid not dying. Really gorgeous italian girl in the flick.
Lots of contrived emotional dialogue. In comparison this makes the Damon scene in Private Ryan telling about his brothers back home look natural and effortless.

Miracle At St Anna

2 hrs - This movie needed alot of editing as it runs way too long. Not even commentworthy really. Just predictable with occasional good scenes that are few and far between. This movie should have been alot better. Ah well 40 more minutes to go.

Miracle At St Anna

Final - So the italian Butterfly is like Robin Hood vs the nazis. The nazis must really hate him they even gunned down an entire italian village cause nobody would tell of him. One of the butterflies men betrayed him! The butterfly finds out! And the guys kills Butterfly. Im serious Butterflies' dead. So the kid is hunted due to him witnessing these nazis gunning down an italian village.

Theres a love triangle between the beautiful italian girl, and two soldiers. This furthers the story in no way other to show her breasts. Yes Spike Lee is still guilty of gratuitous nudity, and sex in his films. Heck he even has used porno stars to play bit parts on more than one film.

Oh. So the nazis are attacking this italian village too. Wtf?! Did I get an F in history or something?! The germans and italy were allies! Theyre not gonna cause an act of war to get Robin Butterfly Hood or whatever, and then risk further war by killing more villages to cover for previous villages. Damn this movies so bad Im sounding like a nazi sympathizer.

Yknow I could go into the ending, but its just a pure gyp. Miracle my balls! If youre gonna make a fictional war movie do it right (see Platoon) cause this was the worst movie Ive ever seen by Spike Lee. Except maybe Girl 6. Maybe. The acting in this was much worse, and he has zero ability to direct a war movie. Lee is at his best when doing Woody Allen type movies, and is better at it than Kevin Smith. None of these great directors know truly what to do with a big budget epic though.

... Did I get an F in history or something?! The germans and italy were allies!
Only until 1943, when the allies landed and overthrew Mussolini's government. Italy signed an armistice a couple of months later (September I think), so they were on 'our' side then. From what I know, the Germans really dug in deep all the way up Italy (my grandfather was there for the duration, including the Battle of Monte Cassino) and he told me of some terrible things he saw and heard in towns and villages.

Only until 1943, when the allies landed and overthrew Mussolini's government. Italy signed an armistice a couple of months later (September I think), so they were on 'our' side then. From what I know, the Germans really dug in deep all the way up Italy (my grandfather was there for the duration, including the Battle of Monte Cassino) and he told me of some terrible things he saw and heard in towns and villages.
Ok then. Maybe Spike knows more about WW II than me after all. Thats good though!

Cmon Honeykid wanna take a turn? Its weird posting when nobody else is, but unique too. Somewhat of a spotlight on the ham or just the texted thoughts of a pissed off movie viewer. LOL! By far you aint going on after the Beatles.

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
Yep, two movies I recommend about what was happening in Italy during WWII after Mussolini are The Four Days of Naples, a wonderful Italian film, and the gargantuan surrealistic nightmare Catch-22.

It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
My IMDb page

Cmon Honeykid wanna take a turn? Its weird posting when nobody else is, but unique too. Somewhat of a spotlight on the ham or just the texted thoughts of a pissed off movie viewer. LOL! By far you aint going on after the Beatles.
I still intend to do it Tongo. I still haven't gotten around to watching the '79 version of Dracula yet.

Banned from Hollywood.

THE FOUNTAIN: the only aronofsky film i havent seen

THX1138: lucas' film debut

BAD MOON: out of interest because of the actress who stars in it. Woody Allen's young lover in Manhattan.
My 100 ALL-TIME FAVE Movies

Haunted Heart, Beautiful Dead Soul

just made me think if the truly smart kids think like this. if they feel so alone and overwhelmed with their ablities. the scene where fred is able to be a kid made me so sad and happy all the same time. happy since he was able to be a kid but sad because he almost missed that chance to be a regular kid.

So I was hanging out with some friends, and one grabs me by the arm away from the group and in a whisper asked if I would download & burn him a movie. What could this be I wonder?! He made me promise not to tell anyone, give him the disc on the sly, and I ask "Well what is it?!". "Twilight 2 New Moon" he says. I bust up laughing, and he's swearing up n down the whole time its for his wife. I imagine Ill hand the disc off to him like Ron Livingston did with his buddies in Office Space, when they had their genious virus to steal from the company, being subtle with spylike mannerisms and such.

So Im gonna eventually do this, and yes I proudly announce Ill pirate that glossy empty stupid piece o s*** movie, but I promise to watch it and share the experience again with you all again.
Unless that is you were going to see it yourself.

Wouldn't it be terrible to have to pay a big fine and legal fees because you were caught downloading Twilight: New Moon? Is it even worth the risk?
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra