MoFo Awards, Take Two


Same here,

Thanks sam for making it happen & Darcy too...

This is most likely something I am going to spread out among a few posts.

Most Dedicated Mo-fo
Caitlyn (patrolling the boards and keeping the peace!)
Most Sincere

Friendliest Poster

So I only ended up filling out three, but I am trying to put carefully considered thought into each nomination, which has ended up being a bit harder than I anticipated.
I am moved by fancies that are curled
Around these images, and cling:
The notion of some infinitely gentle
Infinitely suffering thing.
T.S Eliot, "Preludes"

- Best Animated Avatar
Sedai, Michael_myers

-Most Dedicated Mofo
JRS, Yoda

- Most Improved Poster
Pimp Da Shizzle 2
Evil lives...

Pop quiz!

You know it's time to move on when:

a) A person won't return your calls;
b) It's been six months since your dog died and you're still crying;
c) You don't actually know who half the people getting nominated are;
d) All of the above.

Standing in the Sunlight, Laughing
Sedei, Tazz, OG- don't thank me yet, I'll slack off!

Glitter~ it's way harder than I thought it would be! If someone is already nominated, you don't need to re-nominate them though, that might make it easier. Nominations will close on Sunday morning, so you have til then to make your mind up.

SilverBullet~ maybe it's a sign you should be around more. Possibly.
Review: Cabin in the Woods 8/10

Originally Posted by SamsoniteDelilah
Definitely more likely. That doesn't mean it's going to happen, but.

- Best at Creating Interesting Threads
Yoda, JRS, 7thson
- Most Knowledgeable Regarding Film
Holden, Silver Bullet
- Best Movie Recommendations
Holden has some good ones, Aniko
- Best Reviewer
Lord Slaytan, Samsonite Delilah
- Master Debater
Yoda, Golgot
- Most Mysterious Poster
Fox, Minion TV
- Most Dedicated Mo-fo
Caitlyn, Aniko
- Best Use of Emoticons/Banners/Graphics
- Best Newbie (joined after 8/1/04 - no post count minimum on this one)
- Friendliest Poster
Caitlyn, Aniko, birdygyrl, JRS, Lord Slaytan

those are just some..i'll get back with the rest

Best Movie Recommendations:
Silver Bullet

Most Insightful Poster (about non-film topics)

Best Signature:
Ash Lee

Gone But Not Forgotten:
You never know what is enough, until you know what is more than enough.
~William Blake ~

AiSv Nv wa do hi ya do...
(Walk in Peace)

You ready? You look ready.
I just stumbled across this thread today. Wow! I saw my name twice. Cool. I dont have anytime to do this thing right now but, I'll do it tonight or tomorrow morning.
"This is that human freedom, which all boast that they possess, and which consists solely in the fact, that men are conscious of their own desire, but are ignorant of the causes whereby that desire has been determined." -Baruch Spinoza

Standing in the Sunlight, Laughing
I'm kinda going with "on average". I tended to nominate people whose avs have been the same for awhile, and that I've come to associate with them. Use which ever criteria you feel though - it will all average out, I reckon.

no problem, gummo, any time...

thanks to everyone who placed my name in nomination

thanks to samsonitedelilah and starrdarcy for getting this off the ground

no matter who wins, i just want to give a big thank you to everyone at this forum's great to know you all...

Most Well Rounded poster Silver Bullet, OG-
Best at Creating interesting threads Nebbs, Jrs
Most Knowledgable reguarding film Holden Pike
Best Movie Recommendations Holden, jrs
Master Debater Yoda, Holden
Funniest Poster Sir Toose, Zeiken
Most Mysterious Slay
Most dedicated JRS, hands down
Most insightful about non film stuff Nebbit, John McClane
Most Sincere John McClane, Animal Mother, nebbit
Best Animated Avatar Nebbit
Best Non Animate Avatar Zeiken
Best Signature allthatglitters
Best Use of Emoticons etc nebbit
Best Noob chicago Frog
Friendliest poster Dillskies
Most improved poster pimpdashizzle2.0
Gone but not Forgotten zBlarz, Agent 0 Zero, Mary Loquacious

I'm rather new, and now that I find out about these awards, I have to get onboard and become known! So I'm going for the best newbie award...

I don't know how, but I'll try. You can check out my signature!!!

By the way, if there was an award for worst user, someone who everybody wished never joined and did not rear their face upon you guys, who would that be? I know it is not really in the spirit of the awards but it will bring people together, picking on the weak, has been happening for centuries!

Over and out!

P.S. Apart for this minor post, I will not be a try hard to take out the award for best newbie.
The nature of Monkey was irrepresible. The nature of Movie_Monkey is Absolute!

These are mine, boy this is hard.

2004 MoFo Awards:

Most Well-Rounded Poster (Jack-of-all-Trades)
LordSlaytan, Allthatglitters, Annie, Susan.

Best at Creating Interesting Threads
Holden Pike, LordSlaytan

Most Knowledgeable Regarding Film
Holden Pike, SilverBullet,

Best Movie Recommendations
Holden Pike, LordSlaytan, Piddzilla

Best Reviewer
LordSlaytan, Mark,

Master Debater
Yoda, Golgot, Piddzilla

Funniest Poster

Most Mysterious Poster

Most Likely to Be in a Movie

Most Dedicated Mo-fo
Yoda, Caitlyn, jrs, Aniko

Most Insightful Poster (about non-film topics)
LordSlaytan, Caitlyn, Piddzilla, Annie

Most Sincere
Susan, birdygyrl, AllthatGlitters, Caitlyn, Aniko, LordSlaytan, 7thson.

Best Animated Avatar

Best Non-animated Avatar

Best Newbie (joined after 8/1/04 - no post count minimum on this one)
Tacitus, chicagofrog, Prospero

Friendliest Poster
Caitlyn, Susan, 7thson, Aniko

Most Improved Poster
Ezikiel, Garrett

Gone But Not Forgotten (may not have posted in 2004)
Kong, Nikki, SexyCelebrity, Hondo

Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.

there's a frog in my snake oil
Argh, this is hard.

- Most Well-Rounded Poster (Jack-of-all-Trades)
Yoda, SamsoniteDelilah, Sedai

- Best at Creating Interesting Threads
r3port3r66, MinionTV

- Most Knowledgeable Regarding Film
Holden Pike (the man has won already, i won't bother putting all the other majorly knowledgeable people out there)

- Best Movie Recommendations
Piddzilla, Silver Bullet, Holden Pike (and many more. That's the whole point innit )

- Best Reviewer
Piddzilla, SamsoniteDelilah, Lord Slaytan

- Master Debater
Yoda, Piddzilla

- Funniest Poster
MinionTV, Anonymous_Last

- Most Likely to Be in a Movie
Silver Bullet, SamsoniteDelilah, OG

- Most Dedicated Mo-fo
Yoda, Caitlyn (come rain or shine), Nebbit

- Most Insightful Poster (about non-film topics)
Yoda, Piddzilla, Caitlyn

- Most Sincere
7thson, Lord Slaytan, Caitlyn

- Best Signature
Firegod, Nebbit

- Best Use of Emoticons/Banners/Graphics

- Friendliest Poster
Aniko, Caitlyn, Susan

- Most Improved Poster

- Gone But Not Forgotten (may not have posted in 2004)
Mary Loquacious, Firegod, Sir Toose
Virtual Reality chatter on a movie site? Got endless amounts of it here. Reviews over here

Standing in the Sunlight, Laughing
As they say in The Biz, "that's a wrap". I agree with everybody who said this was tough. MoFo really has a lot of great posters!

Nominations are officially closed.

If you didn't get to post nominations, don't worry: there have been enough repeat nominations in the thread to make it fairly clear who our nominees will be. The one adjustment being made is to limit the number of nominations a person can have, so that more people get nominated.

Polls will be going up this evening/tomorrow morning and voting will be open until next Sunday.