Musical Artist Movie Hall of Fame


Save the Texas Prairie Chicken
The films are posted.

The deadline is pending now on the number of second nominations that I am receiving. Those will be announced tomorrow.

As long as we don't get a bunch of zombie and werewolf rom-coms.
I don't really consider Jane Austen a "rom-com" ever, but your comment made me think of "Pride and Prejudice and Zombies". I never read the book (I only read two of the books like that: Little Women and Werewolves and Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter). The books were OK, but I didn't know if I'd have an interest in the Pride and Prejudice one. I decided to watch the movie a few months ago. It was HORRIBLE. Just horrible. It was so boring. It was just bad. If someone likes it, fine, but it was agonizing for me to watch. No real purpose to my comment, I guess, but that just reminded me of that film (which is the only thing I could see someone nominating) and I just had to say how much I HATED it.

I honestly wouldn't mind doing a ghost story themed HoF, but I don't know how much interest there would be in that. The idea came to my mind a few months ago when I just happened to watch 3 films over one weekend with ghosts as the main subject. I don't particularly consider any ghost story as a horror story. I always think of them as either suspense or thriller when they are meant to keep people a little on edge when watching them. But I guess the one would be considered "horror" (like I said, I wouldn't), the next would have to be nothing but a suspense film and the third was a comedy. And then I thought that if enough people had enough interest in it, there could be such a wide variety of films. But I don't know if there would be enough people to care about it to even try it.
I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity - Edgar Allan Poe

Trouble with a capital "T"
My thoughts on the noms... I like them at first glance! A lot of cool movies, some I've seen and loved, and some I've wanted to see...and a few I've never heard of. This should be fun

The Buddy Holly Story
(Steve Rash, 1978)
Nominated by Citizen Rules
My nom of course, I hope Mary Tyler Moore has a cameo. (I wonder if anyone will get that?)

Tenacious D in The Pick of Destiny
(Liam Lynch, 2006)
Nominated by Clazor
No idea and never heard of it...but I've like Clazor's nom in the 12th Hof, so I have high hopes!

Pink Floyd
- The Wall (Alan Parker, 1982)
Nominated by edarsenal
I've seen this a couple times when I was much younger. The Wall is my favorite album It will be interesting to revisit this as it's been decades.

Walk the Line
(James Mangold, 2005)
Nominated by SilentVamp
I've seen this and loved it, so glad to watch it again.

Once (John Carney, 2007)
Nominated by ShopkeeperTriumph
I've not heard of it, but the movie poster looks like something I could get into. I like a good romance story.

Eddie and the Cruisers
(Martin Davidson, 1983)
Nominated by Destiny
Glad this was nominated I've been wanting to see it since it first came out!

The Idolmaker
(Martin Davidson, 1983)
Nominated by gbgoodies
Never heard of this one either, but it looks like a 1950's period piece, which is cool by me

I've been meaning to watch Tenacious D for awhile now. I've heard songs of theirs that I like, but some friends of mine who listen to them did not really like the film that much, so I've kept putting it off. Seeing it nominated here makes me want to finally watch it though.

One of my friends was really obsessed with the Tenacious D film when it came out so i saw it alot, saw clips, heard the songs, etc. Got pretty sick of it, but yeah it's funny at times. Also seen Walk The Line which was fine. Might watch Once for this since it's on the Millennium List.

Thursday Next's Avatar
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
I didn't join in the end because I didn't want to bite off more than I could chew with two HoFs. This looks like an interesting selection though, I'll keep an eye on the posts

Save the Texas Prairie Chicken
@Thursday Next

In case you two are interested, the participants are being given the chance to nominate a second film, too. Those will be announced tomorrow. So that will be something to look for, in case there is anything in that group that might interest you to watch.

I've never watched The Buddy Holly Story, but I've heard good things. Never heard of Eddie and the Crusaders, or The Idolmaker. I've seen both The Wall, and Walk the Line. Thank god Tenacious D in The Pick of Destiny is on here, it's really funny, I used to watch it all the time. It was probably the most popular movie in my friend group during middle school/high school, I couldn't even tell you how many times I sat through it without getting sick of it.

Nothing good comes from staying with normal people
Tenacious D in The Pick of Destiny [/b](Liam Lynch, 2006)
Nominated by Clazor
No idea and never heard of it...but I've like Clazor's nom in the 12th Hof, so I have high hopes!
Oh my dear, dear Citizen...I don't know if you'll like this or not, but seeing as your nom seems to be about Buddy Holly I'm guessing you're into classic rock and I can assure you, there is a classical rock number in this, just you wait.

I feel that my nom will be a bit of hit or miss among you, basically getting down to the point of wether you like Jack Black or not. As it is with the man himself, the movie's over the top, loud and energetic.

As for your nom and the others, they look mighty interesting. I've seen Walk the Line before, though I remember very little of it. The rest are completely new to me, so this will be fun. Can't wait!
Why not just kill them? I'll do it! I'll run up to Paris - bam, bam, bam, bam. I'm back before week's end. We spend the treasure. How is this a bad plan?

Is the best song in the world in Pick of Destiny? At a sci-fi convention a few years ago, a guy with a guitar started singing "Tribute", and practically the entire room started to sing along, it was really fun.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Oh my dear, dear Citizen...I don't know if you'll like this or not, but seeing as your nom seems to be about Buddy Holly I'm guessing you're into classic rock and I can assure you, there is a classical rock number in this, just you wait.

I feel that my nom will be a bit of hit or miss among you, basically getting down to the point of wether you like Jack Black or not.
I do like Jack Black, so that's a plus.

Nothing good comes from staying with normal people
Is the best song in the world in Pick of Destiny? At a sci-fi convention a few years ago, a guy with a guitar started singing "Tribute", and practically the entire room started to sing along, it was really fun.
Sadly, no...or maybe. I don't remember exactly, but if it's in there it should be at the very end, maybe even playing during the end credits.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
this looks really great!
Already sent in my secondary, so, nothin left but the initial thoughts on the primary list:

The Buddy Holly Story (Steve Rash, 1978)
Nominated by Citizen Rules
Been quite a long time since seeing this one but I do remember Busey doing a really great job as Buddy Holly and, yes, I got the Mary Tyler Moore reference, CR

Tenacious D in The Pick of Destiny (Liam Lynch, 2006)
Nominated by Clazor
I actually avoided this when it came out because I was very much over Jack Black at the time. But I'm pretty sure I'll have an open mind for it this time around and will probably enjoy Black belting out the rock songs

Pink Floyd - The Wall (Alan Parker, 1982)
Nominated by edarsena
One of my favorite stoner experience movies from my teenage daze. Had found a really good copy of this on youtube last year and enjoyed seeing it again and like I told SV, it screamed the loudest out of the ones I was considering.

Walk the Line (James Mangold, 2005)
Nominated by SilentVamp
Great, great flick. Been wanting to rewatch this for some time.

Once (John Carney, 2007)
Nominated by ShopkeeperTriumph
This is a complete unknown for me, so really looking forward to checking this out.

Eddie and the Cruisers (Martin Davidson, 1983)
Nominated by Destiny
One of those that "always wanted to see but never did" Thanks for helping knock this bucket list off the list.

The Idolmaker (Martin Davidson, 1983)
Nominated by gbgoodies
and bucket list #2 from the very same year as Eddie and the Cruisers. Sweet!
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

Little Devil's Avatar
MC for the Great Underground Circus
whaaaaa? No SHINE, THIS IS SPINAL TAP, AMADEUS, My Immortal Beloved, La Bamba...???


You're more advanced than a cockroach, have you ever tried explaining yourself to one of them?

Trouble with a capital "T"
whaaaaa? No SHINE, THIS IS SPINAL TAP, AMADEUS, My Immortal Beloved, La Bamba...???

I wouldn't be surprised if one of those fine movies turn up.

Save the Texas Prairie Chicken
whaaaaa? No SHINE, THIS IS SPINAL TAP, AMADEUS, My Immortal Beloved, La Bamba...???
I actually forgot about Shine, too. But I did consider the other 4, to be honest.

So I forgot Shine and I forgot one that I received tonight as a second nom. That just shows that this HoF could go on forever if people kept nominating films. There is such a long, varied list out there that could be a part of this HoF.

Anyway, we'll just have to wait and see if any of those that were mentioned will pop up in the second list tomorrow. Maybe. Maybe not.

Little Devil's Avatar
MC for the Great Underground Circus
I actually forgot about Shine, too. But I did consider the other 4, to be honest.

So I forgot Shine and I forgot one that I received tonight as a second nom. That just shows that this HoF could go on forever if people kept nominating films. There is such a long, varied list out there that could be a part of this HoF.

Anyway, we'll just have to wait and see if any of those that were mentioned will pop up in the second list tomorrow. Maybe. Maybe not.
I won't be playing the game, but I'll leave them there just because I'm such a good little devil.

See how cute I am?