God Returns to MoFo! ~ Why You Should Believe in God


Again, I can appreciate where you are coming from. You would probably be surprised at how frustrated I get with organized religion. I also know it is easy to dismiss those of us in a religion as blind followers because, frankly, many of us are. I do wish to inquire a little bit more about works though. Christianity has the unique position of not requiring works from the believer for eternity with God. Where do you stand on this? Do you think we work our way to God? Do you think everyone gets there?

Modern Christianity holds that you don't have work at it, as long as you simply believe.
Originally, to be Christian, you had to attend church every Sunday, not eat certain things on certain days etc etc. Fish on Fridays or something, I can't recall from the top of my head.

These days, to be Christian, you simply have to buy thousands of £s worth of useless crap for family members and worship a guy with a white beard who dresses in red and has flying reindeer, and as far as actually being Christian, all you have to do is say you are.

I mean, to be Muslim these days has gone totally the other way. In fact, both are based on Abraham.
Now you have to have a 7 year old wife and hate anything white, western and everything that is non-Muslim. It was once a religion of peace.
The time I went into a Mosque and got evil looks from the people in there... I have never felt so uncomfortable apart from the one time I went into a pub I wasn't a regular in, and I thought I was going to leave in an Ambulance. I felt the exact same way when confronted by the "religion of peace".

Organised religion, not just Christianity, has become something of a joke to me in recent years tbh with the way it changes to suit the current situation.
Organised religion, is organised as such that it becomes a contradiction and a parody of itself.

Example of organised religion changing to suit the current climate ^^...

My sister is gay... and I was talking to a Pastor's wife about family and stuff, and I mentioned my sister...
Her reply was "That's a shame"

I questioned what she meant... and she went into a rather angry rant about how gays are against God, and are evil. Gays are sent directly from the Devil apparently.

I found out recently that church is doing Gay Marriages, with the Pastor's wife holding the ceremonies and is actively advertising that they do the marriages in their church.

So, is being Gay right, wrong, or what?

Master of My Domain
Pretty sure the Christians Rodent is talking about are the ones that treat their religion as a hobby, or a weekly activity. Those are the worst. Luckily, I'm not one of them.
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It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
All the things you are talking about comes from stipulations man has put on things. They are not grounded in spirituality. Now I know most people throw out the baby with the bath water. So my questions remain but they are directed to what you believe in a spiritual sense. Not what others have done to distort truths.

Sorry... I tried to answer your question of where I stand on Christianity not needing works from the believer and went into a side branch of the contradictions of organised religion.

If Christianity doesn't need constant "Hey God! Hey God! I love you" then fair enough, go for it. Makes no difference to me... but the point I was trying to make in the tangent I made, is why is that the case when before now you did have to do that?

Whatever religious text you read, the books say "God's Will is X... but Y and Z are wrong." and a few years later, Y and Z are fine.
Christianity today, is different than years ago. Why? Why, and how, can a religion, any religion, change it's standpoint?

If the belief is "X"... and not Y or Z... then the belief should be "X", and not change to Y or Z no matter what or who says it's fine now.
In these terms, all organised religion is a joke.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Rodent, I want to keep going but I am going to answer tomorrow because I am falling asleep. Good talk, hopefully we can keep it going.

Originally Posted by The Rodent
as far as actually being Christian, all you have to do is say you are.

I mean, to be Muslim these days has gone totally the other way. In fact, both are based on Abraham.
Now you have to have a 7 year old wife and hate anything white, western and everything that is non-Muslim. It was once a religion of peace.
That's a gross misrepresentation of Islam.

It's hypocritical to dismiss certain aspects of Christianity while generalizing Islam. Not all Muslims practice those aspects.

Originally Posted by Sexy Celebrity
Even if you could explain EVERYTHING that's happened here on Earth... how religions came to be and all that.... it still doesn't answer all the mysteries of the universe. And even if the scientists trying to unravel the mysteries of the universe come up with some answers.... how can you really say they know everything so far?
An answer for the sake of answering is not an answer. You accept that you'll never know everything there is to know, so why draw the line here?

The thread exists to present arguments in favor of God, but not discuss them?
I'm not sure exactly what you were even trying to say. Be more clear.

I'm not sure exactly what you were even trying to say. Be more clear.
( +_+) I'm saying that your reasons for believing in God seem heavily predicated around wanting answers. Why are answers so important that you'd take an assumption over a theory?

You know we'll never know everything there is to know, so why draw the line here? Why is getting an answer to these particular questions so important that you won't accept uncertainty?

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
I think I'll just stay away from this one...
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I think I'll just stay away from this one...
( o_o)


Originally Posted by TheUsualSuspect
I believe in purple unicorns that shoot rainbows out their ass.
I think that's wise.
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The thread exists to present arguments in favor of God, but not discuss them?
There is a difference between him wanting to have discussions about the subject with the community, and him not wanting to get into a pointless hypathetical reduntant argument with you specifically that will just end with you coping out at the debate's apex.

Originally Posted by TheUsualSuspect
Prove me wrong.
*laughs* I have no intention.

Originally Posted by Zotis
There is a difference between him wanting to have discussions about the subject with the community, and him not wanting to get into a pointless hypathetical reduntant argument with you specifically that will just end with you coping out at the debate's apex.
He admitted he didn't understand the question. You have nothing to gain by insulting me, you've only credibility to lose.

There's nothing pointless or redundant about bringing the subject of answers into question. If his belief depends on answers then it presupposes a unique value in the answers to those particular questions. I'm asking why that is.

Perhaps you can answer?

all religions are old tales to keep people in line and make children behave.simple as that.

personally i do believe theres a whole going on out there but we have no idea what it is,maybe we will one day but we dont now.

all religions are old tales to keep people in line and make children behave.simple as that.
Thanks for clearing that up.

Now I'm off to find a giant eyeroll smilie, since the one we have simply won't suffice.