Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy


Does Nathan Fillion Have a ‘Firefly’ Cameo In Guardians of the Galaxy?

During an appearance at the Wizard World Comic-Con in St. Louis, Nathan Fillion teased that he may have a role in this summer’s Guardians of the Galaxy. it shouldn’t come as too big a surprise, since he starred in both of director James Gunn’s previous features Slither and Super. Is it at all possible that he will appear for just a brief second as that other intergalactic ‘Star-Lord’ Captain Mal Reynolds?

"Wanting to get a part… or maybe did. I’m just saying maybe. Maybe you’ll be surprised. Maybe. Check the credits."
Take a look at the video below where, at the 38:30 mark, Nathan Fillion makes his surprise revelation.

Source: Movieweb via UltimateMovieFanatic

There's something I have to get off my chest.

A heavily armed, cybernetic, talking raccoon; yeah I can see that. Walking, 3 word talking tree man, alright. When it comes to Zoe Saldana and her green skin and that hair, I get pulled out. Gamora's look is the only thing that appears off to me.

I don't see Burt Macklin, Cruella De Vil, Steve Brule, or anyone else. I do see Zoe Saldana with a bad hairpiece tho.

\m/ Fade To Black \m/
It would be very cool if there was a cameo of Nathan Fillion
~In the event of a Zombie Uprising, remember to sever the head or destroy the brain!~

When it comes to Zoe Saldana and her green skin and that hair, I get pulled out. Gamora's look is the only thing that appears off to me.
She looks fine in the trailers, and certainly looks better in the film clips compared to that animated version you put up, now that version done live would look out of place in this film version.

She looks fine in the trailers, and certainly looks better in the film clips compared to that animated version you put up, now that version done live would look out of place in this film version.
Animated version or not, she's not close to it

I know of the green skin on film argument, but it still looks like makeup.

I think I saw one showing in NC, which is understandable. Then I saw the LA market, wow.

\m/ Fade To Black \m/
It's funny that Nick gets 3 rep for "It would be very cool if there was a cameo of Nathan Fillion" , yet I'm the one who posted that he'll have one in the film and I got none.
There you go mate I gave you one
Marvel Studios be screening 17 minutes of Guardians of the Galaxy on select IMAX screens on July 7th. Click here to reserve your seats!

Love this poster!

It's funny that Nick gets 3 rep for "It would be very cool if there was a cameo of Nathan Fillion" , yet I'm the one who posted that he'll have one in the film and I got none.
There, a bunch of rep ya big baby.
#31 on SC's Top 100 Mofos list!!

"""" Hulk Smashhhh."""
Don't like the look of this movie at all. I've got a feeling this movie will bomb at box office compared to other marvel movies.
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Those thoughts are unrelated (perhaps there should be a paragraph between the two sentences).

Don't like the look of this movie at all.
I'm not thrilled either. The dialogue in the trailers hasn't impressed me — is that the best they can show off, or is that just the best trailer fodder and it will all work better in context? The trailer editing is not good, rather awkward, not sure if that is just the marketing department being lazy or what, but it makes it harder for me to get excited. Plus, Groot moves awkwardly, Rocket talks awkwardly, the plot sounds kind of dumb and I don't sense anything that's going to grip me emotionally.

Pros: visually, it looks great, very colourful. Great use of CGI to create these other worlds. I like the playful use of music in setting the tone.

There is a part of me that is hopeful and I do believe that to some extent the trailers haven't given the best impression and the movie itself will turn out to be engrossing. Remember the trailers haven't really shown off that much, basically the same, very basic story summary reiterated in each trailer amongst a bunch of rapid, indecipherable shots of colourful stuff. We know nothing about how it works in the film, nothing about what actually makes the film what it is. I certainly feel like I know nothing about the film, which is why I can be hopeful, despite not liking the trailer.

I think I've just talked myself around. I'm feeling it now. Now we just wait for the early impressions to role in.

I've got a feeling this movie will bomb at box office compared to other marvel movies.
It's a new series, it has no recognisable characters, but it's riding the Marvel rocket. (Who knows what the greater audience will think of the trailers) I can't see it doing worse than Thor. I'll play the guessing game and say a $75m opening.

Remember the trailers haven't really shown off that much, basically the same, very basic story summary reiterated in each trailer amongst a bunch of rapid, indecipherable shots of colourful stuff. We know nothing about how it works in the film, nothing about what actually makes the film what it is.

Registered User
This one is set way out in space, and Avengers 2 is on earth, so unlikely to be much connection. Signs point towards there being more connection with Avengers 3, which will deal with the Thanos threat.

Originally Posted by jrs
They've been around since 1969....
Talking about recognisable to the wider movie-going audiences, duh. Either way, these characters (who have only been around as a group since 2008, I believe) aren't the icons Captain America and Hulk are. Then again, those are the worst grossing MCU films...