Chick Flicks That suprised you


Miss Vicky's Loyal and Willing Slave
Just remember a 'chick flick' that I forgot about but absolutely love - Enchanted. Really clever, funny and sweet film and Amy Adams is both tremendous and adorable in it.

Blast from the Past

Just Like Heaven
Forgot these two, both really nice films.

Should I listen to you instead about films? You can be my movie whisperer! lol

i'm SUPER GOOD at Jewel karaoke
Comedy + romantic subplot does not a chick flick make.

They need to be nearly strictly romance, ultra-formulaic, and follow the kind of romantic ideals that you hear people talking about who haven't yet been ruined by how disappointing life is.
uh no they don't. I believe this is a common misconception. a chick flick really should just be a film that generally appeals to women more than men, for whatever reason. I don't even think that necessarily means it has to be a romance film (not to be confused with having a romantic storyline).

some of my favorite 'chick flicks'

Little Women (1994)
Pride & Prejudice (2005)
Muriel's Wedding
and Pretty in Pink, obviously.

Indeed you should, you should listen to all of us on here.

Well that's why I'm here! So I can listen to other opinions besides his haha! He has dumb opinions anyways lol.

uh no they don't. I believe this is a common misconception. a chick flick really should just be a film that generally appeals to women more than men, for whatever reason. I don't even think that necessarily means it has to be a romance film (not to be confused with having a romantic storyline).
I pretty much agree with this. One of the best chick flicks I've seen in recent years? Death Proof.

For those who do think of chick flicks as teen romance or 'women's pictures', there's a book called Chick Flicks: A Movie Lover's Guide To The Movies Women Love, by Jami Bernard that'll give you a fresh perspective. For everyone else, it's an enjoyable, light and entertaining read that might add a couple more films to your own list of chick flicks.

Finished here. It's been fun.
Punch Drunk Love-excellent film. Sandler is actually good here and the cinematography is so damn good.
Water for Elephants-did not think this movie would be any good. It's actually okay.
500 days of summer-good movie. JGL is cool here.

The Devil Wears Prada. Seriously enjoyed it.
I'm a really One Nine Seven One.

I'm not old, you're just 12.
I don't see Breakfast Club as a chick flick in any way whatsoever?
It's a teen film, that's it! not a RomCom or a Chick Flick.
The breakfast club is not a chick flick. You'd have to hate women pretty bad to make them watch that garbage.

That said, I did enjoy:
Down with Love
French Kiss

two "chick" movies my girlfriend got me to watch and I ended up liking a lot.
"You, me, everyone...we are all made of star stuff." - Neil Degrasse Tyson

Why is Thelma & Louise a chick flick? :/
Really? How is it not? Unless you only think of chick flicks as rom-coms or those kind of 'sisterhood' dramas, such as Coyote Ugly. If that's the case, then, no, Thelma & Louise isn't a chick flick. But then, if that's the case, I'd say you had a very narrow idea of what a chick flick is and would suggest reading the whole thread for some suggestions for other non chick flick chick flicks.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

Chappie doesn't like the real world
Yep. That's one reason I dislike the term "chick flick". A lot of people use it to define an insipid rom-com or drama.

I read where you called Death Proof a chick flick and I like that. I think some of the appeal of the movie for me is that the girls get to be the tough talking bad asses or the ones out carousing for the night. Girls like to be vicariously tough too.

I always thought that chick flicks are those stupid and sentimental romance movies with Cinderella type story. T&L is about two tough girls and there is some romance in the film but then again,Kill Bill should also be a chick flick then.Or maybe QT is a chick flick director.