3 Body Problem (Netflix)


That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
Instead of buying the books, I started watching the Chinese series. While it's technically inferior to the Netflix version, I like its approach more. That's after only five episodes of thirty, so there's lots of time to change my opinion.

The difference I like the most is...
WARNING: spoilers below
...that the Chinese version is very Lovecraftian. It's as close to cosmic horror as any recent science fiction phenomenon.

Huh. I noticed a "three body" title on Amazon Prime the other night that looks like it just came out this year. Is this what you're watching?
"My Dionne Warwick understanding of your dream indicates that you are ambivalent on how you want life to eventually screw you." - Joel

"Ever try to forcibly pin down a house cat? It's not easy." - Captain Steel

"I just can't get pass sticking a finger up a dog's butt." - John Dumbear

Huh. I noticed a "three body" title on Amazon Prime the other night that looks like it just came out this year. Is this what you're watching?
It seems to be on Amazon Prime (at least in the US, not here in Finland, though), so I'd say yes.

It seems to be on Amazon Prime (at least in the US, not here in Finland, though), so I'd say yes.
That's a different one, lower budget. And that one's from last year; the "big" one on Netflix is from 2024.

Yes, it's confusing that there are both Chinese and American productions of this out.

Also, I assume you know that ELO means Electric Light Orchestra. And yes, they were the only band like this back then.
I love ELO!

Strange coincidence:
I watched the first 2 episodes of Lost (I was hoping for a survival action / drama: kind of like a serious version of Gilligan's Island or Castaway with a larger cast) - then discontinued.

I watched the first episode of Game of Thrones (I had HBO at the time) - then discontinued.

That's a different one, lower budget. And that one's from last year; the "big" one on Netflix is from 2024.

Yes, it's confusing that there are both Chinese and American productions of this out.
I assumed ynwtf was asking what I was watching (it's kinda vague as "you" is both singular and plural). I've watched the Netflix version and now I'm watching the Chinese version (which is clearly lower budget and technically flawed but seems to be a more interesting adaptation of the story).

The Adventure Starts Here!
(sigh) I realize my reaction today to reading the first book might be a continued lack of sleep (there are contractors in my house making noise all day starting just before 7 a.m.), but I am rapidly losing interest in reading. I'm at the halfway mark now, and the inordinate amount of info-dump in lieu of story is starting to grate on me. If I cared about these characters (well, the older woman Ye isn't bad, but even Wang Xiamo is starting to annoy me), then maybe it'd be easier to get through this. But it definitely feels, as someone here mentioned, like the author had a science-fictiony idea he's excited about and shoehorned it into a story. I'm guessing the Netflix adaptation is more forgiving in this area.

And still, I am trying to read the whole book first.

The Adventure Starts Here!
Well, somewhere past the halfway point I am probably giving up on reading the first book. I've been envisioning how this thing has been adapted to the screen and it's just too much curiosity now. Plus, I was constantly aware that I wasn't enjoying reading this book and was only slogging on so that I'd know I'd read the whole thing before watching it.

That no longer seemed like a good enough reason to keep reading. I have SO many other books I'd rather be reading. So I'm off to start the first episode of the Netflix series.

The Adventure Starts Here!
By the way, I'm proud of myself that I guessed within seconds of the opening credits and music that it must be the same composer who wrote the opening music for Westworld.

The Adventure Starts Here!
First episode watched... and frankly, a LOT more of what I was reading makes a LOT more sense now. I was following what I thought was the story just fine in the book, but it wasn't holding my interest for some reason. That first episode of the Netflix series congealed some things for me (that I had tied together but not strongly enough). I can see now where the split of one character into several happens (and making them not ALL Chinese), and I think that happened so that the several characters can talk to *each other* instead of the show trying to get into a single character's thought processes.

I think this is often why Stephen King adaptations fall flat: so much of King's writing hinges on being inside a character's head. That's fabulous in book form but doesn't translate well to a screen. So, in his case, the books/stories are almost always better. In the case of Three Body Problem, I'd say I prefer several characters interacting onscreen rather than being in a single character's head in the book.

The Adventure Starts Here!
Finished the eight available episodes. For anyone who's also read the books... how far did this first season get into the story? Based on the 50%-ish of the first book that I made it through before giving up, I'd say these eight episode must have dipped into the second book. I have a hard time imagining that everything that happened in the eight episodes was all from only the first book.

And I had hoped that these eight episodes would have finished out the story, but apparently not. (sigh) Around episode seven, I realized there was no way they'd be wrapping up the storyline in an episode and a half. So now I wait.

And now I have to decide whether to watch any of the other adaptations...

Not sure if that's what you asked before or if there's something subtly different, but:

The first season mostly incorporates the first book, but moves some things up from the second, and more importantly puts lots of little bits of foreshadowing (usually having to do with the changes they made, character-wise) for the series as a whole.
Not only does it not wrap up the story, but the books go to some really bonkers places. Yes, even more bonkers than they already have. This series really "goes there," in all sorts of ways.

A system of cells interlinked
I was wondering how...

WARNING: "3 Body Problem" spoilers below
...the series was going to present the sophons, and at first I got nervous when there was a character in the show actually named Sophon (the cigarette smoking invisible-to-cameras chick). While I liked the idea of presenting the inner dialogue of the main character by spitting him into a bunch of new main characters for the show, condensing the sophons into some disaffected millennial was not sitting well with me. So, I was happy when they brought the actual sophons into the mix, and I think they did it pretty well; I enjoyed the reveal and the presentation of it. It's such a cool idea and so integral to the story, and I couldn't fathom how it could have worked in that first anthropomorphized characterization. Glad we got the real thing eventually!

Anyway, I have two more episodes to go, and I will catch up on those this week.I would have gotten through it faster, but we are watching multiple shows right now (Lost and Person of Interest), and my wife isn't watching this with me, although she was asking about it last ight, so maybe I will be watching the entire season again soon!
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

3 Body Problem creators David Benioff, D.B. Weiss and Alexander Woo on Friday cleared up the confusion over the Netflix sci-fi drama’s recent renewal, confirming that it will produce two more seasons.

At the streamer’s upfront presentation last month, the streamer announced that 3 Body Problem has been picked up for “all-new episodes”, with Benioff, Weiss and Woo assuring fans that they will “get to tell this story through to its epic conclusion.”

No number of episodes or seasons were revealed, creating a confusion and triggering wild speculation. Benioff, Weiss and Woo subsequently indicated to THR that the pickup was for “seasons” but have not provided specifics until today when they confirmed that there will be Seasons 2 and 3 during a 3 Body Problem Television Academy panel at the Netflix FYSEE space.

The number of seasons matches the books in Cixin Liu’s trilogy, on which the series is based, and the trio said that the format will allow them to tell the story as they had intended.

“We included a lot of what we loved from the [novels] in Season 1, but the vast majority of reasons we wanted to make this show are in Season 2,” Weiss said during the panel. “We always wanted to get to the final page of the third book, and it’s really, really thrilling to us that we will get to do just that.”

3 Body Problem chronicles humanity’s first contact with an alien civilization. It follows a young woman, whose fateful decision in 1960s China reverberates across space and time into the present day. When the laws of nature inexplicably unravel before their eyes, a close-knit group of brilliant scientists join forces with an unflinching detective to confront the greatest threat in humanity’s histor

Weiss discussed the challenges a Season 2 would pose at Deadline’s Contenders TV last month.

“The story gets really wild in the best possible way,” he said. “With something that’s that wild, there are a lot of choices to be made and a lot of things to be figured out. We’ve been putting our heads together to figure them out recently especially the past couple of months.”

Benioff, Weiss and Woo, who all have deals at Netflix, are creators, writers and executive producers on the series. Executive producers also include Bernadette Caulfield, Rian Johnson, Ram Bergman, Nena Rodrigue, Lin Qi, Zhao Jilong as well as Brad Pitt, and Dede Gardner’s Plan B Entertainment and Jeremy Kleiner’s company along with Rosamund Pike and Robie Uniacke for Primitive Streak.