One Question


Put that gun away! Macho sh!thead!

Do you like wearing dresses? (if you're a woman)
Do you like wearing suits? (if you're a man)

We've gone on holiday by mistake
Not until I'm in one (suit) then I'm like, Yeah Baby!

Do you have an arch enemy?


Why would you hate Ryan Gosling? He's a dear! I worked with him once.

Why would you hate Ryan Gosling? He's a dear! I worked with him once.

Is that your question?
“The Universe is under no obligation to make sense to you.”
― Neil deGrasse Tyson

If you could be the star of your own soap opera, what would be the storyline?

Ghouls, vampires, werewolves... let's party.
A man constantly dealing with the struggles of being sexually assaulted on a daily basis by many beautiful women.

How would you die happy?

How would you die happy?
Not quite sure I understand the question but will try to answer it,
Die of old age in my own house would be nice
Someone cuddling me while I was dying would be nice
Saving someones life
Ok going to stop now

Which actor would you like to have a meal with?
Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.

Which actor would you like to have a meal with?
James Dean.

Can't happen 'cause he's long dead, but if it could happen somehow, I'd take it.

Another morbid question:

If you could bring back someone who has died -- anyone at all -- as a zombie pet, like Frankenstein (wouldn't eat your brains or anything) -- who would that be? They could come back, but they would be like Frankenstein. Let's say you had to -- even if it's like a celebrity or famous person or something and you didn't keep him/her as a pet, but someone else did.

Two planes carrying skydive collide. Everyone survives. Coolest story of the year. Forget where it was though.

Any film related resolutions for 2014?

Two planes carrying skydive collide. Everyone survives. Coolest story of the year. Forget where it was though.

Any film related resolutions for 2014?
My favorite story was the 3 missing girls in Cleveland finally being free. That's awesome too though.

To finally watch Kubrick's 2001

Where is the worst place you ever threw up?

We've gone on holiday by mistake
My favorite story was the 3 missing girls in Cleveland finally being free. That's awesome too though.

To finally watch Kubrick's 2001

Where is the worst place you ever threw up?
Once when VERY drunk I came home and proceeded to take a massive drunk ****, and it was whilst taking this dump that I threw up next to the toilet. True story.

What word best describes you life?


Also - that doesn't even seem that bad - where you threw up, Gandalf.

If you could have a celebrity for a brother or a sister, who would it be?

Ryan Gosling.

If you could take a celebrity out on one date, who would it be?
Here, if you have a milkshake, and I have a milkshake, and I have a straw. There it is, that's a straw, you see? You watching?. And my straw reaches acroooooooss the room, and starts to drink your milkshake... I... drink... your... milkshake!
-Daniel, There Will Be Blood

Mel Gibson (!)

One date with me might be all he could stand.

If you could have a celebrity for a dentist, who would it be?

The first person I thought of was Jamie Lee Curtis.

Which celebrity would you want as your dad?

Chappie doesn't like the real world
Bruce Willis - He seems like he would make a cool Dad.

If one actor was going to be in every movie ever made from here on out, who would you want it to be?