SpelingError's Top 100 Favorite Short Films


I forgot the opening line.
Since this has started, have you guys had a chance to check out some of the listed shorts?
I really enjoyed Talking Heads, At Land and Inspiration the most - my personal favourites so far. À Propos De Nice inspired me to crack open my Complete Films of Jean Vigo Criterion set, and catching A Trip to the Moon was well overdue.
Remember - everything has an ending except hope, and sausages - they have two.

Latest Review : Aftersun (2022)

Since this has started, have you guys had a chance to check out some of the listed shorts?

Several. The stop animation ones are my favorite so far, especially Balance.

Good list so far.
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

I mainline Windex and horse tranquilizer
A hundred percent death proof.

Tomato Necromancy - now with Vitamin R!

Oops. That might disappoint Mr Minio. I recall him saying he isn’t much of a fan of Svankmajer.
Unless this is an exception
I better replace it with an Asian film before he reads this thread.

The Flat (1968, Jan Švankmajer)

That was a weird one. Reminds me of Brothers Quay.

NOTE: There are a couple versions of this film floating around the internet, but the correct one is on Vimeo and is just under 22 minutes. I would recommend muting the soundtrack.

Fuses (1967, Carolee Schneemann)

Probably should've mentioned that the short has straight up XXX scenes in it. I was watching it while on break at work.

Luckily, no one was sitting next to me.

Probably should've mentioned that the short has straight up XXX scenes in it. I was watching it while on break at work.

Luckily, no one was sitting next to me.
Sorry about that. Whenever I watch something in public, I always look it up to determine if I can watch it safely in public or if I should watch it on my own time.

Balance is a good one.

I used it with my students one year when we were learning about theme/morals. Silent films are great for that because there's not as much of a barrier for students who have slower processing.

Balance is a good one.

I used it with my students one year when we were learning about theme/morals. Silent films are great for that because there's not as much of a barrier for students who have slower processing.
I'd likely show Tarkovsky in hopes of turning them into cinephiles.

Though yeah, Balance would be a great choice for a younger audience. It's appropriate for pretty much all ages and not particularly subtle about its themes, which would be ideal for a younger generation.