The Walking Dead: Season 7


28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
So are babies born infected or are they somehow immune to the current virus? No idea.

Also, the lack of teeth and soft nail tells me that Maggie would be in no real danger. I also do not think the show will go the route of zombie baby.

As for zombie kids @Wplains, they did that in Season 2 with Carol's child. She was in the barn and Rick had to shoot her in the head. Heck, Carol shot a non-zombie kid ala Of Mice and Men. Granted, they were not toddlers, but still children nonetheless.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

As for zombie kids @Wplains, they did that in Season 2 with Carol's child. She was in the barn and Rick had to shoot her in the head. Heck, Carol shot a non-zombie kid ala Of Mice and Men. Granted, they were not toddlers, but still children nonetheless.
Yeah, I know about Carol's kid. I've been watching this since the beginning. It was a great finale and a total surprise for me as it hadn't ever occurred to me Sophia might be in the barn. Come to that, one of the first zombies we saw in the show was when Rick found the little zombie girl dragging her doll and when he first realised what he was facing. I can't remember if he shot her, though. However, I think shooting toddlers would make for a much more horrific impact - I think we humans (most of us anyway) are designed so that all of our protective instincts come out when we see a cute, chubby toddler or baby. It would be too horrifying to contemplate watching it even if the figures were CGI.

And I agree, I don't think they will go the way of a zombie baby for Maggie. Though I just keep wondering how many months along Maggie is in reality as her stomach is still as flat as a board, lol. She should be showing something by now.

Too bad Jesus is gay - he'd make a great partner for Maggie at the Hilltop.

The Adventure Starts Here!
My question wasn't really a question, so much as a "What if?" to continue the discussion. What if a human mother [stupidly] tried to nurse a zombie infant? (We've seen people try to deny the zombie-effects of their loved ones many times -- everyone in Hershel's family, for instance, and the Governor with his zombie daughter, etc.)

So what happens if a human mom, in denial about her now-zombified infant (who would have had to become a zombie after birth, it seems), tries to nurse said infant? My thought was that the sucking reflex of a normal human child is really strong. Add on the zombie element and it could be deadly. It wouldn't be impossible to break the skin, even without teeth.

Or if the baby were already about six months old, there would be bottom teeth, at least...

(Can you tell I'm simply trying to drag out this hilariously fascinating discussion as long as possible?)

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
My question wasn't really a question, so much as a "What if?" to continue the discussion. What if a human mother [stupidly] tried to nurse a zombie infant? (We've seen people try to deny the zombie-effects of their loved ones many times -- everyone in Hershel's family, for instance, and the Governor with his zombie daughter, etc.)

So what happens if a human mom, in denial about her now-zombified infant (who would have had to become a zombie after birth, it seems), tries to nurse said infant? My thought was that the sucking reflex of a normal human child is really strong. Add on the zombie element and it could be deadly. It wouldn't be impossible to break the skin, even without teeth.

Or if the baby were already about six months old, there would be bottom teeth, at least...

(Can you tell I'm simply trying to drag out this hilariously fascinating discussion as long as possible?)

Cracked nipples = zombie

Would the mother become a zombie before then? If she gave birth to a zombie kid, they share everything inside the womb. Easily transferable without a bite I think.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Austruck, you've raised another important question for me: If a baby sucks its thumb in the womb---if it turns zombie in the womb, wouldn't it feel the need to bite its own thumb off? Just wondering.
No teeth, but could it gum it's thumb off? I have no idea.

The Adventure Starts Here!
TUS, re. cracked nipples: That's precisely where I was heading but really didn't want to introduce that term and offend anyone. Because, you know, those of us talking about shooting zombie toddlers and tigers eating people's faces off do have to draw the line SOMEWHERE.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
TUS, re. cracked nipples: That's precisely where I was heading but really didn't want to introduce that term and offend anyone. Because, you know, those of us talking about shooting zombie toddlers and tigers eating people's faces off do have to draw the line SOMEWHERE.
Did the tiger eat someone's face off? Which episode? Reminds me of that dog scene in GoT. Ewww epic.

Did the tiger eat someone's face off? Which episode? Reminds me of that dog scene in GoT. Ewww epic.
It was in this past episode: the season finale. It was shortly after the tiger leapt onto Negan's men and sometime during the battle.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
It was in this past episode: the season finale. It was shortly after the tiger leapt onto Negan's men and sometime during the battle.
OK I'll have to check it out.

The Adventure Starts Here!
Huh? I missed that. When or how did they establish that?
In the episode before the finale, Jesus and Maggie are sitting on some steps talking. Jesus mentions something about his past boyfriends, and Maggie gives him a knowing nod....

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
The tiger out of nowhere trope. Classic.

Totally understandable that no one on the other side saw this giant tiger coming up to people. Totally.

The Adventure Starts Here!
The tiger out of nowhere trope. Classic.

Totally understandable that no one on the other side saw this giant tiger coming up to people. Totally.
I gotta admit it was worth it just to see Negan knocked off his high horse for even a nanosecond -- both when Sasha showed herself and then when the tiger showed up.

"They've got a TIGER!"

<snort> No sh*t, Sherlock.

You can't win an argument just by being right!

<snort> No sh*t, Sherlock.
*gasp*. Mama Yods is a potty mouth. Who knew!

I gotta admit it was worth it just to see Negan knocked off his high horse for even a nanosecond -- both when Sasha showed herself and then when the tiger showed up.

"They've got a TIGER!"

<snort> No sh*t, Sherlock.
So, do you think it will HAVE to be Rick that kills Negan?
It would be funny if Negan ends up dying in a completely inconsequential manner - like he lays Lucille down, forgets it's behind him, trips on it and hits his head on the ground (and 5 minutes later, turns into a zombie!

The Adventure Starts Here!
*gasp*. Mama Yods is a potty mouth. Who knew!
My kids know.

Plus, I learned it from my own mom, who is much more prolific than I am. My kids have a ton of grandparents (due to divorces and remarriages) and they tend to distinguish my mom from the others as "the swearing grandma."

The Adventure Starts Here!
So, do you think it will HAVE to be Rick that kills Negan?
It would be funny if Negan ends up dying in a completely inconsequential manner - like he lays Lucille down, forgets it's behind him, trips on it and hits his head on the ground (and 5 minutes later, turns into a zombie!
I totally vote for this. Kinda like the old step-on-a-rake cartoon feat.