SciFi movies that have/will accurately portray the future?


The doors of wisdom are never shut. - 'Socrates'
I'm putting up Demolition Man.
Did you know that in the 1980s movie PREDATOR the titular character was not originally portrayed by Kevin Peter Hall. It was in fact Jean-Claude Van Damme donning a much more insect inspired full body suit before he left the production which then led to the recasting and redesigning of the famous hunter.

Like Sedai said Star Wars was more along the lines of sci fantasy. While George Orwell's 1984 was taking alarming trends that had happened in the 20th century (think the rise of Nazi Germany where the state is always right) then Orwell extrapolated those ideas to the not so distant future of 1984.
There's not a clear line between science fiction and fantasy. So, it's the future and you have a spacecraft. You want to get places fast, like to the next star system. You invent super-luminal warp engines. Under our current rules of physics, light speed is not possible, but those rules are based on 20th century science. Turn the clock back to the early 19th century, when air flight was "impossible". Now it's not. In 1823, a scant two centuries ago, a 6 hour trip from NYC to LA was fantasy because horses couldn't run that fast. Even a 2 day trip was impossible because trains had not been invented.

Where do you place the line between sci-fi and fantasy? When does fantasy become science?

We are in Idiocracy moving towards 1984. But I also don't really like invoking the 1984 comparisons since there is ironically something very Orwellian about how competing political ideologies are all trying to co-opt the supposed warnings from the book for their own purposes. Everyone living in their little silos of misinformation think the book speaks directly to them, when frequently, they are very much the problem in everything turning out this way. And that's where the Idiocracy part of the equation comes in.
I don't think so. 50% of people have always been stupid and behaved like sheep. They used to believe in witches because clergy told them that they existed.

Trouble with a capital "T"
There's not a clear line between science fiction and fantasy. So, it's the future and you have a spacecraft. You want to get places fast, like to the next star system. You invent super-luminal warp engines. Under our current rules of physics, light speed is not possible, but those rules are based on 20th century science. Turn the clock back to the early 19th century, when air flight was "impossible". Now it's not. In 1823, a scant two centuries ago, a 6 hour trip from NYC to LA was fantasy because horses couldn't run that fast. Even a 2 day trip was impossible because trains had not been invented.

Where do you place the line between sci-fi and fantasy? When does fantasy become science?
I'm not sure what you're going for here? I'm not into debating or philosophical conversation, I can't even spell philosophical without the help of auto correct. Lines? Kinda pointless to argue where any lines should be drawn, unless it's something important like architecture or a map. I suppose map boundaries are one of the most contested lines in the human experience. Which goes to show there's no clear lines anywhere per say, except the ones we create for ourselves.

I don't think so. 50% of people have always been stupid and behaved like sheep. They used to believe in witches because clergy told them that they existed.

If we have to compare modern day stupidity to that which existed during the time of the witch trials, it doesn't speak particularly well of modern stupidity does it.

Modern stupidity is willful. Yes, most people have always more been followers than free thinkers, but if you compare general literacy and knowledge between the morons of today, and those of the past fifty to hundred years, they were much more literate and well informed morons back then. And they didn't have all of the information the world could afford them at a push of a button.

Modern society is atrocious garbage. Just look at the state of discourse. Look at the state of politics. This is absolutely pathetic levels of dumb going on these days.

Just in the last five years alone, there has been a noticeable dip towards full on mouth breathing status. I can't even believe the ****ing idiotic conversations I've had with people the last few years. It's staggering to watch the world populace get dumber in real time. And that is what is happening. Probably, partially, because now being an ignorant stupid **** is a badge of honor for some people

Trouble with a capital "T"
If we have to compare modern day stupidity to that which existed during the time of the witch trials, it doesn't speak particularly well of modern stupidity does it....
Devolution of the human species? Was there ever a sci-fi film made with that topic in mind? I can't recall a film like that.

Psychopathic Psychiatrist
John Carpenter´s DARK STAR.

Mankind becoming more and more stupid to the point of being a joke.

One film that pops in my mind is "Blade Runner 2049".

A system of cells interlinked
John Carpenter´s DARK STAR.

Mankind becoming more and more stupid to the point of being a joke.
In reality, IQs had been steadily rising, not falling, until right around the time social media hit the scene...

American IQs rose 30 points in the last century. Now, they may be falling.

In other news: Cynicism at all time highs!
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

In reality, IQs had been steadily rising, not falling, until right around the time social media hit the scene...

American IQs rose 30 points in the last century. Now, they may be falling.

In other news: Cynicism at all time highs!

The good news is IQ is basically discredited dog shit. The bad news is, people are still really ****ing stupid anyways.

I just got a notification of this on my work email. I will be dragging my feet as per usual. They know what I am looking at on my work computer and where I am already. I remember when we first got the internet. One of my bosses was fired for looking at porn. So yeah they know what we are doing. I wear an RFID tag so they know where I am. And we have cameras everywhere.
The Microsoft 3 6 5 metrics sounds like an attempt to outsource actual management.

I for one welcome my electronic masters!

Trouble with a capital "T"
I just got a notification of this on my work email. I will be dragging my feet as per usual. They know what I am looking at on my work computer and where I am already. I remember when we first got the internet. One of my bosses was fired for looking at porn. So yeah they know what we are doing. I wear an RFID tag so they know where I am. And we have cameras everywhere.
The Microsoft 3 6 5 metrics sounds like an attempt to outsource actual management...
Ugh that's brutal

Trouble with a capital "T"
I just now asked an AI, "What SciFi movies that have or will accurately portray the future?" And all it gave me was movies about AI robotics....****ing narcissistic AI bot

We are in Idiocracy moving towards 1984. But I also don't really like invoking the 1984 comparisons since there is ironically something very Orwellian about how competing political ideologies are all trying to co-opt the supposed warnings from the book for their own purposes. Everyone living in their little silos of misinformation think the book speaks directly to them, when frequently, they are very much the problem in everything turning out this way. And that's where the Idiocracy part of the equation comes in.
Oh I think we are in 1984. It's just that the party (in the USA) is two entities and they use these culture wars to get people to vote. But the corporations seem to own all the politicians.

The good news is IQ is basically discredited dog shit. The bad news is, people are still really ****ing stupid anyways.
I wonder. I have had my IQ tested twice in my life. Once to determine what classes I was to be enrolled in. That was when I was a wee sprout. And recently, I was getting diagnosed for autism and they gave an IQ test as part of the diagnostic criteria. My results on the IQ portion of the test were only different by one point from 10 years old to 60.
I know a a sample of one is meaningless but it made me reassess IQ tests.

I wonder. I have had my IQ tested twice in my life. Once to determine what classes I was to be enrolled in. That was when I was a wee sprout. And recently, I was getting diagnosed for autism and they gave an IQ test as part of the diagnostic criteria. My results on the IQ portion of the test were only different by one point from 10 years old to 60.
I know a a sample of one is meaningless but it made me reassess IQ tests.

It's not that the results can't be consistent. It's that they don't mean very much. They test a very limited kind of intelligence, and not even particularly well at that.

At best they can be used as one element of a much larger process, and maybe they sometimes are, but on their own they shouldn't be trusted a whole lot.

My personal experience with them was having to be tested a lot as a child, because my school thought I had brain damage for never following instructions. Amd when those tests didn't reveal imminent brain decay (which they probably should have if they were any good) they just didn't believe them and still treated me like an even if they were valuable, people are only believe what they believe. And I remained a straight D student nearly my whole life