Your Favorite Movies of 1957?


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I guess no one read my post from yesterday
When I first get on, I check out all the "Mentions" to reply to, and the new posts, which sometimes cut off after a few posts, and in this case, 26 minutes ago, even though I didn't read some of the previous posts.

I actually had this DVR'd, and deleted it because I needed space.. I just didn't recognize it at first because of the movie poster... I think the submarine swayed me away, as it seems like too much time is spent on boat-talk, mechanics, watching work being done, though I love "The Caine Mutiny", but that could have been done above ground, too.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Robert Mitchum, cool! I didn't know about this movie, I'll add it to my Watchlist.. Thanks!
I guess no one read my post from yesterday
A quick list of some of my favorite films from 1957. In no particular order.

Witness for the Prosecution Both the prosecution and defense arguments are verbose, let balanced and believable.

An Affair to Remember Because romance is a good thing and when it's on a sea cruise with Deborah Kerr and Cary Grant it's all the better.

Sweet Smell of Success It's in my Top 10!

The Incredible Shrinking Man One of the great existential, first person narrative sci-fi films. The giant spider battle is cool too!

Peyton Place Yeah it's a soap opera, deal with it!

A Face in the Crowd A film about a loud mouth ego manic hell bent on becoming President. I swear if only all Americans would have watched this, then Mexicans wouldn't have their children heartlessly being taken from them at the border.

The Enemy Below Good submarine war film with Robert Mitchum. This is a movie for us guys!

Silk Stockings One of my favorite musicals with the great Fred Astaire, the talented dancer Cyd Charisse and Peter Lorre.

The Pajama Game Love this musical movie adaptation of the stage play. And it has one of my all time fav actresses, Doris Day!

Attack of the Crab Monsters I love these B sci fi horror films and Roger Corman made the best ones.Tele-kinetic giant crabs, oh yeah!

Abandon Ship Also in my Top 10! I think a LOT of people would love this if only they had seen it.
This one? It was great although I disagree with the 'movies for us guys comment. Maybe the movies I liked watching with my mother as a little girl made me different but I love Rob Mitcham. Great actor. And special points for Doris and Cyd🏺

Trouble with a capital "T"
This one? It was great although I disagree with the 'movies for us guys comment. Maybe the movies I liked watching with my mother as a little girl made me different but I love Rob Mitcham. Great actor. And special points for Doris and Cyd🏺
Micthum is the best! I almost always enjoy his movies.

I never saw much from this particular year, except The Three Faces of Eve, which I only saw last year, for the very first time. Joan Woodward was very good in it. She was very sympathetic and interesting to watch. I have to say, I enjoyed it and the fact that it was loosely based on a real life person. When I was a little kid, though, I happened to see I Was a Teenage Frankenstein and it creeped me right the hell out! Beyond that, I'm sure I've probably seen a one or two others but nothing comes to mind, at the moment. I've seen some of Jailhouse Rock, but never as a movie. Just the "concert footage" where all of these hot groupies are screaming for Elvis to get them pregnant.

You know, I never really got the whole Elvis thing, why people continue to be so impressed with and by him. I mean, he's OK ... but until I saw that footage, I just couldn't understand it, at all. But there was a raw energy to his performance and a sexual aspect that the women went nuts for. You see that and it's like, damn ... I'm in the wrong career. Make me a Rock Star ... I gotta get me some of that. But I just can't bring myself to watch any of his movies. I've seen bits and pieces of things like Roustabout and others and he's just so damn cheesey. I don't know what happened, I guess the times he lived in felt he was too much and had to tone it down. Then he was just sort of hammy and William Shatner-like and it's just like ... get rid of him!

You can't win an argument just by being right!
This one? It was great although I disagree with the 'movies for us guys comment. Maybe the movies I liked watching with my mother as a little girl made me different but I love Rob Mitcham. Great actor. And special points for Doris and Cyd🏺
Micthum is the best! I almost always enjoy his movies.
Yeah I find that when an actor really pushes the acting chops I can half ignore the rest of the script. They don't write the scripts. They're just doing their job with what's given to them.

Trouble with a capital "T"
@Rhett Butler...Three Faces of Eve is real good. For it's time it was ground breaking and it holds up well today too.

The best Elvis movie IMO, is King Creole (1958) directed by Michael Curtiz and also starring Carolyn Jones. It's a much more serious film than his other more cheesy stuff. It's shot in New Orleans, lots of great shots of the French Quarter. Weren't you from New Orleans? Or am I thinking of another MoFo.

@Rhett Butler...Three Faces of Eve is real good. For it's time it was ground breaking and it holds up well today too.
... Agreed!
The best Elvis movie IMO, is King Creole (1958) directed by Michael Curtiz and also starring Carolyn Jones. It's a much more serious film than his other more cheesy stuff. It's shot in New Orleans, lots of great shots of the French Quarter. Weren't you from New Orleans? Or am I thinking of another MoFo.

No, that was somebody else. I'm actually from Philadelphia, PA. I've never been to New Orleans.

From Few that had seen i rooted paths of glory and wild strawberries. Alsi Bakumatsu Taiyou-den is one of gems

The Bridge on the River Kwai is one of my favorite films of all time. I thought 12 Angry Men was great too!

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
Alsi Bakumatsu Taiyou-den is one of gems
Good but nothing great. Lots of Japanese films from the year that are better. Kinema Junpo really overrated this one.
Look, I'm not judging you - after all, I'm posting here myself, but maybe, just maybe, if you spent less time here and more time watching films, maybe, and I stress, maybe your taste would be of some value. Just a thought, ya know.

Kinema Junpo really overrated this one.
there lot great movies other than this one that should be rank higher in kinema junpo as well. Still it's solid piece of commentaries about their historical important and progenitor of japanese new wave to come.

@resopamenic Forget movies:

> Kinema Junpo – Top 10 Best Japanese Actors & Actresses

> no Tatsuya Nakadai

in respect of sayuri yoshinaga (which not so many gaijin will know who and what of her movies / iconic roles that's so well known abroad anyways? ) rank so high even above hideko takamine 😡

This happen also in anime, music where domestic and foreign perspective clash. still it was a nihonjin postwar scandal to ignore the great of nakadai tho'

I don't actually wear pants.
Robert Mitchum, cool! I didn't know about this movie, I'll add it to my Watchlist.. Thanks!
Awesome; my post helped someone! I feel accomplished. I don't know if you'll enjoy it, but, if you like Mitchum and submarine movies, you should. Happy hunting!
Thanks again, Mr Portridge.

1. Witness for the Prosecution Billy Wilder
2. 12 Angry Men Sidney Lumet
3. Throne of Blood Akira Kurosawa
4. The Bridge on the River Kwai David Lean
5. The Cranes Are Flying Mikhail Kalatozov
6. Gunfight at the O.K. Corral John Sturges
7. The Seventh Seal Ingmar Bergman
8. The Enemy Below Dick Powell
9. A Face in the Crowd Elia Kazan
10. Paths of Glory Stanley Kubrick

HM: 3:10 to Yuma, Jailhouse Rock, The Tall T, Sweet Smell of Success

1. The Seventh Seal

2. Wild Strawberries
3. Twelve Angry Men
4. Witness for the Prosecution
5. The Incredible Shrinking Man

Yes, I know the last one is generally considered silly Sci-fi, but I believe it's underrated, with good action and a surprisingly strong ending.

I'm not really into war or cowboy movies.