Movie Cliches That You Love/Hate.


I just thought of another one...whenever a woman answers a telephone call, she always takes off her earring first...this one stopped with the advent of cell phones, but I have never seen a woman take off her earring before answering a phone IRL.

Trouble with a capital "T"
My worst movie cliche and I've seen this happen a lot....bad guy with a gun and a good guy with no weapons, fights. The good guy after getting the crap kicked out of him, knocks the bad guy down, grabs the bad guys gun and throws it away!

'The slutty one' getting naked/her **** out in slasher films. Usually just before she dies.
That's one of the best cliches though!

I was in my parents house a few weeks ago and my mum was watching some Antonio Banderas movie not sure what one, i caught about five minutes of it and was reminded of one. A male the first time he meets the female love interest checking her out and/or commenting on her thinking she is unaware before she turns around in what can only be described as a "Oh Snap" moment and reveals she knows what he was doing. Bonus points if the male is a 'bad boy' and the female is someone who is supposed to be above him (and initially hates him of course) like a teacher or a businesswoman and yet she ends up in bed with him two scenes later anyway.

I hate it when the villain explains his evil plan to the hero, allowing him to the get out of trouble. Kingsman did a pretty good job playing with this cliche.

Also, the whole plan to "destroy the world" is super annoying in these comic book movies. Can it be something else? Not a dubstep machine destroying major cities? Lower the stakes sometimes and it will appear more genuine.

Please Quote/Tag Or I'll Miss Your Responses
Speaking of phones, notice how they are never in a hurry, walk really slow, letting it ring, and always saying "Alright Alright, OK OK" while walking to get it.

Or the typical couple who see each other. The woman has something very important to say (pregnant, etc) but after she says 2-3 words, he interrupts and tells her some good news (job promotion, etc) and after he's done with the story, there's a pause, and then-

"What did you want to tell me, honey?"

"Oh nothing, just what you wanted to have for dinner."

Matt's one there and my one are the only interesting ones IMO. The rest are just standard stuff you expect in movies, anecdotes and/or explanations on why you find them bad/good are better than just saying horror girls getting naked or whatever.

I hate it when a person sees somebody else at exactly the right moment to horribly misinterpret something, then instead of talking with them to clarify they go on and do stupid things and bad things happen that could have been avoided with a minimum amount of communication.

..anecdotes and/or explanations on why you find them bad/good are better than just saying horror girls getting naked or whatever.
TBF, there's no explanation necessary as to why naked girls are a good cliché.

TBF, there's no explanation necessary as to why naked girls are a good cliché.
I have to side with HK here, Camo.

One of my favorite cliches is the suit up, I don't know why but whenever people are getting equipment or armoring up I just love it.
That one is as old as litterature itself, and still kicking
In my own land, I’m in a far domain
Welcomed gladly, and spurned by everyone