Star Wars: The Force Awakens


Shot in Imax is kinda cool, but the whole "converted to 3-D " business is wasteful. All movies converted into that format are simply money making efforts (not that Star Wars isn't). The only way 3-D can and would ever work is if a film is shot strictly in three dimension.
I'll have to clarify, I'll road trip for 2D IMAX. If it's only 3D, forget it.

Who will stop the burgle?
agreed. DKR was magnificent in IMAX and worth every cent for the premium. I haven't seen a movie in a Dbox theater yet, but the sound in the IMAX theater rattled the seats.

It is lost on me why there are not more movies shown in IMAX. Its obvious how big a push there is to upsale people, but I can't do it for 3D. Noah is the only movie this year that I can think of shown in IMAX.

Maybe Nolan will share his thoughts on 3D with Abrams.

I think the problem with IMAX is not just cost... I'm not big on the specs of the IMAX cameras but I heard they're gigantic heavy cumbersome things and make filming a pain to complete.

If Kevin Smith likes it, it's gonna be good.
Sound logic.
"Don't be so gloomy. After all it's not that awful. Like the fella says, in Italy for 30 years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love - they had 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock."

WARNING: "star wars 7 plot" spoilers below

JJ Abrams' movie focuses on the hunt for Luke Skywalker after an opening scene in which the ageing Jedi Knight's severed hand, complete with lightsaber, tumbles through space and is found on a desert planet by two young adventurers. The pair, played by Britain's Daisy Ridley and John Boyega, recognise the weapon as a Jedi weapon and set out to return it to its rightful owner.
According to the site: "Their quest takes them off world, and they meet up with Han Solo and Chewbacca, who aren't flying around in the Millennium Falcon anymore … Han and Chewie recognise the lightsaber as Luke's, and they say they haven't seen their friend in thirty years, since the events of Return of the Jedi.
"So begins a quest to find the missing Jedi Master. Meanwhile, on an ice planet, nefarious forces are building a super weapon, one capable of destroying not planets but entire solar systems … "

Source: Badass Digest

I'm not sure whether I like the fact that the main characters of the original trilogy are also going to be the main characters in this one or not...
Cobpyth's Movie Log ~ 2019

I'm not sure whether I like the fact that the main characters of the original trilogy are also going to be the main characters in this one or not...
The main characters from the original aren't the main characters as a whole in Episode VII.

WARNING: "star wars 7 plot" spoilers below

JJ Abrams' movie focuses on the hunt for Luke Skywalker after an opening scene in which the ageing Jedi Knight's severed hand, complete with lightsaber, tumbles through space and is found on a desert planet by two young adventurers. The pair, played by Britain's Daisy Ridley and John Boyega, recognise the weapon as a Jedi weapon and set out to return it to its rightful owner.
According to the site: "Their quest takes them off world, and they meet up with Han Solo and Chewbacca, who aren't flying around in the Millennium Falcon anymore … Han and Chewie recognise the lightsaber as Luke's, and they say they haven't seen their friend in thirty years, since the events of Return of the Jedi.
"So begins a quest to find the missing Jedi Master. Meanwhile, on an ice planet, nefarious forces are building a super weapon, one capable of destroying not planets but entire solar systems … "

Source: Badass Digest
The whole idea where...

WARNING: "Star Wars Episode 7" spoilers below
Luke's hand tumbling through space

He lost his hand on Bespin in Cloud City. So how would it..

WARNING: "Star Wars Episode 7" spoilers below
...gain altitude, make it into space and then land on another inhabited planet?

If his "hand" is robotic, let alone even if it's able to get there after all those years, wouldn't it burn up in the planet's atmosphere by the time it lands and become dust? To me the whole thing sounds ridiculous.

Who will stop the burgle?
this sounds fishy to me, seems too much like "A New Hope", except with a hand instead of the droid

He also said there will be less CGI then any other movie! this will be an awesome movie and just the way i like it with less CGI.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
Love this picture.


-KhaN-'s Avatar
I work for Keyser Soze. He feels you owe him.
It is not 100% but I think we have our new Stormtroopers.They are great,same but again different,you know,little things change in years.I can't w8 to see more of this,I hope they can pull it off.Also...I want to see a great Sith Lord this time!Darth Maul was great but they killed him after 2 ****ing words...

“By definition, you have to live until you die. Better to make that life as complete and enjoyable an experience as possible, in case death is shite, which I suspect it will be.”

A loving heart is the truest wisdom.
WARNING: "Possible Spoilers, Star Wars VII" spoilers below
Is the whole "some kids find Luke's hand in the middle of nowhere and just happen to bump into Han and Chewbacca who recognize their friend's severed limb after it spent thirty years floating around in space" plot confirmed or just a rumor? Even in series that has laser swords, 900 year old Muppets, and slug/toad hybrid crime lords that sounds rather ridiculous.
You will find that if you look for the light, you can often find it. But if you look for the dark, that is all you will ever see.

My expectations for the new Star Wars are very low, and I'm not really a fan of Abrams. My suspicion is it's going to ruin the entire expanded universe continuity.