Me too.


A boon is a prize; gift. Good answers.
"Today, war is too important to be left to politicians. They have neither the time, the training, nor the inclination for strategic thought. I can no longer sit back and allow Communist infiltration, Communist indoctrination, Communist subversion and the international Communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids."

I'd ask him not to go to war next year. And if he said that such a promise could not be made I would make sure he promised me that I would never be conscripted.

Either that of 10, 000 DVDs.

One day while you are riding your bike to work, you hit a loose rock and take a spill. You wake up in the hospital and find out that you have been in a coma for 2 ½ years. After a few months of rehabilitation you are released. There comes a time when you want to go back to work, but everyone at work seems to shy away from you whenever you draw near. One evening one of your fellow employees tells you that they are afraid of you because whenever anyone even gets within a few yards from you, they hear odd noises in their heads. You quit your job and wallow in your newfound loneliness, then after awhile you discover that you have a new talent. You are able to reach into other people’s minds and influence them. Within a couple of years you have mastered your new talent and decide to… To what?

You are lying in bed one night when you have a vision. An Angel tells you that God believes you worthy, and desires you to become a prince among men. He offers you a gift of insight. You will be able to have visions of coming tragedies and given time to circumvent them. There is one catch, for every act of heroism that you bestow, you will suffer grievous injury. You will, in effect, spend more time in the hospital that you will saving lives. Do you gratefully accept this offer?

You are driving to the grocery store when someone comes running in the direction of your car. He is an older man that looks as if he’s been run through the ringer. He’s waving his arms and screaming; pleading; begging for you to stop and help him. Do you help him?

Two really ugly girls get on the train with you. Yet they act like they are da’ bomb! They’re really loud and obnoxious and are driving you crazy. You can:
a.) Pull out your revolver and plug each one of them.
b.) Pull out your revolver and plug yourself.
c.) Take hold of your pent up aggression and go home, get your rifle, go to the local bell tower, and plug ‘em all.
d.) Go home, eat Cheeto’s, and masturbate.

1) Where do you see yourself in ten years?

2) Which historical figure do you have the most respect for?

3) If you could change places with someone for one week…who would it be and why?

4) What would your ideal vacation be?

5) Are you superstitious?

6) If you saw a man beating a dog with a big stick, what would you do?

7) Do you remember your dreams? And if so, what is the strangest one you remember?

8) If you could have been the lead in any movie, which one would it be?

9) Do any song lyrics move you to tears?

10) If you could change one physical feature, would you and if so, what would it be?
You never know what is enough, until you know what is more than enough.
~William Blake ~

AiSv Nv wa do hi ya do...
(Walk in Peace)

My life isn't written very well.
Hey SB,

1) If you could script the basic plot for the dream you will have tonight, what would the story be?

2) If you could prevent an earthquake in Peru that would kill 40,000 people, a crash at your local airport that would kill 200 people, or an automobile accident that would kill an acquaintance of yours, which would you choose?

3) Running too quickly on an icy sidewalk in front of a neighbor's house, you slip and break your leg. Would you be likely to sue the owner if you were confident you could win the suit because of his negligence in shoveling the snow?

4) Relative to the population at large, how do you rate your physical attractiveness? your intelligence? your personality?

5) Would you be willing to commit perjury for a close friend? For example, might you testify that he was driving carefully when he hit a pedestrian even though he had been joking around and not paying attention?

6) In conversations, do you tend to listen or talk more?

7) If you could pass your whole life cared for in every way as you slumbered peacefully, entranced by wonderful dreams, would you do so?

8) Would you rather be happy yet slow-witted and unimaginative or unhappy yet bright and creative? For example, would you rather live the life of a brilliant yet tortured artist such as Vincent van Gogh, or that of a happy carefree soul who is a bit simple-minded?

9) In a restaurant, after getting the check for an excellent meal, you notice that you were not charged for one of the items you ate. Would you tell the waitress?

10) Do you establish routines in your life? For example, do you usually sleep in the same place in your bed? eat meals at the same time? regularly return to the same vacation spot?

11) In terms of relative unpleasantness, how would you rank the following: a nude stroll in public; being spat on by a crowd of people; being arrested for shoplifting; begging for money at the airport? What, if anything, bothers you about looking bad in front of strangers?

12) Would $50,000 be enough money to induce you to take a loyal, healthy pet to the vet to be put to sleep?
I have been formatted to fit this screen.

r66-The member who always asks WHY?

1. You are able to reach into other people’s minds and influence them. Within a couple of years you have mastered your new talent and decide to. To what?

To kill all the people at work that looked at me funny when I was in my time of need.

2. You will, in effect, spend more time in the hospital that you will saving lives. Do you gratefully accept this offer?

No. Once again I don't believe that such responsibility should be bestowed upon someone like myself.

3. He’s waving his arms and screaming; pleading; begging for you to stop and help him. Do you help him?

Yes. Without hesitation.

4. Well?

Go home and masturbate, of course. Is there truly any other way?

5. Where do you see yourself in ten years?

Hopefully in either Los Angeles or New York City [I'd prefer New York] as an emerging filmmaker [or even better as someone who has made it in some way or another]. I have no desire to be rich and famous, but I do have a desire to be known by a few and respected for what I do. I want acclaim but not Hollywood styled acclaim. The sort of acclaim that is earnt. Within ten years I hope to have earnt something.

6. Which historical figure do you have the most respect for?

In many ways Hitler. But that is less respect than a sense of awe. I do not understand what drove him to do what he did or be what he became, but I am without a doubt that the man was, certainly, a genius.

But in terms of respect I really do not know. Possibly Churchill for standing up to Hitler. I have no time for Ghandi. Maybe it someone to do with history of film. Orson Welles and Stanley Kubrick I both have a great deal of respect for. I really couldn't say.

7. If you could change places with someone for one week, who would it be and why?

Firstly, this is something that I would never do. The prospect doesn't intrigue me at all. But possibly my friend Jack. He has a very attractive girlfriend with whom he has an avid sex life. I mean. Um. No swap. No swap! Oh, man...

8. What would your ideal vacation be?

A week in Paris in a room overlooking the Champs Elysees.

9. Are you superstitious?


10. If you saw a man beating a dog with a big stick, what would you do?

Same thing I would do when I caught the man cutting the beaks off pelicans...

11. Do you remember your dreams? And if so, what is the strangest one you remember?

No. Not really. I remember one from when I was a child in which three dragons in a rowing boat came to the door of my house which was floating in a sea of water and took me away from my family. I went without hesitation too, which is odd.

The weirdest dream I have ever had was when I was playing paintball in an arena made to feel like the Vietnam war. After three hours of playing and nobody getting shot the guy released six gorillas into the playing field. And suddenly it was like man against gorilla. And then one of the players got raped and then at the end of the dream I went to the post office in town and I saw this guy's mother and she was all like, "Did you enjoy the paintball?" And I was like, "Oh, my God! Didn't you hear? Clark was raped!"

And then in another one I was asked to play Romeo in Romeo and Juliet half an hour before it went on and then I spent the entire show making up lines that sounded like Shakespeare. I was terrified.

12. If you could have been the lead in any movie, which one would it be?

Rick in Casablanca. Although I would have had just as much fun playing Louis.

"Your winnings, sir..."
"Thankyou. EVERYBODY OUT!"

13. Do any song lyrics move you to tears?

Only the lyrics to We Are The Champions. Amd it has to be the right circumstances too.

14. If you could change one physical feature, would you and if so, what would it be?

My abs. I'd make them rock hard.

1. If you could script the basic plot for the dream you will have tonight, what would the story be?

All I can ask for it that I dream something vivid, exciting and something that may just inspire me. I can't script a dream. It loses the qualities that make it just that. The best part of dreaming is suprise that comes when you actually remember one. The gorilla story, for example.

2. If you could prevent an earthquake in Peru that would kill 40,000 people, a crash at your local airport that would kill 200 people, or an automobile accident that would kill an acquaintance of yours, which would you choose?

I thought about this a little. The prospect of saving 40, 000 people is much better than saving just one. But then I became selfish and I thought about newspaper headlines and my reaction to them. How is my reaction going to differ if a friend dies than to if I read that 40, 000 people in Peru died. I can admit [and the first step is admitting that you have a problem] that I would not care about 40, 000 people in Peru in comparison to one that I knew. I would prevent the car accident. I am sorry.

3. Running too quickly on an icy sidewalk in front of a neighbor's house, you slip and break your leg. Would you be likely to sue the owner if you were confident you could win the suit because of his negligence in shoveling the snow?

Court cases like that are trivial and pointless. Why sue him when I can now spy on him from my bedroom window and expose him as the murderer of his wife, whom he buried in the backyard?

No. I wouldn't sue.

4. Relative to the population at large, how do you rate your physical attractiveness? Your intelligence? Your personality?

Physical attractiveness: 6 / 10
Intelligence: 8.5 / 10
Personality: 9 / 10

I would say that I am more likeable than 90% of the population. If that is an arrogant thing to say, you now know where that other 10% went...

5. Would you be willing to commit perjury for a close friend? For example, might you testify that he was driving carefully when he hit a pedestrian even though he had been joking around and not paying attention?

I would. How terrible is that?

6. In conversations, do you tend to listen or talk more?

I wait for my turn to talk.

7. If you could pass your whole life cared for in every way as you slumbered peacefully, entranced by wonderful dreams, would you do so?

No. There is nothing like this world in the flesh. People say that they just want their kids to be happy. I think parents who say that needs their heads read. How are they going to appreciate anything good in their lives if they are always happy. When I am a parent I'm going to say that I just want my kids to grow up and live the spectrum; pain, suffering, love, hate, death, humour, happiness, sadness, betryal, revenge, light, dark, richer, poorer, sickness, health. When they get to the end of it they will have lived, and when you only get one chance at life, living is the most important thing [just then I saw my death. I swear to God. Writing that response made me more aware of my own humanity more than anything I have ever done, read, or seen.]

8. Would you rather be happy yet slow-witted and unimaginative or unhappy yet bright and creative? For example, would you rather live the life of a brilliant yet tortured artist such as Vincent van Gogh, or that of a happy carefree soul who is a bit simple-minded?

Oh. Tortured. All the way! I already am tortured and I wouldn't give away the crap I put myself through for the world. Just ask Chris. He doesn't see why I would choose to live in near poverty. But I see all the ups and none of the downs. I supply the downs myself because I am never satisfied with myself. Ignorance is bliss and consciousness is overrated. But, hey, read above. Who wants bliss?!

9. In a restaurant, after getting the check for an excellent meal, you notice that you were not charged for one of the items you ate. Would you tell the waitress?

Nope. She is probably trying to get into my pants by leaving them off anyway. I may talk to her again, but I'd be asking her for her number. No. Maybe not that extreme, but I probably wouldn't tell her, no. I consider that sort of thing a bonus. It happens to everyone.

10. Do you establish routines in your life? For example, do you usually sleep in the same place in your bed? eat meals at the same time? Regularly return to the same vacation spot?

With my parents running my life, yes. But when I do it myself, not so much, no. Last night I stayed up until four in the morning which is something I don't often do. I often sleep with my head at different ends of the bed. I can eat as early as five or as late as ten. I write in bursts that can last ten minutes to five hours and be ten minutes to a month apart. I love being unpredictable. It makes life more amusing to be a part of.

11. In terms of relative unpleasantness, how would you rank the following: a nude stroll in public; being spat on by a crowd of people; being arrested for shoplifting; begging for money at the airport? What, if anything, bothers you about looking bad in front of strangers?

In order of most unpleasant to most pleasant, the order in which you wrote them is the order in which I put them, with the last two being far less unpleasant [the last one being not unpleasant at all in any way, shape or form]. I don't mind what people think about my personality, because the chances are I will just look down upon them anyway [!], but I admit to being much more self aware physically. I don't have many problems with strangers judging me, except that it just seems like a flat out stupid thing for them to do.

12. Would $50,000 be enough money to induce you to take a loyal, healthy pet to the vet to be put to sleep?

I honestly don't know. It is easy to say yes when you are without a pet, but harder to say yes when you do. I don't currently have a pet so I nearly said yes, but I used to have a dog and I can imagine taking him to the vet. The eyes of a dog can kill me, I think, my friend. I would probably have to say no. I cried for hours when I learnt that my dog had been hit by a truck and had died. So yeah. Probably not, damn me to Hell.

My life isn't written very well.
Hey SB; want more questions? I like reading your answers.

1) Which is more important: actual experiences, or the memories that remain when the experiences are over?

2) Since so many place great emphasis on a happy private life, why do people often wind up putting more energy into their professional lives? If you feel your private life is more important to you, do you priorities support this? Are you simply unwilling to admit that work is more important? Do you use work as a substitute? Do you hope professional success will somehow magically lead to personal happiness?

3) In love, is intensity or permanebce more important to you? How much do you expect from someone who loves you? What would make you feel betrayed by your mate--indifference? dishonesty? infidelity?

4) How serious would an affair need to be before you would want to know about it? What makes hearing such a confession so threatening that most people would rather be decieved? Is this kind of dishonesty more likely to be destructive or to lead to greater intimacy and trust? How much can you be trusted?

5) Should it be illegal to help a terminally-ill person to die? If someone is not dying but has chronic pain, should the person be allowed to commit suicide? What if the person is in emotional rather than physical pain?

6) How forgiving are you when your friends let you down?

7) In the mid 1800's, had you been able to look into the future to see that the automobile would cause 5 million fatalities in the next century, how would you have felt about this new device? Is there scientific knowledge that is best left undiscovered? If so. what areas of research do you feel should be restricted?

8) Would you risk your life for someone close to you out of feelings of obligation or out of feelings of love? Would it matter if you could refuse without anyone ever knowing? What if the person asked you not to risk your life?

9) How do you react to the idea that more people are willing to have sex for money than to forego washing? A century ago this would not be the case; do you think our more permissive attitude about sex is a healthy development? What about our increased attention to personal hygiene? How important is advertising in bringing about these changes?

10) Does the fact that you have never done something before increase or decrease it's appeal to you?

Of course my questions are mostly implausible, so don’t bother saying, “Well that wouldn’t happen to me anyway”. Just assume that these scenarios have happened to you and answer them to the best of your ability. And if I have offended you, I’m really sorry.

You are riding the train to work during the early morning rush when three punks get on. They are loud and obnoxious and making people feel really uncomfortable with all the swearing and derogatory comments that they are making. There is an old Japanese fellow sitting across from you that seems to be quite interested with the appearances of the trouble making youths. All of a sudden the leader of the small group notices that he’s being stared at and starts to get confrontational with the old man. The leader yells to the old man, “Hey ******, you got a problem?” The old man says nothing, clearly not understanding. At the next stop both the Japanese fellow and the young toughs get ready to depart, it is also your stop. While disembarking, you hear the leader say, “Let’s follow the old ****** home, and take his sh!t”. There is no phone nearby and no way to contact any help. What do you do?

You are vacationing in Taiwan. One night you are having dinner at a restaurant and eating out on the veranda, when you overhear a couple of Americans seated behind you start talking about a local brothel. You start eavesdropping on them and discover that this brothel has girls from all over the world, aged between seven and twelve, that have been abducted from their homes and brought there to be child prostitutes. You are so sickened by what you hear that on the coming of the next morn you go to the U.S. Embassy to see what can be done for these poor girls. They inform you that they are unable to do anything for them unless they are brought to the Embassy. Upon leaving, an officer approaches you and lets you know that he has three friends that live nearby that will help you if you want to try and rescue the girls. He has a plan that will get you in and out of the brothel, but you may need to shoot somebody during the attempt. Very scary, but do you risk it for the girls?

Due to a terrible tragedy you have lost everything and have become homeless. You have lived a type of life where you have never had to face the type of extremes that are about to become a reality for you. Three months later, there still seems to be no hope and you decide that if you’re going to be homeless, you might as well travel. You start hitchhiking around the country taking odd jobs when available and sleeping where you can. There comes a time where prospects are very bleak and you haven’t had even a morsel of food for three days. You start down another lonely highway hoping that things will start looking up when a car pulls over to the side of the road. A ride! You get in the car and meet the driver. He is a bookish older man wearing glasses. After awhile he mentions to you that he is a very lonely man and will pay you $100 if you will give him a hand job. He places the money on the dash and gives you a wan smile. You know that in any type of physical confrontation, that you could easily take this guy. Do you earn the money he has offered? Or do you take it? You can of course, just ask to be let out and stay hungry. What do you do?

One night at the bar you decide it might be a good idea to drink yourself into oblivion. The next morning you wake up, not at home, but in a beautiful woman’s embrace. You look at her more closely and see that she is one of the loveliest creatures you have ever seen and start getting excited. You start caressing her in the hopes that she will wake and reciprocate your advances. After a few moments she stirs and opens her eyes, and gives you a smile that melts your heart. She says, “Good morning, did you sleep well?”. You of course tell her that you had and how happy you are to see her again. You give her a compassionate kiss, to which she replies, “Hey Steve, I think he’s ready for some more.” You roll over and meet her husband Steve. What’s your reaction?

Walking to school one morning you see an armored car speeding up the street. It passes you and goes around a corner and out of sight. A little farther down the street you see not one, but two satchels lying in the middle of the street. You look around and see no one around at all. So instead of going to school, you grab the satchels and run home. When you get there, you open them and dump the contents onto your bed. In a few minutes you count out $62,000. Do you keep the money?

The apocalypse has finally come upon us and most of the human race is gone. By some freak of nature, you find that there are three young women in your city that are still alive. You take your new family up into the mountains where the hunting is good, and the air and water are pure. After a few months of trekking back and forth from the city to your mountain retreat, you have built a modest cabin and start farming your new land. It is all good until one day when a stranger appears. It is an adult male. You are unsure of what to do because, at this point in time, all human life is extremely rare and precious. But it can be dangerous as well. You invite him into your home and offer him a meal. During supper, you cannot help but notice how lecherously he looks when gazing at the women and girls. What do you do to handle this possibly volatile situation?

You’ve got a friend, he’s your best friend. You’ve known him for most of your life. One day you’re over at his house and he mentions that he’s been having some problems with his computer. You have a vague idea of what might be wrong and offer to take a look at it, but since it might take awhile, you’ll need to take it home with you. He says that that would be alright and proceeds to take it apart and put it in your car. That evening you hook it up and take a look. While you are checking out what he has loaded on his hard drive, you see a directory labeled PORN. Wondering what kind of porno your friend looks at, you open up a picture. You are shocked to see that it is a picture of a young child posing sexually. You close the picture immediately and open another, it’s the same type. You look at the directory structure that is under the header PORN and see that there is a sub directory with his nephews name on it. Your stomach is in your throat, but you open one of the pictures anyway, you have to be sure. Your worst nightmare is true. What do you do with your newfound knowledge of your best friend? Would your decision be different if there weren’t any pictures of his nephew?

You’re at your girlfriends house for a night of dinner and games with her family. The meal is good, but the company is miserable. You find out that you cannot stand your girlfriends Mother. She’s arrogant and rude, and quite frankly, a miserable person. Shortly after dinner the Mother breaks out with the Trivial Pursuit game, and starts bragging about how smart she is. She makes it quite clear that she thinks you’re an idiot, and ought to be an easy workout for her mentally. It only takes you a short while to figure out how right she really is, she is amazingly intelligent and informed. Yet you know a foolproof way to cheat, so as to win the game. It would be really nice to show this woman up, and there would be no way for anyone to ever know that you have cheated. Do you cheat or not?

You are at a nightclub complaining to a friend about your finances to the bartender when a man approaches you. He says that he couldn’t help but overhear what you were saying, and that he knows of a possible way for you to make millions of dollars in one night. Asking if you’re interested you immediately agree that you are. He asks you to come with him if you want to learn more about this opportunity. You decide to go along with him and get into his Mercedes. He takes you to a mansion up in the hills. Once inside the house he beckons for you to follow him into the parlor where there is a man sitting at a small table. The man tells you that he is the gentleman’s servant and that the man is an extremely rich oil tycoon that has been diagnosed with a terminal illness. The man hates losing control and has decided to take fate into his own hands. The servant reaches under the table and pulls out a large suitcase. After opening it you see that it is full of money and a revolver. The rich man tells you that if you were to play russian roulette with him, you could win five hundred million dollars. If you lose… Do you play?

You have had a crush on a woman at work since the first day you saw her. It seems that you are dreaming about her nightly and thinking about her daily. One day you finally build up the nerve to ask her out, even though another co-worker has informed you that the girl of your dreams is a heart breaker and cruel. Not being to help yourself, you ask her out and the date is excellent. Before long you two are an item on a whirlwind romance. Two weeks later you are at her place when she tells you that she’s a really kinky girl, and that if you were to where her undies, it would drive her crazy insane, and turn her into a lusty beast. After awhile you decide to trust her and go for it. She opens a nightstand drawer and pulls out a pair of pantyhose and hands them too you. You put them on and have the most wild night of your life. The next day at work, you see that she is already there and turn on your computer. Your wallpaper is a picture of you sleeping with a pair of pantyhose on and a smile! You delete the picture and head over to her cubicle to ask her what the hell she’s trying to pull, when you realize that all the computers have that as their wallpaper. When you look back towards your dream girl, she’s laughing her ass of, as well as a few other female co-workers. How would you handle this situation?


Well, personally I believe that they are probably one and the same. You can't have one without, by default, having the other. You can't have experiences without remembering them, and you can't remember things unless they happened [did you want me to take this literally? Iam..] Expeience on the whole is the most important thing. Memory reinforces the importance.


Well, at the moment I personally feel as though what I do with my work is the most private and personal thing I do. When I write, I write what I feel, hope and dream. So for me the two are unavoidable any which way I turn. But I know that your question wasn't about that, but about relationships and stuff. And I have to admit to have written relationships that I wished that I had been in, or wished that I had. But I personally think that there is no point in me trying to find an adult minded relationship when I am this young anyway. I mean, sure, I'm looking for happiness, but at the moment I get as much happiness and fufillment out of my work. Ask me this again in ten years. Right now one hand washes the other.


Oooooh. I like the sound of intensity. I think if you can love someone as much as you did when you met them ten years after you did, then that is something. I love the prospect. And I think to feel truly betrayed by someone I loved, they would have to lie to me, knowing that it was a lie, and knowing that it would hurt it me if I was to find out. Not a white lie, I couldn't care less. But a large, gaping lie that would truly hurt, and yet they still make it. That would make me feel truly betrayed. That ebing said whether I would leave said person is a whole other thing. I may not have such power in me.


Uh. I would like to know if my partner went on a date with someone else more than once. I would like to know if there was kissing involved. I would like to know if there was sex. Firstly, dishonesty can never lead to intimacy and trust, but dishonesty is a lie; the truth is never known. The truth can lead to intimacy, I think, but hardly to trust [I have seen this happen quite recently. A friend cheated on her boyfriend and told him. This lead to both intimacy and more dishonesty: he fought to make it work more, and he told her he still trusted her, although he didn't. Not for a second]. These questions are hard for me, I'll admit, because I am still young and have not experienced the full range of what is being asked.

In regards to how honest and trustworthy I am, I have to qualms with saying, not very. But I'll try to be good.


No. Yes. Yes, but not aided by doctors/medicine.

What I am saying is, we all the right to live, and thus we all have the right to our own mortality. If we don't want that right, no one else has the right to stop ourselves from revoking our own right from ourselves. Make sense? I think Bon Jovi sung it best: it's my life. And as the Stones sung: hey. You. Get off of my cloud...


Too forgiving. Enough said.


I probably would have supported a go ahead with the automobile, because if I had seen the future deaths, I would probably have seen the future as a result too. And as far as I am concerned, I don't think I would ever even think about going back to, you know, whatever.

I think human cloning should probably be restricted. But I am all for designer babies [as long as the designer baby isn't killed for it's bone marrow or anything]. So I don't know...


Yes. I think I would.
Yes. I would probably think twice. Then it depends entirely on who said person is.
Once again. It would depends entirely on who the person was. If it was my mother or friend, Lizzie, I would probably go ahead and do it anyway.


I must say that I couldn't care less about what other people think about sex. Chris probably thinks it is a bad development that people are so gung-ho towards premarital relations, or screwing for money, just for a shower. Who really cares? It is the way the world is, it is who were are, and we can be want we want to be. Although advertising and big business makes us who are and depicts who we think we want to be, if people are blinded into ignorance about what the want, well. They say that ignorance is bliss. So who knows?


One hundred percent yes.

Damn, I guess I ruined your thread with questions that are too lengthy and twisted. Sorry.

My life isn't written very well.
Hi SB, Happy New Year! I thought I'd ask you the same questions
I asked of Toose & Slay, again before you tire of this thread:

1) If at birth you could select the profession your child would eventually pursue, would you do so?

2) If you knew of a way to use your estate, following your death, to greatly benefit humanity, would you do it and leave only a minimal amount to your family?

3) Do you prefer to be around men or women?

4) For an all-expense-paid, one-week vacation anywhere in the world, would you be willing to kill a beautiful butterfly by pulling off it's wings? What about stepping on a cockroach?

5) Would you be willing to murder an innocent person if it would end hunger in the world?

6) Would you rather be given $10,000 for your own use or $100,000 to give anonymously to strangers? What if you could keep $1,000,000 or give away $20,000,000?

7) Would you give up half of what you now own for a pill that would permanently change you so that an hour of sleep each day would fully refresh you?

8) If the person you were engaged to marry had an accident and became a paraplegic, would you go through with the marriage or back out of it

9) If someone you never met came up to you in a restaurant and said they recognized you from your picture on Movie Forums (if you don't have a picture on the site, pretend you do), and needed a place to stay overnight, how would you react? What if they knew your screen name, and you recognized theirs, but not their face?

Q: Boxers, briefs, or free & clear?
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

oh man do i love this thread i learnt more about SB in ten minutes of solid reading than i did in a whole year of his physical sarcastic presence, aw man you'd really swap places with Jack? geez thats freaky. Thats ok i take it no telling offline allowed? Alright ive got some questions now...

If you were the Worlds Leader for one week what would be the first seven things you would change?

If you had to make the choice of kicking a baby in the head with a pair of gumboots on while its abandoned in the middle of the road or letting your family die what would you do?

Will you ever give me the footage of Pravda?

What would you do for a person who had just saved your life?

yeah thats all the ones i could think of right now, i really need a cup of coffee

I shall begin with my man Slay. Your questions have ruined no threads my pedigree Chum. But they are twisted. Yes. And they are long.

1. There is no phone nearby and no way to contact any help. What do you do?

Am I in a rush? If I am I get to where I'm going, call the police, tell them where I was getting off and hope to God something can be done. If not I simply escort the old man home and use his phone. I'm not a violent guy. And I am scared of people. Actually. Wait. I'm being moral here. I don't think I would do either of those things. I think I would go where I was going and then feel really guilty when I read about it the papers. That is what I think I'd really do. Damn.

2. Very scary, but do you risk it for the girls?

If it appears that the only consequence is having to kill someone, yes I risk it. I don't ever consider risking it. If there is a possibility that I might die, no. I hope you're happy getting me to admit that I am a terribly selfish person. The real question is would I really go to the Embassy? That is the real question. Would you? And don't answer what you think is right? Answer what you know to be the truth about you as a person. I'm interested?

3. What do you do?

I think I would keep going hungry. Lasted this long. Let the old guy pay himself $100 for a hand job.

4. What’s your reaction?

I'm not a homophobe. But I'm not a homosexual either. And the thought of not having any memory of prior events freak me out. With points one, two and three now explained to you, I think my reaction is best depicted in The Godfather. Steve, a nice guy though he may be, is the equivalent to the head of the freaking horse.

5. Do you keep the money?

Yes. Yes I do.

6. What do you do to handle this possibly volatile situation?

Well, Slay, my good man. You have offically freaked me out. Once read a book titled Z for Zachariah. Same sort of situation. One sixteen year old girl, one full grown male, nuclear holocaust. What the Hell do you do? I don't know. Fear for my life. Fear for the life of the girls. But can I kill this other man? I bet I look pretty lecherous too. Pretty damned horny. I find out whether the girls feel safe. And then depending on what they say I let him live or I kill him in my sleep and hope to God that I'm doing the right thing for myself and for them. Maybe I could get him to jerk off into a jar first. To avoid incest further down the line. Ho hum.

7. What do you do with your newfound knowledge of your best friend? Would your decision be different if there weren’t any pictures of his nephew?

I am a loner at heart. I can make friends easily but I don't need to. You understand what I mean? I can easily find new friends. Whether this guy is my best friend or a new friend or whatever, right? If I've known him my whole life or thirty minutes I can never see him again and pick up new friends. And what is more I only need a few friends. A lot of friends is a high maintenance job and I'm a busy kid. I call the cops either way. Children, nephews, dogs, cats, kids. Whether the kid is a blood relative or a Thai kid from Bangkok whom he has never even thought to meet. I call the cops.

8. Do you cheat or not?

Is this meant to be hard. I'm morally corrupt already! I cheat like a damned pro. I do it well. I show the bitch up. And then I piss on the upholestry in her car, dammit!

9. Do you play?

Nope. Nothing on Earth scares me like Russian Roulette. Nothing.

10. How would you handle this situation?

I would murder her with an axe.

r3port3r66's Questions

1. If at birth you could select the profession your child would eventually pursue, would you do so?

No. Could you imagine what I would be on the path to becomming had my parents been given the choice? Something that is not a filmmaker! And I couldn't stomach that. Let the kid choose. It's their life for Christ sake.

2. If you knew of a way to use your estate, following your death, to greatly benefit humanity, would you do it and leave only a minimal amount to your family?

Sure. They can only bitch about me when I'm dead. The rest of the world can praise me. Six bitter brats and a smiling world with starts and stuff. Mind you the moment any asks me to donate organs I will just snap.

3. Do you prefer to be around men or women?

Women usually. I like talking about sex with other guys. And I have no problem admitting to that. But talking to girls and doing things with girls is usually for me a lot more fun. I get a kick out of gossip and setting people up for huge emotional and psychological falls and hurting people and lying to people and so on and so forth. Guys don't have a social stucture that allow me to enjoy destroying people. Guys talk about sex. And that rocks too.

4. For an all-expense-paid, one-week vacation anywhere in the world, would you be willing to kill a beautiful butterfly by pulling off it's wings? What about stepping on a cockroach?

So very yes to both. Like the butterfly was going to live forever anyway...

5. Would you be willing to murder an innocent person if it would end hunger in the world?

Nope. I would pull the wings off a butterfly to end world hunger though. Killing a person and the prospect of doing, it frightens me somewhat. That is understandable, right? I don't want [human] blood on my hands when I get to Heaven [and even if I don't]. And if I was given the choice and I chose not to...I still wouldn't have blood on my hands. Just countless bodies on my shoulders. I'm more okay with that.

6. Would you rather be given $10,000 for your own use or $100,000 to give anonymously to strangers? What if you could keep $1,000,000 or give away $20,000,000?

I need the money for film school. I'd keep the smaller amounts. I'm too young to not be thinking selfishly [I know that has no logic at all, so sue me!] When I have graduated...look, when or if I ever become something I will think about helping others. But I am a selfish guy right now. I have no right to be but I am. When I can look after myself and the people that I actually know and I actually love then I will do greater good for people I don't know. But do you honestly think any of them would be giving me a piece of a twenty million dollar pie if they didn't know me? I don't think so! I don't think they would do it even if they were rich and taking care of their family and friends. Just give me the chance to put myself in the position where I am able to help others without royally screwing myself and then we'll see. Is that so much to ask?

7. Would you give up half of what you now own for a pill that would permanently change you so that an hour of sleep each day would fully refresh you?

I don't own much. And no. I function fine with five hours sleep a night. No pills for...uh, Mattman! Yeah!

8. If the person you were engaged to marry had an accident and became a paraplegic, would you go through with the marriage or back out of it?

The following shall be the most heartless thing I shall ever write. Please forgive me:

But can you have sex with a paraplegic?

9. If someone you never met came up to you in a restaurant and said they recognized you from your picture on Movie Forums (if you don't have a picture on the site, pretend you do), and needed a place to stay overnight, how would you react? What if they knew your screen name, and you recognized theirs, but not their face?

If it was one of the many idiots who make no attempt to spell correctly I would punch them in their unrecognisable face and kick them in the ribs and tell them there is such a thing as Internet etiquette. If it was one of the regulars and they could somehow proove to me that they were indeed a MoFo member I would definitely do it. I would already let Chris, Jason, Mir, Mary, Slay, and a wealth of others, Kent, of course, into my home without any consideration. If Holden could prove to me he was Holden [maybe reciting the final credits of Chinatown or Casablanca or something backwards. And in French. No, wait, Russian!] I would definitely let him in and I've never seen his picture.

Holden's Question

1. Boxers, briefs, or free & clear?

Boxers, man. Always.

Naisal Spray's Questions

1. If you were the Worlds Leader for one week what would be the first seven things you would change?

Yawn. Haven't had this one before! I don't know what I'd change. I'd make an intelligence quota. If people didn't meet the IQ limit they would be shot, gassed or drowned in a shallow river.

2. If you had to make the choice of kicking a baby in the head with a pair of gumboots on while its abandoned in the middle of the road or letting your family die what would you do?

As I have said before [when it was steel capped boots and not just gumboots] I would probably kicked the baby in the head regardless. Just to see. Don't hate me.

3. Will you ever give me the footage of Pravda?

Yeah. I probably will. Someday.

4. What would you do for a person who had just saved your life?

Thank them. And ask if there was anything I could do to repay them. I wouldn't become a slave. I'd hug them maybe. Give them a cigar. Or a head job.

Yeah. I'd like that...

Those were certainly the most enjoyable answers I've read in awhile. Pretty funny stuff. So next time you mention somewhere that you think you're funny, I'll attest to the fact.

As far as me going to the Embassy, I would. But for a similar yet opposite reasoning as yours. I would do it for a somewhat selfish reason. I feel the need to make pennance for the sins in my life. Maybe or maybe not for my immortal soul, but for my present day conscience. I would give my life to make a difference somewhere and possibly save some lives. To me, there would be nothing more honorable, and I need that.

1. If you had the power to change "anything" in the world today, what would it be?

2. What happens to you when you die?

3. If you could be anyone for a day.......who would you choose?

4. Are you ruled by your head or your heart?

5. Your son breaks the law and is facing a prison sentence. He needs an you supply him with one or do you let him take the consequences of his actions?
~ Nikki ~

"I'm your hell, I'm your dream.......I'm nothing in between.......You know you wouldn't want it any other way".........

"Listen, when I slap you, you'll take it and like it"..........Humphrey Bogart..........Maltese Falcon.......

Graze on my lips and if those hills be dry, stray lower, where the pleasant fountains lie...........William Shakespeare.......

The answer to nearly every one of those questions can be found further back in this thread. What happens to me when I die is that I finally get released from redundant questioning.

And no I would not provide an alibi.

Okay, no more long questions.

How old were you when you read your first “adult” book?

What circumstance led to your first kiss?

What decided your desire to become a filmmaker?

Have you ever been in a fistfight?

Do you like, love, or hate Kevin Costner?

If a girl you like a lot asked you to wear her panties, would you?

What’s your favorite flavor of cake?

If I walked up and punched you in the nose, what would you do?

I’ve lived in Hollywood before, and had a love/hate attitude towards it, I might want to move there again. If you move there, can I be your roommate?

Are you a cat or dog person?

For my younger years I was raised on horseback and motorcycles, if I offered one to you, which one would you take?

If you went back in time, whom would you choose for a one-night stand? Pat Benetar or Deborah Harry (Blondie)?

Apples or oranges?

Perry Mason or Matlock?

If I met you someday and offered you a toke on a joint, would you accept?

If you were offered to either be the biggest bad @ass or an effeminate ladies man, which would you choose?

Have you ever had girls fight over you?

When’s the last time you’ve been to church?

Do you like computer games?

Spatracus or Ben-Hur?

Scarlette O’Hara or Dorothy?