NBAluke579's movie reviews.

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My favorite Lynch film easily! And my #2 favorite movie. And considering it is up there with Mulholland drive and Eraserhead, that says something! Dennis Hopper defiantly makes this movie!


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Here's the review for my favorite horror film of 2013......

You're Next

This movie was so damn fun. I never expected it to be anywhere near as good as it is. From the trailers it looked like another lazy,generic home invasion thriller like The Purge(awful film btw.certified turd). I was wrong. This film reminded me of those awesome horror flicks from the 80's. The film starts off really slow, but then when the mayhem begins, it just doesn't cease. Plus the film features one of the most badass horror protagonists, i've seen in a very long time. I'm not saying who, but when ass starts getting kicked chances are you are going to be one happy viewer.

Does the movie reinvent the horror genre or do anything extremely innovative? Absolutely not. But I never expected it to. I came in expecting a subpar horror flick, and I ended up getting a genuinely satisfying,somewhat clever horror flick that is an audience pleaser. It's bloody,it's gory, and it's a boatload of fun! I recommend it. My rating:

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Looking for something entertaining,fresh,and hilarious?

The Luke has got you covered.

The film I'm about to review is one of my absolute favorite films, and a truly underrated gem. In Bruges.

This is one of the most entertaining and funny films I have ever seen. I would label it as a dark comedy I suppose. It's an exceptional film because of the way it balances extremely dark subject matter and violence along with hilarious humor and lovable characters.The main gist of the film, is after a novice Hitman fumbles his first assignment in a horrible way, he is sent to the city of Bruges to wait it out until he hears back from his boss. From there hilarity and bloodshed ensue.

The film's dialogue is simply great, it's reminiscent of Tarantino's style. So if you are a fan of films like Pulp Fiction or Reservoir Dogs I think you'll be right at home with this one. The thing that really makes this movie the real deal is the characters. They're genuinely human, and they struggle with moral dilemmas. It's refreshing to see a movie like this. The film is stylish, the acting is great,and the dialogue is fantastic. This is a damn enjoyable movie, and one I feel every Mofo should check out. It's on Netflix instant stream right now. My rating:

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One of the most divisive films of the last few years.


This movie really disappointed me when it first came out. I thought it was going to be a brilliant piece of hard Sci-Fi, that was going to blow mind. Ridley Scott at the helm? The guy who made Blade Runner....and Alien? Woah. In the end we ended up getting a slightly above average Sci-Fi thriller.

There are so many problems with this movie. Mediocre script full of plot-holes,inconsistencies, and numerous gaps in character logic. Lack of genuine scares and thrills. And the worst thing, possessing a muddled narrative that does alot of damage to the Alien-canon. That's not to say the film still isn't without some positives. The film's visuals are fantastic, there are some solid acting performances. Notably Michael Fassbender who does an excellent job as the fastidious android. I admire the film at least attempted to tackle philosophical themes.The film's opening scene I firmly believe to be spectacular. It's a shame the rest of the film never reaches those highs.

I know it sounds like i loathe or despise the film. I actually don't. It's a rather entertaining movie and a film that's pretty damn impressive for being a summer blockbuster.It's just that the film could have been so much more. I am unsure if there is going to be a sequel to this film, but i feel there should. As it stands Prometheus is a solid,albeit disappointing Sci-Fi film. The less you compare it to Alien the better. I'm giving it a generous rating of a .He
re's hoping the next attempt improves on these mistakes. P.S Ridley can you get a better scriptwriter next time?Please.

Prometheus was a HUGE disappointment for me! I was expecting a Ridley Scott epic, and what I got was a mediocre flick. I mean come on, the guy who made Alien made this? I was very sad walking out of the theater, because this was the movie I was looking forward to most that summer that was not called The Avengers.

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The Place Beyond The Pines

This film blew me away when I first saw it earlier this year. It really is a great film, although it does have it's share of flaws I admit.Although I still consider it a film that you cannot miss.The movie follows a young man named Luke Glanton who after learning he has a young son, begins to rob banks in order to provide for him. I can't say anymore than that without getting into spoiler territory. But this is without a doubt one of the most ambitious movies In recent memory. It's entertaining, riveting and unpredictable.I was invested throughout.

The main problems with the film come with the pacing, I must admit it's a bit off. And the film's final act isn't as strong as what comes before. The film is trying to tell an ambitious story, so these blemishes don't detract from the experience too much. There's plenty of thrills and shocks to be had guys. It's a well-shot film no doubt about it.The lightning fast robbery sequences are exhilarating.The acting is pretty damn good as well from all the actors. It's Gosling that truly shines here though.

Overall,I'd say the film is around a
. It's an awesome film that's just a few marks shy of being something truly grand.

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12 Angry Men

This is without a doubt one of the best film classics. It not only has aged extremely well, but it is just as relevant,meaningful, and gripping as it was over 50 years ago. The film is entertaining throughout, and there is not a dull second. I have to commend the film for taking place in one room for the entire film pretty much. There's no special effects here, no action sequences or anything of the sort. What makes the film is the incredible dialogue,acting, and pacing.

The film centers around 12 jurors who have to decide whether a kid from the slum is guilty of murdering his father. They feel they have everything figured out, but the case is not as simple as it seems. This is one of those films that places the viewer at the forefront of the events. You can feel the tension,uncertainty, and confusion in the room. It's gripping,and thought-provoking. The film's direction is phenomenal. The acting is excellent and the cast even features veteran actors such as Henry Fonda and Lee J. Cobb. It's a great film all across the boards,and if some of you guys aren't really into watching classic or older films. This is a perfect entry-point. 12 Angry Men is phenomenal. It's a must watch film that will be remembered and watched for decades to come. 12 Angry Men I give a .

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Here's a review of one of the most underrated films I have ever seen.

The Fall

From a visual standpoint, this is without a doubt in my mind one of the greatest looking films ever made. The sets, the costumes, the excellent use of color, and the majestic landscape shots all make up a film that's a feast for the eyes. This is a film that has a rather mixed reaction. Many love it, while others believe it to be a rather self-indulgent affair. I feel you all should check out The Fall, because it really is a film quite unlike any other.

What makes The Fall really soar in my opinion, is the sweet,heartwarming story that ties it all together. The film's two main characters are a bedridden stuntman named Roy who is in a hospital after an injury, and a young girl Alexandria who is recovering from a broken arm. Their relationship is sweet,tender and in the latter parts of the film heart-wrenching.This is a film that can really move you emotionally if you invest in it's story.The movie does have it's share of flaws and blemishes, but at it's core it's a great film that should be at least checked out. I give The Fall the rating of a

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I just saw this film a week back, and I must say it has really stuck with me. The film is emotionally haunting,depressing,strange and quite thought-provoking. I'm a big fan of movies that stay with me long after the credits roll.This is one of those films. It's an extremely difficult film to describe but I will do my best.

The film follows three characters. "The Stalker", "The Writer" and "The Professor". "The Stalker" is a man trying to guide these men into a mysterious place called "The Zone". There inside that area lies a room said to fulfill one's wishes and desires. Most of the film's scenes are set inside this haunting,barren area. The movie is in no way conventional, it's more a mental exercise than pure entertainment. Most of the film's shots linger for minutes on end. Tarkovsky draws the viewer into this cold,dark world. The plot is extremely hard to follow, and most of the film's underlying themes are ambiguous and left to viewer interpretation. If you are looking for a film with a straightforward narrative structure, than this is not the film for you. If you are however looking for a film that will haunt you, then this is it. My rating is a .

I really want to see Tarkovsky's films, especially Stalker, for the HOF tournament. Nice review, it looks like something I would definitely like.

By the way, for your ratings if you're doing halves you should write them like [rating ]4.5[/rating ] but without the spaces in the brackets

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Film classic combo coming right up.

On the Waterfront

Exceptional movie that I might even consider placing in my top 10 . On The Waterfront is one of the best films I have ever seen, a movie that's emotionally moving,tragic and inspirational. Marlon Brando's acting performance here is breathtaking, he brings much depth and layers to the character he is portraying.The rest of the actors are great as well,notably Lee J. Cobb as the sinister mob boss.This is one of the most entertaining film classics, and it's gripping from beginning to end.The "I coulda been a contender" scene is one of my all-time favorite movie moments.Just pure brilliance.

The movie is extremely entertaining and has aged like fine wine. It's a true cinema masterpiece, and a film that's a must see. I can't give it any less than a


Great Hitchcock film.This movie is similar to 12 Angry Men in that it takes place in one location for the entire film's running time. This is a highly suspenseful and entertaining movie. Two young men murder a fellow classmate with a rope and decide to hide his body in their apartment.They invite some guests over,as a test to see if they truly did commit the "perfect murder". The movie is interesting and quite suspenseful. The movie's acting is solid, as well as the direction. It's a film that never feels tedious or boring, and the 80 minutes runtime helps to ensure that it never overstays it's welcome. Rope earns a solid
+ rating.
Oh and here's the link to the full movie on Youtube in case anybody is interested:

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This is without a doubt one of the best horror films I have ever seen. It's right up there with The Thing and The Shining. Both horror masterpieces in my eyes. This film's visuals and art style are unbelievable. The film's atmosphere is top notch, and the creepy background music heavily complements the film's visual aesthetic.

The film's story while decent enough, is not the film's main draw. The film focuses on a young american ballet student attending a prestigious dance academy, and when there she begins to experience unusual events that cause her to believe there's something sinister lurking in the academy's halls. The story is serviceable like i noted previously, but this is a film all about immersion and losing yourself in this finely crafted horror flick by Dario Argento. Though Halloween has passed, it shouldn't stop you from watching this horror gem. My rating:

Oh and the entire film is on Youtube in case any Mofo is in the mood for some good horror:

I really want to see Tarkovsky's films, especially Stalker, for the HOF tournament.
Does it mean... you haven't seen any?

Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

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For you Lynchies......


Lol Wut. That was my reaction after seeing this for the very first time. I'll admit right off the bat that this is probably my least favorite Lynch film at the moment. It's still a rather solid effort,especially for a directorial debut .Like most of Lynch's films, this is one that kind of begins to grow on you. Blue Velvet and Mulholland Dr. are my personal favorites, but I didn't love them initially either. Hopefully in time, I'll begin to like this one more as well.

The film builds an extremely uncomfortable and eerie atmosphere. The movie feels extremely bleak,claustrophobic,and lethal. The main character is stuck in a hell of sorts. The industrial environment he lives in, as well as the lizard baby he has to take care of. Yeah I said Lizard baby. This is a movie that while not making alot of sense, does feel personal. You can tell that Lynch put in alot of effort into making it.My problem with the film is that it's quite dull, and Lynch's abstract surrealism feels a bit disjointed here.Maybe I wasn't in the right mood, but I just wasn't really invested into the film. My criticisms aside, it's definitely a landmark film. It has even influenced Kubrick himself, and you can see DNA of Eraserhead in Lynch's future works. At the moment, I have to give Eraserhead a rating of .It's
a solid film worth checking out, but check out with caution.

Twin Peaks:Fire Walk With Me

Alot of people really did not like this movie it seems. I understand the reasoning, but I feel that this is a very underrated effort that is quite good in some areas. This film had a much different tone than the TV series. It was much darker,bleaker,and it didn't feature any humor that was a signature part of the series. I was fine with the darker shift in tone personally as this is supposed to be a dark film.It is a look at the last few weeks of a young girl's life.You see all the torment,anguish, and confusion Laura Palmer felt on her last days on earth.It's not a comfortable movie, nor is it a film that you want to watch casually. It's a dark,nasty affair.

The movie looks pretty good. The visuals are simultaneously creepy and unnerving, and in a way this film is one of the most effective horror films of the 90's. It's a polarizing film, but I respect Lynch for attempting such a film. While far from being something something truly phenomenal, Fire Walk With Me is certainly a solid film and a nice addition to the Twin Peaks canon. My rating:

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Lots of good stuff. I watched 12 Angry Men and Stalker for the first time this year and liked them both quite a bit, though 12 Angry Men a bit more it is an all time great for sure. Place Beyond The Pines will more than likely be one of my ten faves this year. 2/3 of it is great, I just wish he had stuck the landing. I will try more Lynch some day, but I detest Mulholland Drive which seems to be most people's favorite of his, so I am putting him on the back burner for a bit.

On the Waterfront is a great film, and I like Rope. Suspiria I watched on Halloween and liked, I posted my thoughts in the Movie Tab. Then there's Lynch, well you know my thoughts on him, I think Eraserhead is great but there's films I prefer too it, such as Fire Walk with Me, it's one of my all time favourites and I love everything about it.

Great reviews Lucas; I would agree that 12 Angry Men, Rope, and In Bruges are great films. I was enjoying Prometheus for the most part but ultimately felt let down. Suspiria, Eraserhead, Fire Walk With Me, You're Next, and The Place Beyond the Pines are all on my to see list. I don't really want to see Stalker, but I'll watch it if I come across it just because of all the raves.

One of the most divisive films of the last few years.


This movie really disappointed me when it first came out. I thought it was going to be a brilliant piece of hard Sci-Fi, that was going to blow mind. Ridley Scott at the helm? The guy who made Blade Runner....and Alien? Woah. In the end we ended up getting a slightly above average Sci-Fi thriller.

There are so many problems with this movie. Mediocre script full of plot-holes,inconsistencies, and numerous gaps in character logic. Lack of genuine scares and thrills. And the worst thing, possessing a muddled narrative that does alot of damage to the Alien-canon. That's not to say the film still isn't without some positives. The film's visuals are fantastic, there are some solid acting performances. Notably Michael Fassbender who does an excellent job as the fastidious android. I admire the film at least attempted to tackle philosophical themes.The film's opening scene I firmly believe to be spectacular. It's a shame the rest of the film never reaches those highs.

I know it sounds like i loathe or despise the film. I actually don't. It's a rather entertaining movie and a film that's pretty damn impressive for being a summer blockbuster.It's just that the film could have been so much more. I am unsure if there is going to be a sequel to this film, but i feel there should. As it stands Prometheus is a solid,albeit disappointing Sci-Fi film. The less you compare it to Alien the better. I'm giving it a generous rating of a 3/5.Here's hoping the next attempt improves on these mistakes. P.S Ridley can you get a better scriptwriter next time?Please.
I mostly liked the movie, but was also angry about it. The plot is an obvious extraterrestrial adaptation of HP Lovecraft's "At the Mountains of Madness", the source of a bunch of movie variations on The Thing and episodes of the X Files. Way back the the 2000's, Guillermo Del Toro wanted to make a movie of Mountains and supposedly had even recruited interest from some stars as cast members. He ended up abandoning it when money went to Prometheus and dried up for Mountains. Considering how much I was middling on Prometheus, I wish Guillermo had gotten to make Mountains of Madness instead. Oh well, the fortunes of Hollywood.

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Interview with a vampire

I saw this one very recently and it has already crept up to being one of my favorite films. It really is a great film, and one I might rewatch really again really soon. First off I'll start off by saying that the film from a visual standpoint is absolutely incredible. Stunning environments,costumes,and dark gothic atmosphere. This is a film that hooked me immediately and did not let go. I was extremely riveted and entertained. The acting is solid all around, but Tom Cruise steals the show here.I really love the way the film portrayed vampires here. They're not glorified, and we see the loneliness and sadness that linger over them.The movie contains some thought-provoking themes as well, and one of the more compelling parts of the film is the presence of a child vampire. I usually don't think kid actors are any good, but Kirsten Dunst does an impressive job.

The movie contains some flaws, such as pacing. Towards around the middle of the film it begins to slow down quite a bit. It's not enough to take away from the film, but it's something to keep in mind. The movie is engaging, and you as the viewer feel immersed inside this world. I love a good horror film, and this is one of the best ones I've ever seen. I have to give it a rating of
. I really,really enjoyed the movie.