Film Buff in Training, Need Reccomendations


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Semper Fooey

High Noon


Night of the Hunter

The Killers

The Informer

Lion in Winter

Long Day's Jourmey Into the Nght

Mine Own Executioner

To Be or Not to Be

A Matter of Life and Death (Stairway to the Stars)


The Tin Drum


Gosford Park

Oh, What a Lovely War

The Hustler

The Best Man

The Candidate


The Thief of Baghdad (1940)

Kenny, don't paint your sister.
I may have missed a couple on your lists, but those are very good choices

My Suggestions:

The original Indiana Jones Trilogy
Star Wars
Die Hard
You Can't Take It with You
It's a Wonderful Life
The Pink Panther
Bringing Up Baby

Those are just a few that I could think of off the top of my head. I tried to have some variety in there...
Faith doesn't make things easy, just possible.

Celluloid Temptation Facilitator
You might find the book, The Film Club by David Gilmour interesting. I did. It was recommended in the Reading Tab thread.

A guy let's his 15 year old kid drop out of school with the proviso that the kid watch movies with him. It's a true story too.

He talks about many of the movies they watched. There is a list of what he considers good, great and fun movies in the book as well.