Series or Saga you hate the most


Registered Creature
Oh, where do I start.

Harry Potter.
Friday the 13th.
Nightmare on Elm Street.
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre.
Highschool Musical.

And more I will add to the list when I think of them.

king_of_movies_316's Avatar
The King of Movies
Oh, where do I start.

Harry Potter.
Friday the 13th.
Nightmare on Elm Street.
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre.
Highschool Musical.

And more I will add to the list when I think of them.
I agree with most exept for Saw and Friday the 13th, Saw is awesome while Friday the 13th isn't that good, it isn't bad.

But are you talking about the new TCMs or the old ones?

Registered Creature
I'm talking all of them.

I don't know, they've never appealed to my personal preference.

A system of cells interlinked
I think the Harry Potter stuff is pretty fun, and certainly not hate-worthy. The are pretty stunning, technically, as well.

Saw sucks ass.
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
wasn't looking for the third degree forgot how precious Star Wars is to some, maybe I was a bit harsh so It's not close to the worst of all time but it definitely is one I'm sick of and wish would just die already.
i can totally sympathize with you. the original saga did NOT need to be touched up and the following prequels with that irritating Jar-Jar(me wanna hurt you, yes!) Binks and seeing Darth Vader as a whiny, spoiled adolescent was like yanking at the short and curlies with a red hot iron--- not nice

LOOOOVED the original three, CAN'T STAND the prequels.

The Halloween, Friday the 13th, Nightmare on Elm Street series really could have been avoided. The original movies were ground breaking in their own rights and became comical as hollywood tried to milk them for easy cash till the creative t*ts fell off

Registered Creature
I think the Harry Potter stuff is pretty fun, and certainly not hate-worthy. The are pretty stunning, technically, as well.
I liked the first Harry Potter. But I felt in the Chamber of Secrets they skipped too much of the book? Or maybe that's just me. And the third one I just didn't like at all. Fourth, meh. 5th, whatever. (Great casting, though). I've just never been the biggest Harry Potter fan, anyways.

Usually, in a thread like this, I'd name a horror franchise, simply because I don't watch many of the films that are/become franchises. Maybe I'll see the first one, not like it, and not bother with the rest. However, for reasons that I won't go into, I did see the Lord Of The Rings Trilogy. I didn't have any interest in them and I don't like fantasy as a genre, but see them I did. I can honestly say that they're among the most boring, tedious films I've ever seen. I don't care how well made they are, how good an adaptation they are or anything else. They are dull, dull, dull. From memory the only enjoyment I got from over 9 hours (is it nearer 10?) was seeing Sean Bean die and that's only because I really hate that guy

"A film is a putrified fountain of thought"
Sisterhood of the travelling pants.

It's the cinematic equivalent of a gonorrhea milkshake.
Omg, thanks for that. It made my day just that much brighter.

Registered User
I think WANTED was alittle bit over the top 'bullets that take corners' come on!

Registered Creature
However, for reasons that I won't go into, I did see the Lord Of The Rings Trilogy. I didn't have any interest in them and I don't like fantasy as a genre, but see them I did. I can honestly say that they're among the most boring, tedious films I've ever seen. I don't care how well made they are, how good an adaptation they are or anything else. They are dull, dull, dull.
I'm sorry you feel that way.

Ummm this thread already exists here, here, here, here and even here, and to a lesser extent here.

A system of cells interlinked
Ummm this thread already exists here, here, here, here and even here, and to a lesser extent here.

This thread actually doesn't already exist. No, you still hold the crown for dupe threads, donkusai.

This thread actually doesn't already exist. No, you still hold the crown for dupe threads, donkusai.
Yes it does: here, here, here, here and even here, and to a lesser extent here.

A PHD in Whiskey and Stonerology
I liked the first Harry Potter. But I felt in the Chamber of Secrets they skipped too much of the book? Or maybe that's just me. And the third one I just didn't like at all. Fourth, meh. 5th, whatever. (Great casting, though). I've just never been the biggest Harry Potter fan, anyways.
I hate the books with a vengeance, same goes for the movies by association.

A PHD in Whiskey and Stonerology
Usually, in a thread like this, I'd name a horror franchise, simply because I don't watch many of the films that are/become franchises. Maybe I'll see the first one, not like it, and not bother with the rest. However, for reasons that I won't go into, I did see the Lord Of The Rings Trilogy. I didn't have any interest in them and I don't like fantasy as a genre, but see them I did. I can honestly say that they're among the most boring, tedious films I've ever seen. I don't care how well made they are, how good an adaptation they are or anything else. They are dull, dull, dull. From memory the only enjoyment I got from over 9 hours (is it nearer 10?) was seeing Sean Bean die and that's only because I really hate that guy
Die in a fire.

Registered Creature
I hate the books with a vengeance, same goes for the movies by association.

I've never been a fan of Rowling's writing style, or Stephenie Meyer's. I've always been a Lemony Snicket fan, his writing style is so quirky and awesome. (Though the movie totally sucked).

The Grudge movies pump hate through my veins.
