Broke my wrist!!!


Feel better!
Sorry to break it to you, but I'm here only to annoy you guys.

Sorry to hear you've hurt yourself, @Stirchley how are you feeling now?
I feel like crap. So tedious without my left wrist. Can’t do a thing & it stays on until Feb 7. I hate winter so frickin much. I bought a cane from Amazon as I don’t feel confident walking.

Miss my daily two hour walk - this is what is depressing me so much. When I saw it snowing on Saturday I cried so much. Can’t go to church either as I can’t get unto decent clothes.

Where is my British resilience hiding I would like to know.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

Do you live near a mall? You could go walking there.
I feel crappy too. My head is killing me. I had dental surgery on Friday.
The pain killers are working on my jaw but not my headache.

Not trying to divert attention from Stirchley or playing "top this" or make this about me... BUT... (I'm actually looking for any advice)...

I've got something like a rotator cuff injury in my right shoulder. Don't know how it happened, but it seemed to begin somewhere around the start of the new year.

I did have an injury from 13 years ago (my famous hitting-a-ground-wasp-nest while mowing the lawn story wherein I fell over the lawnmower while getting swarmed and landed on my right shoulder). After that, I spent about 6 months doing my own physical therapy and ultimately seemed to restore my shoulder to normal and it's been fine since 2012.

So, I'm wondering if this is the old injury acting up somehow or something else. It came on suddenly, but not too painful at first, but gradually got much worse to the point where I can't move my arm in certain directions (while in other directions it's fine). I don't know if it's a rotator cuff tear, muscle strain, severe & sudden arthritis, bursitis or what. I think it's getting better, but it's taking so dang long - it's been almost a month with increased mobility or lessoning of pain by only the tiniest of increments each day.

Since I do outdoor work, minor injuries are common, but they usually get better in a matter of days or I can "work" them out. This has been crippling for a month (although I am daily trying to stretch all the surrounding areas that don't hurt).

Trouble with a capital "T"
...(I'm actually looking for any advice)...

I've got something like a rotator cuff injury in my right shoulder. Don't know how it happened, but it seemed to begin somewhere around the start of the new year.

I did have an injury from 13 years ago (my famous hitting-a-ground-wasp-nest while mowing the lawn story wherein I fell over the lawnmower while getting swarmed and landed on my right shoulder). After that, I spent about 6 months doing my own physical therapy and ultimately seemed to restore my shoulder to normal and it's been fine since 2012.

So, I'm wondering if this is the old injury acting up somehow or something else. It came on suddenly, but not too painful at first, but gradually got much worse to the point where I can't move my arm in certain directions (while in other directions it's fine). I don't know if it's a rotator cuff tear, muscle strain, severe & sudden arthritis, bursitis or what. I think it's getting better, but it's taking so dang long - it's been almost a month with increased mobility or lessoning of pain by only the tiniest of increments each day.

Since I do outdoor work, minor injuries are common, but they usually get better in a matter of days or I can "work" them out. This has been crippling for a month (although I am daily trying to stretch all the surrounding areas that don't hurt).
Welcome to my world! That's the second time I typed that this morning and I wish I was joking but I'm not.

Yesterday I had my ankle X-rayed. My ankle hurts in the same manner as your shoulder. Like you I also injured it many years ago...25 years to be exact. Back then I had stepped off the front porch and my foot twisted sideways as I fall. I 'popped off' part of my ankle bone, a little bone chip, which the doctor said would dissolve away. I had a cast on it for exactly 2 hours and then I cut it off because it itched and bugged me. I could feel that bone chip under my skin and that bugged me too. So I got a clean razor blade and sterilized the ankle area with alcohol and heated the razor with a lighter. My intention was to cut into the side of my foot and remove the bone chip. Crazy I know! And I chickened out, luckily.

Flash forward to this summer and I was installing windows in our house and spent a lot of time balancing on a ladder. That caused my right ankle joint to swell and hurt like hell. I went from being able to speed walk 2 miles a day to having to hop around the living room and needing help walking. My ankle got better but never 100%. It's been giving me real problems again. I haven't found out what the results of the X-rays are but my guess is it's arthritis, which can happen in previously injured joints.

My advance to you is see a doctor, get an X-ray or you might very well need 3D imaging to look at the soft tissue. I hope you problem goes well for you, I hope my ankle gets better for me.

Welcome to my world! That's the second time I typed that this morning and I wish I was joking but I'm not.

Yesterday I had my ankle X-rayed. My ankle hurts in the same manner as your shoulder. Like you I also injured it many years ago...25 years to be exact. Back then I had stepped off the front porch and my foot twisted sideways as I fall. I 'popped off' part of my ankle bone, a little bone chip, which the doctor said would dissolve away. I had a cast on it for exactly 2 hours and then I cut it off because it itched and bugged me. I could feel that bone chip under my skin and that bugged me too. So I got a clean razor blade and sterilized the ankle area with alcohol and heated the razor with a lighter. My intention was to cut into the side of my foot and remove the bone chip. Crazy I know! And I chickened out, luckily.

Flash forward to this summer and I was installing windows in our house and spent a lot of time balancing on a ladder. That caused my right ankle joint to swell and hurt like hell. I went from being able to speed walk 2 miles a day to having to hop around the living room and needing help walking. My ankle got better but never 100%. It's been giving me real problems again. I haven't found out what the results of the X-rays are but my guess is it's arthritis, which can happen in previously injured joints.

My advance to you is see a doctor, get an X-ray or you might very well need 3D imaging to look at the soft tissue. I hope you problem goes well for you, I hope my ankle gets better for me.

I've done some home surgery (like removing skin tags and I once tried to remove an ingrown toenail which got infected - but I'll save that story for another time). But nothing on par with trying to remove a bone chip under the skin!

I'm glad you chickened out, Rules - because I don't think the attempt would have ended well.

(Ooh! This brings back memories of the scene from Master and Commander where Dr. Maturin had to perform surgery on himself to remove a bullet lodged in his torso! One of my favorite scenes!)

I know the most popular advice would be see a doctor, but all my doctor ever wants to do is focus on blood pressure and cholesterol - and subsequent rounds of maintenance drugs which I don't trust (to the point where she'll virtually ignore any other more immediate complaints). So I've developed an aversion to seeing her.

I've had multiple sprained ankles (and two bunionectomies and peritoneal tendonitis!). I no longer have access to a bathtub, but when I did I'd often do foot & ankle soaks in warm water with Epsom salts. I also found donning a good, flexible ankle brace at the first sign of pain or weakness helpful.

Welcome to my world! That's the second time I typed that this morning and I wish I was joking but I'm not.

Yesterday I had my ankle X-rayed. My ankle hurts in the same manner as your shoulder. Like you I also injured it many years ago...25 years to be exact. Back then I had stepped off the front porch and my foot twisted sideways as I fall. I 'popped off' part of my ankle bone, a little bone chip, which the doctor said would dissolve away. I had a cast on it for exactly 2 hours and then I cut it off because it itched and bugged me. I could feel that bone chip under my skin and that bugged me too. So I got a clean razor blade and sterilized the ankle area with alcohol and heated the razor with a lighter. My intention was to cut into the side of my foot and remove the bone chip. Crazy I know! And I chickened out, luckily.

Flash forward to this summer and I was installing windows in our house and spent a lot of time balancing on a ladder. That caused my right ankle joint to swell and hurt like hell. I went from being able to speed walk 2 miles a day to having to hop around the living room and needing help walking. My ankle got better but never 100%. It's been giving me real problems again. I haven't found out what the results of the X-rays are but my guess is it's arthritis, which can happen in previously injured joints.

My advance to you is see a doctor, get an X-ray or you might very well need 3D imaging to look at the soft tissue. I hope you problem goes well for you, I hope my ankle gets better for me.

I've done some home surgery (like removing skin tags and I once tried to remove an ingrown toenail which got infected - but I'll save that story for another time). But nothing on par with trying to remove a bone chip under the skin!

I'm glad you chickened out, Rules - because I don't think the attempt would have ended well.

(Ooh! This brings back memories of the scene from Master and Commander where Dr. Maturin had to perform surgery on himself to remove a bullet lodged in his torso! One of my favorite scenes!)

I know the most popular advice would be see a doctor, but all my doctor ever wants to do is focus on blood pressure and cholesterol - and subsequent rounds of maintenance drugs which I don't trust (to the point where she'll virtually ignore any other more immediate complaints). So I've developed an aversion to seeing her.

I've had multiple sprained ankles (and two bunionectomies and peritoneal tendonitis!). I no longer have access to a bathtub, but when I did I'd often do foot & ankle soaks in warm water with Epsom salts. I also found donning a good, flexible ankle brace at the first sign of pain or weakness helpful.
It’s official, you’re both nuts! But thanks for distracting me from my latest fit of self-pity.

Forgive me, but this is the funniest thing I’ve read today.
If I had just let go of the lawnmower as soon as I realized the wasps were swarming and stepped calmly backward, I might have been okay (the mower has an automatic stop when you let go of the handle). But, for some reason I thought if I raised the mower up while moving backwards, the blades would provide some defense against the wasps - it didn't, it only angered them more. I admit I panicked when I started getting stung: I finally let go of the mower, I spun around, and when I ran, somehow the mower was now in the way and I went flying over the handle and landed on my shoulder.

If I had just let go of the lawnmower as soon as I realized the wasps were swarming and stepped calmly backward, I might have been okay (the mower has an automatic stop when you let go of the handle). But, for some reason I thought if I raised the mower up while moving backwards, the blades would provide some defense against the wasps - it didn't, it only angered them more. I admit I panicked when I started getting stung: I finally let go of the mower, I spun around, and when I ran, somehow the mower was now in the way and I went flying over the handle and landed on my shoulder.
Just stay out of trouble. Okay!

Just stay out of trouble. Okay!
That was 13 years ago. Right before hurricane Irene. Then through the whole clean up after the hurricane, my arm was in a sling.

How's your wrist doing?

Ouch. That sucks (must hurt). Warmest virtual hugs to you.

That was 13 years ago. Right before hurricane Irene. Then through the whole clean up after the hurricane, my arm was in a sling.

How's your wrist doing?
Wednesday I get the cast off & hope they don’t plan another cast.

Hand is super-tender which is greatly worrying me. 7 years ago broke dominant right wrist, but don’t remember any problems with it despite the fact that the wrist was displaced. This current wrist was not displaced at all.

Thanks for asking Captain.

Not trying to divert attention from Stirchley or playing "top this" or make this about me... BUT... (I'm actually looking for any advice)...

I've got something like a rotator cuff injury in my right shoulder. Don't know how it happened, but it seemed to begin somewhere around the start of the new year.

I did have an injury from 13 years ago (my famous hitting-a-ground-wasp-nest while mowing the lawn story wherein I fell over the lawnmower while getting swarmed and landed on my right shoulder). After that, I spent about 6 months doing my own physical therapy and ultimately seemed to restore my shoulder to normal and it's been fine since 2012.

So, I'm wondering if this is the old injury acting up somehow or something else. It came on suddenly, but not too painful at first, but gradually got much worse to the point where I can't move my arm in certain directions (while in other directions it's fine). I don't know if it's a rotator cuff tear, muscle strain, severe & sudden arthritis, bursitis or what. I think it's getting better, but it's taking so dang long - it's been almost a month with increased mobility or lessoning of pain by only the tiniest of increments each day.

Since I do outdoor work, minor injuries are common, but they usually get better in a matter of days or I can "work" them out. This has been crippling for a month (although I am daily trying to stretch all the surrounding areas that don't hurt).
Obviously the advice is seek medical advice, but I would add that, if you do a physical job (I don't know how old you are but the more physical the more wear and tear you'll suffer on your body) and age could've had reach a point where it's 'just happened'.

I know you said about your doctor and their attitude, so my advice would be to see another doctor. If they're going to treat you like a customer then act like one and take your business elsewhere to a place/person who's 'customer care' is better. I hope it's nothing serious and heals soon.

@Stirchley sorry to hear that it's still so uncomfortable. I hope that, come Wednesday, the cast can come off and not need anything else.

@Stirchley sorry to hear that it's still so uncomfortable. I hope that, come Wednesday, the cast can come off and not need anything else.
Thanks so much! I have to put on my big girl panties & get through this week. Thursday - in another town! - is my annual physical, which is the last thing I want, but need to take care of.