The Twilight Zone Hall of Fame


I've heard of it, but I haven't seen it yet. Have you seen Tales From the Darkside, by any chance? It's hit or miss, but still worth watching.

That's the low bar for me...

1. Twilight Zone (1959)
2. Black Mirror (2011)

3. The Hammer House of Horror (1980)
4. Tales of the Unexplained (1979)
5. Tales from the Crypt (1989)
6. Outer Limits (1963)
7. Creepshow (2019)
8. Are you Afraid of the Dark (1990)
9. Eerie Indiana (1991)
10. Night Gallery (1969)
11. The Outer Limits (1995)
12. The Twilight Zone (1985)
13. The Twilight Zone (2019)
14. Tales from the Dark Side (1983)
15. American Horror Stories (2021)

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I just PMed my second nom to @SpelingError.

I looked through the list of episodes that were nominated already, and this should be a great HoF.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I've heard of it, but I haven't seen it yet. Have you seen Tales From the Darkside, by any chance? It's hit or miss, but still worth watching.

I think I saw one episode of "Tales From the Darkside", but I could be mixing it up with a different show. I vaguely remember an episode with a guy, (I think it might have been Christian Slater), who had an arm growing out of his back, but that's the only thing that I remember about it.

That's the low bar for me...

1. Twilight Zone (1959)
2. Black Mirror (2011)

3. The Hammer House of Horror (1980)
4. Tales of the Unexplained (1979)
5. Tales from the Crypt (1989)
6. Outer Limits (1963)
7. Creepshow (2019)
8. Are you Afraid of the Dark (1990)
9. Eerie Indiana (1991)
10. Night Gallery (1969)
11. The Outer Limits (1995)
12. The Twilight Zone (1985)
13. The Twilight Zone (2019)
14. Tales from the Dark Side (1983)
15. American Horror Stories (2021)
Aw, I like Tales From the Darkside

Have you seen Beyond Belief: Fact of Fiction though. It's fairly underseen.

I like that one episode where that weird thing happens to that guy.

That episode is good and all, but I greatly prefer the one where the weird thing happens to that girl.

We're currently at six participants and 12 episodes. So far, all the nominations are from the original series.

Season 1: 8 Episodes
Season 2: 1 Episode
Season 3: 2 Episode
Season 5: 1 Episode

As you can see, season 1 is pretty popular.

That episode is good and all, but I greatly prefer the one where the weird thing happens to that girl.
Better yet is the one where that couple start having weird stuff happening to them!
And then there's the one where that weird thing happens to the whole town!

I forgot the opening line.
I've sent my nominations. Really wanted to nominate a time travel episode - there are some excellent ones in the original 2nd Season - Back There, The Odyssey of Flight 33 and especially A Hundred Yards Over the Rim - but none of them come off with enough oomph. I went with two noms that had more feeling to them...
Remember - everything has an ending except hope, and sausages - they have two.

Latest Review : Aftersun (2022)

Did you ever see The Outer Limits (1995-2002)? I thought that was a well done sci-fi anthology series.
Just the odd episode here and there as well.

2. Black Mirror (2011)
Black Mirror is great. I think it's the only anthology series I successfully followed from start to finish as well haha.

Trouble with a capital "T"
There's a couple of original series The Twilight Zone that I thought for sure would be chosen. Well, there's still time! So far all these look to be awesome.

I forgot the opening line.
[re: The Odyssey of Flight 33] That one is really underpraised, imo.
I very nearly nominated it. It's...

WARNING: spoilers below of the few Twilight Zone episodes to end mid-crisis with no firm resolution. Loved the thought that this plane is out there, popping up throughout time, searching...

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
I see a couple of iconic including one of mine, was very tempted to do Shatner's episode and there was a personal favorite with Robert Redford I nearly went with, then I saw my second nom and it won out. A few faves showed up -- YAY. A few I had utterly forgotten, so, again, YAY.

I'm guessing most folks know but the original Twilight Zone is currently on Hulu so I'll be binging with my roommate.

And with the other shows, I do remember Outer Limits and I remember being scared of, and very fascinated by Night Gallery.

And @rauldc14, you are NOT alone. I'd be TOTALLY up for a Big Bang Theory HoF. Never saw Mike and Molly so I couldn't say.
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

(Sorry I'm not participating in the tournament, so forgive me if I just comment)... Since I love the original show so much, it's easier for me to think of the episodes I don't like... and there are a few. Some I like as one-time watches but don't feel the need to see them again, others I'll re-watch whenever I find them on.

Off the top of my head - I never like the one with Gary Crosby ("Come Wander With Me")... don't know why (maybe the repetition of the song?) - saw it the other night - still not wowing me.