Celebrities In Politics


Good God, not Paul Joseph Watson videos.
Is that who that idiot was? I was listening some wondering "How could a brit become a mark for the most obvious shill of all?"

Welcome to the human race...
Is that who that idiot was? I was listening some wondering "How could a brit become a mark for the most obvious shill of all?"
Ask Piers Morgan.

Ask Piers Morgan.
Aw jeez, the billionaire jock sniffer extraordinaire. He probably is supporting Trump because he got such a rub off Celebrity Apprentice. That was the one time I saw Piers Morgan really show something, the power of his black book. Morgan was able to effortlessly contact rich celebrities and tycoons for donations throughout the season, and literally crushed Omarosa in the most decisive victory in Celebrity Apprentice history. Of course he couldnt shut up about it afterwards...

Most American celebrities simply repeat the obvious leftist or (in a few rare cases) rightist talking points, so their political opinion is not really that interesting to listen to, to be honest.

Some may have an interesting approach to things from time to time, but I can't really recall a specific example like that, right at this moment.

In Belgium, most of our truly beloved and legendary celebrities don't talk about politics or at least talk about it in a balanced way, instead of acting like they are preachers of the one and only truth. They are very conscious about how people will react to their political comments. I don't think that's an unhealthy attitude for a celebrity. It makes them think a few times before saying something utterly stupid, unoriginal or divisive.
Cobpyth's Movie Log ~ 2019

Most American celebrities simply repeat the obvious leftist or (in a few rare cases) rightist talking points, so their political opinion is not really that interesting to listen to, to be honest.
Wanna quote this, because it seems to me this supersedes most of the abstract discussion about how people should use their fame. Even if someone isn't irked by someone using their fame as a platform, it should be obvious that the things that make celebrities famous are not conducive to understanding policy or grasping (let alone distilling) the arguments involved. In that regard, they might as well be any random person.

And actually, it's worse than that: celebrities are generally very wealthy, so they're insulated from the effects of the policies they advocate in ways a random person wouldn't be.

So the issue isn't that they have opinions or try to draw attention to things. The issue is why anyone would care.

I'm not sure these videos add a lot to the discussion. I think videos should be like linked articles: used to make specific, targeted points, rather than just "here, I'll let this person argue for me."

"I smell sex and candy here" - Marcy Playground
This is fun to watch...

Best Compilation- People Who Laughed at TRUMP...and said he would never be President - FUNNY!

Welcome to the human race...
I'm not sure these videos add a lot to the discussion. I think videos should be like linked articles: used to make specific, targeted points, rather than just "here, I'll let this person argue for me."
It seems especially ironic given the context - apparently the best way to prove your opposition to public figures speaking about politics is to post footage of a completely different public figure speaking about politics.

Meryl Streep to Donald Trump: I Am the ‘Most Overrated’ Actress

Meryl Streep for president?

The Oscar-winning actress turned in a barn-burner of a speech Saturday night at a fundraiser for the Human Rights Campaign, assailing Donald Trump as bellicose and thin-skinned, mounting a rousing defense of LGBTQ freedoms, and bucking up a crowd that might have been otherwise dejected by America’s rightward turn towards conservatism. Streep argued that Trump’s election imperils gay rights, women’s rights, and other civil rights.

“If you think people got mad when they thought the government was coming after their guns, wait until they come and try to take away our happiness,” Streep said to a two-minute long standing ovation.

“We’re not going to go back to the bad old days of ignorance and oppression and hiding who we are,” she added.

As tears welled up and her voice cracked under the strain of the emotion, Streep said, “We owe it to the people who have died for our rights, and who have died before they even got their own.”

Streep, who received the gay rights organization’s Ally for Equality Award, said that critics of the new president have one thing to be grateful for.

“If we live through this precarious moment,” she said. “If [Trump’s] catastrophic instinct to retaliate doesn’t lead us to nuclear winter, we will have much to thank our current leader for. He will have woken us up to how fragile freedom is.”

At this year’s Golden Globes ceremony, Streep, while accepting a lifetime achievement award, delivered a blistering condemnation of Trump’s imitation of a reporter with disabilities. Without naming the president, Streep said that moment reminded her that “disrespect invites disrespect.” Trump later lashed out on Twitter, calling Streep an overrated actress. Once again, the two found common-ground.

“I am the most overrated and most over-decorated and currently — currently — I am the most over-berated actor…of my generation,” Streep said at the HRC dinner.

The dinner also honored comedian Seth Meyers and the cast and filmmaking team behind “Moonlight.”

Streep used her time at the dais to reflect on gay and transgender teachers who helped foster her love of the arts and of theater. At one point, she broke in song to treat the audience at the New York City gala to a rendition of the Emma Lazarus sonnet that lies at the base of the statue of liberty, saying the words were taught to her by a transgender teacher during a field trip.

Streep closed her speech with a call to arms for the people who may feel dispossessed and upset over Trump’s election.

“We have the right to live our lives, with God or without, as we choose,” Streep said. “There is a prohibition against the establishment of a state religion in our constitution, and we have the right to choose with whom we live, whom we love, and who and what gets to interfere with our bodies. As Americans, men, women, people, gay, straight, LGBTG. All of us have the human right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”


The most loathsome of all goblins
This is fun to watch...

Best Compilation- People Who Laughed at TRUMP...and said he would never be President - FUNNY!

John Oliver has one of the most punchable faces in TV history

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
So how is Trump stepping on the rights of the LGBT community?

Anyone feel free to answer for Meryl, who more than likely won't read this.