The MoFo Top 100 of the 2010s Countdown

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I liked Sicario, good solid film, very well made... can't remember much beyond that.

Haven't seen Burning so this will finally give me the push to do that.

Really liked Gravity when I saw it in the cinema and once again soon afterward.

Didn't like Interstellar at all although I appreciate it's that kind of ambitious awe-inducing film that connects with a lot of people. I would have thought it would have been a lot higher, maybe even top ten.

57/68 seen.

As it turns out, Gravity is one of my honorable mentions. The story of a woman fighting the elements in space to get back home safely is compelling and Sandra Bullock is engaging as lead. The special effects are well done as well.

Interstellar didn't make my list...nor was it particularly close. I get that Christopher Nolan was trying to dive into characters and their feelings. And it works at times. Other times, it's a bit heavy handed like the sequence in the school where Cooper was arguing with several people in school about what they're teaching in science class. And the ending felt like it might have nailed the landing if it was a book. But Interstellar is a movie so it felt flat.

The performances were good and some of the special effects were nicely done. But at the end of the day, I thought it was merely OK.

I'm behind again. Lots of movies I haven't seen. Lots of movies I don't like very much. I think two more from my list have shown up (Black Swan, Act of Killing). Or maybe just one. I'm forgetful. And lazy.

Also, I'm so dumb I didn't know Villeneuve (sp) did Sicario (sp). Maybe I should watch that at some point. Nothing about it up until now has appealed to me.


It seems that Cuaron wasn't necessarily looking for a blockbuster, but attempting to push the limits of what a blockbuster could do. And he did just that for the modern day the same way Lucas did for Star Wars. And it's true that there's not a lot of story, as sometimes the story is told lightly or through the sets and effects themselves. However, this is something a lot of moviemakers can take from, considering that we still don't have many movies pulling these stunts off when we have a thousand Transformers emulators in the SFX vein.


Seen 40/68.

I didn't see Gravity because I didn't like the movie poster along with the context of what was going on I thought it was going to be some sort of mockery/game/throw away movie. I will add it to my list now that I read your recommendations.

Haven't seen Gravity. It is another big blindspot in my 2010s resume. A big reason is that the film was this big theatrical event, that I've always regretted not seeing it in theaters, and always feel like watching it on a TV is gonna lessen the experience significantly, i.e.

Gravity...if you seen it at a theater in 3D: 'The most amazing thing ever!'
Gravity...if you watched it on a mobile phone: 'I don't get what the buzz is all about?'
I know a lot of people here, or in Corrie, told me that the film is still good regardless, but I think I'm still indirectly waiting for a re-release or something.

As for Interstellar, contrary to Speling's numerous mentions of yours truly, it is not one of my favorites As a matter of fact, his previous post with his take on it kinda mirrors my feelings about the film. I remember having a similar issue with this like I had with Gravity, in terms of seeing it or not on TV, but I budged with this and the issues were certainly not the visuals. For the most part, the script and the dialogue are somewhat clumsy, and the last act is a mess. Easily my least favorite Nolan film, although I still haven't seen Dunkirk or Tenet.

So, here's where I'm at, including the chances for the rest of my list...

Seen: 50/68

My ballot:  
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Trouble with a capital "T"
Haven't seen Gravity. It is another big blindspot in my 2010s resume. A big reason is that the film was this big theatrical event, that I've always regretted not seeing it in theaters, and always feel like watching it on a TV is gonna lessen the experience significantly, i.e.
Of course my post up above was kinda joking but kinda truthful too in that Gravity seems to be made for a big screen presentation.
As for Interstellar, contrary to Speling's numerous mentions of yours truly, it is not one of my favorites As a matter of fact, his previous post with his take on it kinda mirrors my feelings about the film.
I remember having a similar issue with this like I had with Gravity, in terms of seeing it or not on TV, but I budged with this and the issues were certainly not the visuals. For the most part, the script and the dialogue are somewhat clumsy, and the last act is a mess. Easily my least favorite Nolan film, although I still haven't seen Dunkirk or Tenet.
If you read my first post about Interstellar I sounded less than enthusiastic about it and complained about the ending among other things. But then if you read my old review that I posted, it sounded like I loved Interstellar and of course I gave it a
. The thing is my review must be all about 'recency bias'...I haven't seen Interstellar but the one time but today I'd rate it a
. Movie ratings and memories are a funny thing

I forgot the opening line.
34. Gravity - Missed this when it was showing in cinemas *sad face* so all I'm left with is to sit close to the screen and pretend. Gravity's still a pretty good film though. Not really any kind of threat to make it onto my ballot, and not a film I have a whole lot to say about. Great effects that for once feel real, and some very tightly choreographed space-action and survival. I've never seen astronauts that good looking however. I often have dreams where I'm about to travel into space, and just before my ship takes off it dawns of me how damned dangerous it is - which leaves for an unenviable choice. Face the danger or suffer the humiliation of aborting the launch just because I chickened out. For some people, death would be preferable to becoming a meme.

33. Interstellar - I'm sure somebody would have mentioned this by now, but nice pairing! I really need to see Interstellar again - I've got it on Blu-Ray, but I fear there are things about it that I don't fully connect with. Aside from that there are some knock-out scenes and ideas with the visuals to match. I'm not a huge fan of Matthew McConaughey - and when you've got one or two minor niggling issues with a film, the last thing you need is to have the alienating effect of an actor you don't like. I hate to say it, but despite me having both films on Blu-Ray and seeing both multiple times I just consider them as good, and not up amongst my favourites.

Seen 61/68
Remember - everything has an ending except hope, and sausages - they have two.

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I tried to get Poetry on this list, but I will be really shocked if I didn’t fail.
On my list as well, after watching & loving it from the recommendation thread. But I doubt it if it makes it.

Sicario is my 21. Can't fault Villeneuve. Still expect at least three of his movies to make it.

I see why you are good & leading.

I always thought it was funny the movie had a completely different title than how it was referred to everywhere else.

I get the weirdest feeling that 31. is The Conjuring because "making a house white" and "symbolism" make me think of exorcisms.