Rauldc14's Top 119 Films

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2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Shamaylan but no PTA on this list. I think it's intervention time Raul.
I don't know that he will ever have a film on a favorites list for me.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
64. The Avengers

The cast rocks. I really like Marvel movies and this is certainly one of the best. Again it's just a fun experience, full of action laughter and tension.

This might just do nobody any good.
I'm up and down with Avengers.

Naturally loved it the first time I saw it, kind of deflated the second time. Caught it on TV and almost hated it.

Then I got the urge to rewatch it recently and I think I liked it even more than the first time.

I do wish the filmmaking was more dynamic. Whedon needs lots of practice in constructing dialogue driven scenes, which I found funny since that's, apparently, what he's known for.

I do, for sure, hate the sequel. It's one thing to do a victory lap, another to undo any goodwill from the previous hit and release and meandering mess.

Such a weirdly unconnected film.

Not a fan of either Avengers movie. Both are ok entertainment but generally bland, bloated and forgettable movies to me... I do like me some Marvel superhero flicks though.

OUATITW is great. Disliked it the first time around... love it the second. Near masterpiece. Se7en is great as well.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
63. Casino Royale

Love Bond movies in general and I really love everything about this one. The music, the cinematography, the characters, the storyline. Eva Green is wonderful. Daniel Craig is great in this one too. Bond films are hard to get better than this.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
62. The Departed

Scorcese rules and brings the best out in his actors. Got to love DiCaprio, Jack, Damon and even Wahlberg here. The screenplay is awesome and you have to love the ending to this one. Perhaps his biggest accomplishment in film, although this is certainly not my last film from him.

I'm weird with Bond movies, loved them all as a kid but now i'll only ever watch Connery ones if i see them on. Dunno he's just perfect as Bond for me. Casino Royale is one of the better Bond films though and Craigs best. The Departed is not a favourite Scorsese of mine, it is solid though.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
61. Inception

Great visuals and a very entertaining story. I love the cast that is in this movie. The world that the movie builds is very interesting and the way Nolan tells his story is captivating.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
60. Lost in Translation

Love the chemistry between Bill Murray and Scarlett Johannson. The setting of Tokyo is quite beautiful. It's a great screenplay by Sophia Coppola and a very engaging story to me. Wish I had more to say about it but I haven't seen it in years. Need to get this in my DVD collection.

Don't like Inception. I'm pleasantly surprised that you like Lost In Translation so much though, i considered nominating it this HOF. There must be some word that's not ironic because it's not ironic that describes me going for a film by someone who despises the Coppola's (especially Sofia) instead of Lost in Translation.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Love both of the last two choices. I don't love Inception this much but it is an easy
for me through three viewings. The type of Blockbuster film making I love.