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You can't win an argument just by being right!
Oh tv. I'm a fairly recent convert to television. I think I got hooked around the time Prison break and Lost were kicking off. Since then I've been hooked on a few shows. Someone on another board told me to check out Breaking Bad and Sons of Anarchy when I got bored with the first two. I simply asked 'Are they violent'. He laughed and said 'Ohhh Dani, you have no idea.

BOOM. I've been hooked on some shows ever since.

A system of cells interlinked
The Leftovers

The Expanse

The Man in the High Castle

All top-notch shows. The Leftovers finishes up for good this April - June, I believe. Hell of a show, even if it's mostly a big ol' downer. The Expanse continues to be great, even though i am waaaaaay out ahead as far as the books vs the show are concerned. Just finished up season one of The Man in the High Castle, and will start season 2 sometime this week.
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

You can't win an argument just by being right!
I keep meaning to see Man in the High Castle. I'm madly inlove with the work of the DoP.

I can't watch the regular episodes of QI anymore after i discovered XL. I stopped watching when Stephen left anyway.
Unless you just can't stand Sandy, I'd recommend giving them a go. I've been slightly surprised at just how little the feel has changed for me.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

Couldn't get into the first episode when I started watching it a year or so ago, decided to push through some episodes a few days ago and finished the first series last night. I want more! loved it.

Tatiana Maslany is a fab actress in this but her English accent for Sarah is a bit rubbish, veering off into Australian sometimes, rather amusing. I just love it when I hear Americans and Canadians trying to say shite, bloody, twat and so on, wonderful.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
Any one check out the first episode of Legion, yet?
A bit all over the place but I'm intrigued to see where it leads. . .
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

Let the night air cool you off
I watched most of the first episode. You are right about it hopping around a lot, but I found myself enjoying it a lot by the end. That ending scene was shot really well. I think the mindf*cky stuff might end up being fun. When the second episode airs, I think I'll watch both of them back-to-back to get a more substantial feel for it.

Unless you just can't stand Sandy, I'd recommend giving them a go. I've been slightly surprised at just how little the feel has changed for me.
Don't dislike Sandy, she makes me cringe sometimes but she can also be funny and interesting. Other than David Mitchell she was probably the logical choice. I'm sure they are fine but i just can't see myself watching without Stephen, he was the most important part for me.

Not weird at all, it's entertainment. My top 5 shows right now are:

Game of Thrones
The Walking Dead

I'm currently watching Black Sails, Quantico, Frequency and catching up on Gotham.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
I loved Westworld, Prime. 5 out of 5 for me for all round entertainment value.

This took me a good while, but I finally got around to watching Falling Water and I'm highly impressed with it so far. I googled it to see if there's going to be a second season and I'm reading that it was cancelled. Yet another article saying Amazon is possibly bringing it back. Why is every show I like taken from me?

Edit: I read that all wrong. The Amazon bit is about an exclusive streaming deal. Still pending on the cancellation.

Another show I wanted to mention is Superior Donuts. The synopsis caught my interest and apparently it's based on a play. Seems to have some mixed reviews, though. I'm currently waiting for all the episodes to air before I watch it, so we'll see. From the stills alone, I already like the old school vibe of it.

Any one check out the first episode of Legion, yet?
A bit all over the place but I'm intrigued to see where it leads. . .
Yes! It is great and Noah Hawley can do no wrong. A bit all over the place fits in perfectly with the character's mind state.

Oh yea. The YED is the cherry on top. I think they ripped off John Leguizamo's character from Spawn, but still great.

Speaking of Spawn. Kevin Smith is in the works to develop a Spawn tv show for BBC America.

No Thanks. I really like Kevin Smith. Comic Book Men gets watched before Walking Dead. That said, he did Clerks. Everything else has been forgettable. Throw in Spawn being censored, and you get ugh.

It's not so much a Spawn show as it is a spin-off based on the Sam & Twitch comics. Personally, I'm interested to see what he does with it.

Legend in my own mind
Started watching 'Shooter' tonight.

Enjoyed the film so I thought I would give it a go.

All a bit cliched and superficial, but overall it's a decent bit of easy watching.
"I don't want to be a product of my environment, I want my environment to be a product of me" (Frank Costello)