Ghostbusters: Afterlife


On a similar note (of death)...

If Bill Murray had died in the 80s, or Aykroyd, or Hudson... people would remember them to this day. Like Belushi is remembered.
Harold Ramis died recently, and people mourned. I'm still gutted tbh.

If any of this new cast died, or even Paul Feig/Fieg/Feeg/whatever... would anyone actually give a sh*t?

I'm not old, you're just 12.
I'm 100% serious about my feelings regarding this movie, and it's not sexism.

Excuse me, but something's very wrong if you can't even voice your dislike of a movie changing its four male lead characters to four women without being called a sexist.

I don't like the fact that the four male Ghostbusters are now four female Ghostbusters. DEAL WITH IT. You think there aren't women who don't like this change as well? 'Cause there are. Women don't wanna see female Ghostbusters. Women go to sporting events and such to look at the hot male athletes -- they don't wanna see female athletes. Excuse me, but it's not a sexist thing to NOT wanna see women take over EVERYTHING.

Some people are confident enough to believe that women can make their own places in this world without having to take over Ghostbusters to make a statement. And that's really what it is -- a statement. And they can make it, but that doesn't mean we all have to like it.
Okay, okay, jeez, don't get all giant sized colorful lettering on me...

You don't have to like it. And you have had a well known proclivity for trolling people in the past, and it's actually hilarious and what people expect from you sometimes, so you can see why I would think that. I never said you couldn't voice your dislike of the idea, but there's a point where it becomes...a bit much. Like when you seem unreasonably angry about something that nobody is actually making you watch if you don't want to, like it's very existence is like a slap in your face...

I just object to the assertion that this is pushing an agenda or making a statement rather than someone had an idea of taking four really funny female comics and making a Ghostbusters spin-off with the full blessing of the creators of the original. Women are hardly taking over everything just because there are female Ghostbusters or there's a female character in the new Mad Max flick. It just seems like an overreaction.

Maybe the new film will be good, or maybe it will suck, but it won't be because of the gender of the actors either way, I figure.
"You, me, everyone...we are all made of star stuff." - Neil Degrasse Tyson

On a similar note (of death)...

If Bill Murray had died in the 80s, or Aykroyd, or Hudson... people would remember them to this day. Like Belushi is remembered.
Harold Ramis died recently, and people mourned. I'm still gutted tbh.

If any of this new cast died, or even Paul Feig/Fieg/Feeg/whatever... would anyone actually give a sh*t?
I really don't think much of John Belushi. But I think... talent and whoever was the favorite is gonna matter.

After Bill Murray dies, he's gonna be more remembered and beloved than John Belushi. Harold Ramis... was never as popular as Bill Murray or even John Belushi. Ernie Hudson will be worse off -- he'll just be remembered as "that black Ghostbuster."

Dan Aykroyd will be remembered strongly, but not like Bill Murray will be.

It all depends on how famous they were in life.

I'm 100% serious about my feelings regarding this movie, and it's not sexism.

Excuse me, but something's very wrong if you can't even voice your dislike of a movie changing its four male lead characters to four women without being called a sexist.
My objections can't possible be sexist because I'm a hermaphrodite.

Paul Fieg/Feig/whatever recently said in an interview, that fans of the original film are Misogynistic.

It's not misogyny to say: Remaking a classic movie especially when there's material for a 3rd film, and remaking it in that way is a fricking stupid idea.

Doesn't sound misogynistic to me. Just sounds like the truth.

Like I said before, he should have gone the whole hog... instead of just sex-lifting the entire cast, he should have race-lifted as well...

3 Mexican women and a Japanese woman.

Instead, we get 2 fat burds who aren't funny and a skinny blonde I've never heard of.

And Kristin Wigg/Wiig/Wwig/Wwiigg/Whhaatteevveerr who has done, like, what in her career? Acted in Paul (the worst Pegg/Frost movie ever made) and, erm, I don't know what else. Genuinely.

Okay, okay, jeez, don't get all giant sized colorful lettering on me...

You don't have to like it. And you have had a well known proclivity for trolling people in the past, and it's actually hilarious and what people expect from you sometimes, so you can see why I would think that. I never said you couldn't voice your dislike of the idea, but there's a point where it becomes...a bit much. Like when you seem unreasonably angry about something that nobody is actually making you watch if you don't want to, like it's very existence is like a slap in your face...
I don't mean to be all angry with you. It's not just you. I'm yelling at other people here who I know are thinking I'm sexist. People have come in here seeing what I said and they walk away acting like -- how could he say that?! This is disgusting! Like Frightened Inmate No. 2.

Originally Posted by Monkeypunch
I just object to the assertion that this is pushing an agenda or making a statement rather than someone had an idea of taking four really funny female comics and making a Ghostbusters spin-off with the full blessing of the creators of the original. Women are hardly taking over everything just because there are female Ghostbusters or there's a female character in the new Mad Max flick. It just seems like an overreaction.
They are taking over a bit too much, if you ask me, and that new Mad Max movie is just another example.

I do feel it's mostly a statement. I do think there's something very feminist about it. The fact that people are being treated badly for objecting to this is another reason why I think it's a statement and is feminist.

I think, from things I've read and seen, that we are living in a period right now where everyone's trying to give everything to women and exclude men. This, to me, is another example of that. The men are being forgotten about and the excuse is - "Women never had this, so now we MUST give it to them!" Everything's gone female at the moment. It's why we're so close to getting our first female president and why there's soon gonna be a woman on the $10 bill. Women are the face of our culture at the moment, just like transgendered people. Both are everywhere. Both are the popular thing right now.

They're making an all female Ghostbusters because it's trendy. Well, I'm not for it. Partly it bothers me because of the trend. If it wasn't everywhere now, I might be more interested. But I also just hate the dismissal of the male characters. People have been wanting a Ghostbusters 3 for DECADES and I think that to suddenly make a new one with all women is a slap in the face. I think it's absurd. People were clamoring for the men to return. To suddenly go forward with this movie and to make it all women... they're doing this because it's trendy. It's motivated by the trend that women must be represented EVERYWHERE. Tragic woman hasn't had everything, so now she must have it all. Well, I disagree with this. Ghostbusters is a guy thing. People have been wanting to see the guys return. This all female Ghostbusters is just ridiculous.

Originally Posted by Monkeypunch
Maybe the new film will be good, or maybe it will suck, but it won't be because of the gender of the actors either way, I figure.
I don't see it that way. Actors can absolutely make or break a movie. We are not watching robots -- we are watching human beings -- and men and women are two different things. Women can absolutely ruin this movie.

As I've said before -- let's put men in women's stuff and see how it goes. It probably wouldn't go too well. And I bet a lot of women would object to seeing men take over THEIR movie franchises. Let's do a Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants movie with men. Let's see how well that goes over.

Belushi is more of a tragedy because he basically did himself in. Bill Murray and Dan Akroyd were very good but the whole saturday night live back then team were all jewels in a funny crown.

I'm not old, you're just 12.
Let's do a Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants movie with men. Let's see how well that goes over.
I think that would be incredibly funny, actually. It would be like that weird SNL skit where they made the Jay-Z story with white actors playing Jay-Z and Kanye West and then a black Eminem. That killed me.

I think what people keep forgetting is that there really wasn't going to be a Ghostbusters 3 with the original cast even when Harold Ramis was alive. Bill Murray refused to look at the script (which he thought was terrible and depressing from Dan Aykroyd's synopsis of the Ghostbusters get old and can't do their jobs anymore), and the studio didn't want it unless he was involved. Then he tried to insist that he would only appear if he could be a ghost, so they wrote that and he never even read the script. So it was a lost cause.

Yeah, maybe they could have gone with a more integrated cast, have a female ghostbuster or two but still keep some guys, and that probably wouldn't have created the insane hatred that this one has, but I guess kudos to Paul Feig for following his muse even though it made a bunch of people pee themselves in anger. For what it's worth, I thought that maybe John Cusack could have been one of the new Ghostbusters. He's proven he can do comedy, and he would have a sort of world weary Bill Murray-ish sarcasm going for him.

I do like Kristen Wiig, she was hilarious on SNL and she's good in Paul and The Secret Life of Walter Mitty. Kate McKinnon is also great, she is crushing it every week on SNL, she's one of the few reasons to watch the show currently. I think that Melissa McCarthy can be funny if she keeps the Chris Farley-ish slapstick comedy to a minimum, since that is not what Ghostbusters should be like. I have no idea what Leslie Jones will be like. Her whole shtick on SNL is she is an alarming looking angry black lady. She is funny, but in small doses.

Y'know... I think this movie would be easier to stomach if:
A) It had a different name
B) Was a straight-to-DVD movie made by the Asylum

I think what people keep forgetting is that there really wasn't going to be a Ghostbusters 3 with the original cast even when Harold Ramis was alive. Bill Murray refused to look at the script (which he thought was terrible and depressing from Dan Aykroyd's synopsis of the Ghostbusters get old and can't do their jobs anymore)
That was a terrible idea. Yes. Dan Aykroyd absolutely got carried away with crazy ideas -- but -- I love the dedication and love that Aykroyd had to create another movie. Ghostbusters 2 was not a bad movie, as far as I'm concerned, and frankly I think Bill Murray's refusal to do a third movie was childish and stupid. Aykroyd was right -- a third movie was a good idea and if there were to be new Ghostbusters, so be it. But the all female Ghostbusters idea is just something else entirely, I feel. I don't believe it's gonna help the franchise. It's going to make people realize that Ghostbusters 2 actually wasn't that bad. Just you watch. Sure, there's gonna be the trendy folk going around saying, "THIS FEMALE GHOSTBUSTERS MOVIE IS BETTER THAN 2! IT'S EVEN BETTER THAN THE ORIGINAL MOVIE!" You just watch. There's gonna be people saying it's better than the original movie. I actually don't doubt that the movie will be successful. I think it will make money and get crazy ass good reviews, but I think it will ultimately be seen as a travesty in the long run.

Originally Posted by Monkeypunch
Then he tried to insist that he would only appear if he could be a ghost, so they wrote that and he never even read the script. So it was a lost cause.
Bill Murray was a jerk. Bill Murray is very overrated.

Originally Posted by Monkeypunch
Yeah, maybe they could have gone with a more integrated cast, have a female ghostbuster or two but still keep some guys, and that probably wouldn't have created the insane hatred that this one has, but I guess kudos to Paul Feig for following his muse even though it made a bunch of people pee themselves in anger.
Getting an angry reaction is what these types of people want. They want to see angry reactions from those deemed "sexist" or very religious or whatever. It's like with the new Mad Max movie -- they ate up the fact that it upset the Men's Movement.

Originally Posted by Monkeypunch
For what it's worth, I thought that maybe John Cusack could have been one of the new Ghostbusters. He's proven he can do comedy, and he would have a sort of world weary Bill Murray-ish sarcasm going for him.
I like John Cusack, too, but they didn't go for that because John Cusack being a Ghostbuster is not hip. It would have been hip in the 1990's to see John Cusack be a Ghostbuster, but not now. He's old and he's old news.

Originally Posted by Monkeypunch
I do like Kristen Wiig, she was hilarious on SNL and she's good in Paul and The Secret Life of Walter Mitty. Kate McKinnon is also great, she is crushing it every week on SNL, she's one of the few reasons to watch the show currently. I think that Melissa McCarthy can be funny if she keeps the Chris Farley-ish slapstick comedy to a minimum, since that is not what Ghostbusters should be like. I have no idea what Leslie Jones will be like. Her whole shtick on SNL is she is an alarming looking angry black lady. She is funny, but in small doses.
I really don't know these women all too well myself. I've actually never even seen a Melissa McCarthy movie yet. I should watch one just to get educated on what she's really like. I know the name, I know the face, but I actually don't know HER. Which I'm sure people will say is stupid of me -- to disapprove of an actor I haven't been exposed to -- but it's not about her. It's the fact that it's all women.

I'm not old, you're just 12.
That was a terrible idea. Yes. Dan Aykroyd absolutely got carried away with crazy ideas -- but -- I love the dedication and love that Aykroyd had to create another movie. Ghostbusters 2 was not a bad movie, as far as I'm concerned, and frankly I think Bill Murray's refusal to do a third movie was childish and stupid. Aykroyd was right -- a third movie was a good idea and if there were to be new Ghostbusters, so be it. But the all female Ghostbusters idea is just something else entirely, I feel. I don't believe it's gonna help the franchise. It's going to make people realize that Ghostbusters 2 actually wasn't that bad. Just you watch. Sure, there's gonna be the trendy folk going around saying, "THIS FEMALE GHOSTBUSTERS MOVIE IS BETTER THAN 2! IT'S EVEN BETTER THAN THE ORIGINAL MOVIE!" You just watch. There's gonna be people saying it's better than the original movie. I actually don't doubt that the movie will be successful. I think it will make money and get crazy ass good reviews, but I think it will ultimately be seen as a travesty in the long run.

Bill Murray was a jerk. Bill Murray is very overrated.

Getting an angry reaction is what these types of people want. They want to see angry reactions from those deemed "sexist" or very religious or whatever. It's like with the new Mad Max movie -- they ate up the fact that it upset the Men's Movement.

I like John Cusack, too, but they didn't go for that because John Cusack being a Ghostbuster is not hip. It would have been hip in the 1990's to see John Cusack be a Ghostbuster, but not now. He's old and he's old news.

I really don't know these women all too well myself. I've actually never even seen a Melissa McCarthy movie yet. I should watch one just to get educated on what she's really like. I know the name, I know the face, but I actually don't know HER. Which I'm sure people will say is stupid of me -- to disapprove of an actor I haven't been exposed to -- but it's not about her. It's the fact that it's all women.
I don't think Bill Murray is a jerk, or overrated. I do think that he does know his limitations at his age, and he isn't wrong in demanding that things he makes be of high quality. Everything I read about the making of Ghostbusters 2 pointed to that being a really bad experience for everyone involved (studio interference, an unfinished script when the filming began), and that's why it was so hard to get a third made, even though 2 WAS a fun film and did make a good deal of money. I doubt anyone will think the new film is better than the original. I personally hope for at least a Dan Aykroyd cameo, maybe Ernie Hudson.

I don't think that the makers of this are courting angry reactions anymore than George Miller was when he made Mad Max: Fury Road. The idea that it pissed off the frankly ridiculous "Men's Rights Movement" was never talked about in any of the promotional material for the film, and somehow I don't imagine that the 70 year old Miller was trying to be "hip."

As for McCarthy, I liked one of her movies so far. It was The Heat, also directed by Paul Feig. It was funny and full of action, so I can see why he was chosen for the director's role. Feig really likes working with female comedians, so that's why he decided to go this route, I'd imagine, not to make a statement. I feel like if this really was trying to make a feminist statement, we'd be looking at Tina Fey being involved somewhere, and probably Amy Poehler. They are both funny, but they definitely are the flag bearers of the "Women in Comedy" banner.

I doubt anyone will think the new film is better than the original.
Oh, there will be people..............

"Ghostbusters with men was TOTALLY boring. Ghostbusters with women TOTALLY works!!"

Originally Posted by Monkeypunch
I personally hope for at least a Dan Aykroyd cameo, maybe Ernie Hudson.
My idea: They, along with Bill Murray, show up and they're in drag. They play women characters in cameos. It'll be the best scene. It'll also be sad at the same time.

Originally Posted by Monkeypunch
The idea that it pissed off the frankly ridiculous "Men's Rights Movement"
Personally, I don't think the idea of a Men's Rights Movement is ridiculous.

I'm not old, you're just 12.
Personally, I don't think the idea of a Men's Rights Movement is ridiculous.
In theory it's not. There are things that can and should be addressed, like Men rarely getting custody of their children in divorce cases, but instead they spend their time whining about how "feminists" are taking over their manly, manly world. Complaining that it oppresses you when others want fair treatment is stupid.

Im gonna see it if the trailer is good. There could be worse female actors in this. My only concern is McCarthy i would have went with the girl form Pitch Perfect movies. I mean the slightly larger one since wasnt she in a Wiig movie.

In theory it's not. There are things that can and should be addressed, like Men rarely getting custody of their children in divorce cases, but instead they spend their time whining about how "feminists" are taking over their manly, manly world. Complaining that it oppresses you when others want fair treatment is stupid.
There's reasons to believe a lot of feminists are wrong about how they see the world. I don't follow the Men's Rights Movement, so I don't know what it all entails, but the idea of men having their own group and their own say about things doesn't bother me. I'm a man. I don't want my own gender oppressed. I actually do think women have a lot more power and say in this world than certain feminists claim they do. I'm not saying they're oppressing men, but I don't believe that women as a group are collectively a bunch of victims who've all been oppressed by men.